chapter twenty

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It was a battle between Circe and Maleficent. Purple and green curses flying this way and that. Adonia grasped Evie and Carlos' hand, but in the chaos of it all, she had lost Jay and Mal.

"What do you think is going to happen?" Carlos yelled over the sound of something smashing. A purple burst smashed into the pillar right were Adonia was running and she fell to the ground, dragging Evie and Carlos with her.

From across the way, she spotted Mal and Jay hiding similarly to how she was. She waved, Mal waved back, and Adonia looked over at a shaken up Carlos, "Let's just hope my mom comes out on top."

"I'm tired of this game, Circe!" Maleficent yelled, hoping to gain the children's attention, "You want a fight? I'll show you a fight!"

Green surrounded Maleficent, and what was once a woman was now a large dragon, with Jay being her target.

"Run, Jay, run!" Mal yelled to her friend, and he tried all he could to dodge, but the church was a small place and there were only so many places to hide. As Jay ran by Adonia, she reached out, gripping his arm and pulling him toward her.

He was shaking, and she pulled him into a tight hug, her hand resting on his head, the other on his back, "Hey, hey, you're okay."

But they weren't. Maleficent sent a fireball their way, and now it was the two of them on the run. Evie tried all she could, blinding the dragon with her mirror.

"Get out of here!" Circe yelled, conjuring up balls of purple, smashing it into the side of the dragon, making the dragon yell out in pain.

"I'm not leaving you!" Adonia cried, standing in the middle of the aisle. Mal stood next to her, and slowly the purple haired girl reached for Adonia's hand.

"This is between us, Mother," Mal growled out, her eyes flashing green as she stared the dragon down.

"Don't touch my friends." Adonia felt power surge through her again, her eyes purple— just like her Mom's. Circe's heart swelled with pride, but she was too preoccupied to realize that Maleficent's tail swished, knocking her out of the air and into the pillar right beside King Adam, Adonia screamed out, "No!"

Circe slumped over, clutching the back of her head, but when Adonia tried to run to her, Maleficent stood between them, nostrils flared with smoke.

"You'll pay for this!" Adonia screamed, her scream deafening to the point where Mal and the rest had to cover their ears. Maleficent fell to the ground, and much like a dog would, was scratching at her ears to try and soothe herself from the noise.

Purple mist swirled around her fingers, and Adonia directed them toward Maleficent, the mist swirling around the dragon, "The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before six hearts as one."

Mal stood, placing her hand on Adonia's shoulder as she stared down her mother, and much like Maleficent's, Mal's eyes were green, staring each other down, "The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before six hearts as one."

Circe slowly stood up, and mimicked her daughter, holding her arms out in fromt of her as purple mist surrounded her palms, wrapping around the beast before her, and in sync, Circe, Adonia, and Mal yelled together, "The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before six hearts as one!"

"Oh!" Fairy Godmother unfroze, and Maleficent no longer was a dragon, but rather a tiny lizard. Circe slumped again, falling to her knees as pain filled her bones. Adonia paid no mind, running to her mom.

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