chapter fifteen

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Remedial Goodness 101 was actually a class Adonia was beginning to enjoy. She liked listening to Fairy Godmother's stories, and she felt free, though she felt awful for leaving her mother back on the island.

When Fairy Godmother informed the descendants that Auradon Prep hosted a family weekend, the only one to look sad when the fairy added that their parents weren't attending was the blonde. Instead, a video-chat had been set up. And all that was happening was Maleficent struggling to understand how to work a video-chat.

Adonia smiled sadly, realizing her mother was seated behind the villains, her fingers tracing the petals of her darn rose. And her heart clenched at the sound of her mother's airy voice, "You need to accept the call, Maleficent."

"Oh, oh, yes," Mal's mother mumbled as she clicked something, and Circe must have been correct because the Evil Queen excitedly yelled for Evie.

"Ooh! Who's the old bat?" Cruella motioned to Fairy Godmother, and Adonia grimaced as Mal informed the parents who exactly the woman was. Maleficent didn't play too nice, throwing a jab at Fairy Godmother's magic, and making fun of the time she had helped Cinderella become who she was meant to be.

Circe didn't seem to be having any of it, as she told Maleficent to knock it off and leave the woman alone, "She has done nothing to harm you, so just shut your trap."

Fairy Godmother walked away, mumbling something about mice, and Adonia stepped forward as Circe pushed her way forward, "Hi, Mom!"

"Oh Adonia," Circe had tears welling in her eyes at the sight of her daughter, "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, Mom." Adonia had been dealt the right card in the mother department (though her father? uh, not so much). She could feel the envious stares of her friends, though they quickly melted when Circe greeted them.

"I miss you all too, are you behaving well?"

"Yes ma'am," Carlos smiled at Adonia's mother, and he motioned to Dude, who was in his arms, "I even made a friend!"

Maleficent didn't like the mushy words Circe was spewing, but she tried to mimic the Enchantress, "Mal, how long m-must mommy wait to see you?"

Mal took the time to explain the coronation that was to happen this Friday, but Maleficent wanted the wand now and having to wait made her impatient. Circe leaned forward, and Adonia leaned closer as if that would help.

"I don't want to be evil, Doni, I don't want you to be evil either," her words were caught by her friends, but their parents paid no attention, "I need that wand to prove that I am innocent, but only you can help me."

"I will, Mom, I'll get it for you."

"I love you, Doni." Adonia wanted to sob. She loved her mother, and hearing her mother say it back brought joy to her heart. She mumbled it back. Though there was bigger problems to deal with as Cruella finally took notice of the dog that was clutched in Carlos' hands.

Adonia just heard Cruella say, "It would make the perfect size for ear muffs."

"He's the perfect size for a pet," Carlos corrected, and he swallowed thickly. Though he just barely noticed Circe give him an encouraging thumbs up from behind his mother. His lips twitched upwards, and he continued, "This dog loves me, and I love him—and fyi, your dog is stuffed!"

Carlos calling out his mother stirred in argument in their parents, though Circe stayed out of it, tending to her rose. Moments like the made her wish she had her powers, because she'd use them to grow all the flowers in the world if she could.

Jay jumped forward, clicked the screen off before the fighting became too much and Fairy Godmother quickly apologized, to which Jay replied with a sassy 'thank you'. The kids walked out of the room, leaving the fairy behind as they voiced their thoughts.

"Did you mean what you said?" Mal looked over at Adonia, and the blonde shrugged.

"I just want my mom to be happy."

"Do you really think she is good?" Jay questioned, staring down his friend. He wasn't angry. In fact, all of the children liked Circe. It was her who hugged them when they cried. It was her who would clean up their scrapes and cuts and kiss it better. Adonia's mom was like a mother to all of them.

"I think living on that island messed with her head," Carlos tried to reason, answering for a grateful Adonia, "but I think her heart is in the right place."

"Do you really think we're evil?" Mal asked, picking at her fingernails. She thought back to the cute kid who helped her, who made her feel safe and like she could fit in here. Though that was a story for a different time.

"Are we still going to get that wand?" Evie's words seemed to snap Mal out of her trance and she nodded thrice.

"Yeah, yeah— we're evil, we are so evil," Mal seemed to be trying to convince herself as she pictured her mother standing before her, "We have to pull this off."

"Because if we don't?" Adonia mumbled, her eyes watering ever so slightly. She was extremely overwhelmed with this whole situation.

"Our parents will be disappointed," Mal pointed out, and the VK kids nodded in understanding as the purple haired girl continued on, "and we will definitely be goners if we mess this up."


{i do not own disney descendants, but i do own adonia, so please do not steal her, thank you!}

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