chapter seven

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        "Mom said, 'If a boy can't see the beauty within, then he's not worth it'," Jane complained, sitting beside Adonia on Adonia's bed, and she laid back in defeat, Adonia raising a brow at Jane's antics, "Can you believe it? What world does she live in?"

        "Auradon," Mal spit back sarcastically, as she flipped through her spell book. Adonia did the same, using her mom's old notes and her new notes to try and create brand new spells. She stopped at a potion her mom created many years ago; a love potion.

        "Doni, Mal," Evie spoke up, holding up her latest creation, a dazzling smile on her face, "do you like it?"

        "Like it? I love it." The sarcasm that left Adonia's lips went over Evie's head and she squealed in excitement when Mal agreed as well. She set her creation down, turning around as Jane huffed in defeat.

        "I'll never get a boyfriend." Adonia rolled her eyes at Jane again, flipping a few more pages through her book, mindlessly reading through it.

        "Boyfriends are overrated." Mal voiced, and Adonia voiced her agreement, making Evie roll her eyes at her two best friends.

        "How would you two 'love experts' know?" Evie huffed, making Adonia childishly stick her tongue out at the blue haired girl, "Neither of you have had boyfriends."

        "Because I don't need one!" Mal said defensively, and Adonia nodded in agreement, tucking a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear.

        "They're a waste of time." Adonia piped up, making Jane groan again, and Evie suddenly stood from her chair. Her eyes widened as if she remembered something and she ran to the random bookbag she had brought back to the dorm.

        "I forgot to do Chad's homework!" Evie yelled, taking the bookbag back to her seat, spilling its contents onto the table, "Oh, no! Oh, no, no, no."

        "My point proven exactly." Adonia looked at Jane, as she motioned to Evie with her head. Jane smiled a very small smile at the blonde, a smile that Adonia returned.

        "Hey, guys! I'm Lonnie," a new girl piped up, and Adonia's head whipped to see who had talked, her heart racing as Lonnie had, in fact, scared Adonis just a little, "My mom's Mulan?"

        Adonia looked back down at her book, paying zero attention to Lonnie as she moved to the middle of her dorm.

        "No?" Lonnie got blank stares from the villain kids, and she played with her hands awkwardly, "Anyways, I love what you've done with Jane's hair, and I know you hate us, and, well, you're evil, but do you think you could do mine?"

        Adonia sent an icy glare Mal's way, she didn't know that if she did Jane's hair that she would have to do anyone else's hair. Mal looked up at Lonnie with an eyebrow raised, "And why should we do that?"

        "I'll pay you 50 dollars." Lonnie offered, holding up a small pouch, which Evie was quick to grab, claiming she needed new material, and then she began brainstorming how to fix Lonnie's hair, to which Lonnie shot down, claiming she wanted 'сооl' hair like Adonia.

        "Even the split ends?" Adonia raised a brow at Evie's words, and Evie simply smiled, tilting her head to the left innocently.

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