chapter eighteen

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Everything was moving so fast. One moment Circe was bored out of her mind, and the next, her heart was swelling with pride.

"Look at her," Circe whispered, watching as her daughter was helped off the carriage by Prince Ben himself. She was so proud of Adonia and how far she had come.

"She looks like some kind of..." Maleficent's rude words were cut short by the Evil Queen, gushing about how Adonia looked just like a princess, and how she hoped Evie was the same way.

Back on Auradon, Adonia was being probed by staring eyes and Snow White telling the world that Evie designed her gown. To which, made the Evil Queen freak out about the fact that her daughter was just talked about on television!

Though when Maleficent made a rude comment about Evie, Circe finally stood up. She was angry— Maleficent wasn't even that evil, "You're just mad because Mal isn't the center of attention."

"That's not," Maleficent stuttered over her words. She knew Circe was stronger than her, so she skipped a little away from the blonde woman, "we're just this close to the wand, Circe, it's happening!"

In the midst of Maleficent ranting about the wand, everyone failed to notice Mal walking with her hand clutched in Evan's, smiling and waving as she was brought inside. Carlos and Kyra not far behind them, the four of them looking absolutely stunning in their suits and dresses.

Adonia kept close to Ben, walking up to the current King and Queen, and she curtseyed politely, "I just wanted to apologize for what happened the other day."

"I told Ben this wasn't going to be easy." King Adam smiled, cutting Adonia's apology short. The blonde girl tugged at her curls, feeling extremely small next to Ben's parents.

Though a smile crossed her face as Ben grabbed her hand, squeezing gently, as if silently telling her it was okay. He smiled down at her, before looking back toward his father, "You also taught me that a king has to believe in himself, even when it isn't easy."

"I did? I..." King Adam looked like even he was surprised at how wise he sounded, and Belle smacked his arm as a smug smile crossed his face, and he rubbed the back of his neck, "how very wise of me."

Belle stepped forward, holding Ben's hands, a loving smile crossing her features, "Ben, we are very proud of you; you keep listening to your heart."

"Thanks, mom."

With a final pat, King Adam told his son how proud he was, that Ben would make a fine king, before Belle and Adam left. Adonia looked over at Ben, to see that he was already looking down at her.

"You've got this, okay?" Adonia whispered, and Ben leaned down. A teasing grin passing over his lips, though it quickly turned to shock as Adonia leaned up, kissing Ben's cheek. Before Ben could even think of replying, Adonia was already being ushered to her seat.

With one final glance, she sent Ben a sly wink, smiling as the to-be King flushed a deep red, "Good luck, Ben!"


Ben looked nervous, but he kept his hands clenched as he walked down the aisle of the church. He tried to keep his eyes straight, but they kept drifting toward Adonia. A shy grin rested on his face, trying to stare at his parents. Belle held back tears, while Adam wiped at his eyes, both extremely proud of their son.

The people of Auradon bowed as the to-be King passed by, but Adonia was the only one to lock eyes with him. Ben returned the sly wink, and Adonia blushed. Though her heart clenched. The wand was positioned right in front of her.

She turned her head, looking up toward the balcony where her friends stood. Evan was on one end, positioned next to Mal. Next to Mal was Evie, and then Jay. Carlos was on Jay's other side, and next to him was Kyra. Her friends shot her weary looks, did they really have to do this?

Her heartbeat quickened when Adam lifted the glass off the wand, with Belle delicately handing it to the Fairy Godmother. Adonia didn't want to do this anymore. She shot one more stare up toward her friends, nerves biting at her insides as the Fairy Godmother spoke, "Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?"

"I do solemnly swear."

"Then it is my honor," Fairy Godmother spoke, smiling down at Ben as she placed her wand on his shoulder, only to do the same to his other shoulder, "and my joy to bless our new king."

As Fairy Godmother held the wand up, gasps filled the air as someone grabbed the wand. The only issue was, it wasn't Adonia who grabbed the wand. A beam of light whirred through the air, and Adonia felt anxious. She knew exactly what that beam had done.

Jane tried her hardest to keep the wand under control, but nothing was working. Her mother yelled, asking why she was doing this, and Adonia felt guilt when Jane said she only wanted to be pretty.

Ben ran to stand in front of Adonia, but now was not the time to be protected. No, she needed to protect them. She ducked under Ben's arm, grabbing the wand out of Jane's hand.

"Careful, Adonia!" Belle yelled, staying placed behind Adam's protective arm. Ben watched in horror as Adonia finally got the wand from Jane's hand, holding it up. Power surged through her, and her eyes were encased in a purple glow.

Her friends ran down from the balcony, coming up from behind as Adonia looked around her. Purple mist swirled around her hands, slowly creeping up to her elbows. Fear-filled eyes stared at her, but she didn't feel right.

"Doni," Ben whispered, holding his arm out, "give me the wand."


{i do not own disney descendants, but i do own adonia, so please do not steal her, thank you!}

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