chapter nineteen

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       "It's okay." The two words sent a shock through Adonia's body. Finally coming to her senses, the purple mist dispersed, her eyes changing back to a normal color.

       "Ben, please just stand back." Adonia felt her throat closing up. The wand burned in her palm, and she could feel her friends' presence. Audrey made a comment, only to whimper when Adonia sent her a glare.

       Her friends tried to pull her away, but she stood still, staring at Ben. He didn't look scared, or disappointed. If anything, he was terrified for her well-being. A tear fell down her cheek as Ben called out to her, "You really want to do this?"

        "We have no choice," Mal yelled, though she wasn't looking at Ben. She was staring at Evan. She swallowed thickly, looking down as she whispered, "Our parents..."

       "Your parents made their choice." Evan stepped toward Mal, his eyes glancing over at the wand that was clutched in Adonia's hand, "Now you make yours."

       "I want to be good." Adonia cried out, tears falling from her eyes, "I want to be good."

       "You are good," Kyra stepped forward, looking at Carlos, before she looked over at the rest of the VK's, "you all are."

        "How do you know that?" Mal was never one to get emotional, but Adonia knew— Evan was special, Auradon was special, because a few tears leaked from Mal's eyes.

       "Because I'm listening to my heart." Evan whispered, finally standing in front of Mal. So close he could touch her. Mal grabbed his hand.

       "I want to listen to my heart, too."

       "Me too," Adonia whimpered, looking only at Ben. He taught her how to love, how to be good. He was the reason that made her realize she was not her mom, and her friends were not their parents either, "and my heart is telling me that we are not our parents."

        Adonia looked around at her friends, nodding toward Mal, "Being mean doesn't make you happy, eating strawberries and being with Evan makes you happy."

        Mal smiled, clutching Evan's hand tighter as she leaned into her prince. Adonia looked over at Jay, "I mean, stealing things doesn't make you happy, tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy."

        Jay whooped, though he quieted down. He nodded in thanks to his blonde friend, looking over his shoulder toward his teammates with a grin.

          Carlos looked over at Kyra, though he turned to acknowledge his best friend as the blonde tried to wipe away her tears, "And you, being with Kyra and scratching Dude's belly makes you happy, who would've thought?"

        Kyra smiled in gratitude, as Carlos chuckled. Though his face went bright red when Kyra leaned up, kissing him on his cheek. Adonia finally turned toward the first girl she had ever befriended. The girl who was practically her sister.

        "And Evie," She started, smiling through her tears, "you do not have to play dumb to get a guy, you are so smart."

        Adonia looked around at all the faces before her. Some were filled with relief, some still held fear, but they didn't matter. Her eyes were only looking at Ben, "And I don't want to take over the world with evil, it doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school. And be with Ben, because Ben makes me really happy."

        Ben sent her a loving grin before the blonde motioned to her friends, "Us being friends makes me really happy, not destroying things; I choose good, you guys."

       Adonia held her fist out, waiting for her friends to join in. Jay was the first to add his fist, "I choose good too."

        "Me too." Mal whispered, letting go of Evan's hand to put her fist in. Evie followed suit, and the four looked over at Carlos expectantly.

        The faux blond looked around warily, before he asked Ben if they were safe from their parents. When he was reassured that he was completely safe, he put his fist in too, "I choose good too then."

        The moment was cut short though, Maleficent and Circe appearing front and center. Though the blonde took a much quieter approach, while Maleficent took it upon herself to make it all about her, "I'm back!"

       "Mom!" Adonia looked over at Circe, the wand still held in her hand. The older blonde woman smiled lovingly, looking at her daughter with pride.

        "You're so beautiful, my rose."

        Mal didn't seem all that pleased though, telling her own mom to go away. Adonia still clutched the wand, but with a flash, it was placed in Fairy Godmother's hand. Before she could finish her spell, Maleficent froze everyone. Excluding the five descendants and Circe.

       "In another time, in another time," Maleficent spoke dreamily, leaning against King Adam, messing up his hair before fixing it.

        Circe crept around the horned woman, coming to stand with the five children, "You guys want to be good, yes?"

       "Yes." Adonia answered immediately, her friends quickly nodding. Maleficent continued to cause mayhem, sticking the wand up Fairy Godmother's nose, paying the six no attention.

       Circe nodded, mumbling that she wanted to be good too, "But you need to follow my lead, stay safe and stick together, you hear?"

       Mal grabbed Evie and Adonia's hand, "Yes ma'am."

       "Hmm, Circe?" Maleficent smirked, holding the wand up, "Where shall we begin?"

         Adonia's eyes wandered to look at Ben's
ring. It was a little big on her, but when she kept her hands clenched, it fit perfectly on her middle finger.

         "Ahh, yes." Maleficent looked at Adonia's finger, seeing the glitter of gold, "Why don't we start by getting rid of those?"

        Adonia yelled, as both her and Evan's ring (which was on Mal's hand) flew threw the air, landing on the wand. Mal's mother finally made her way through, though she placed a hand on Evan's frozen shoulder, "Falling in love is weak and ridiculous; it's not what you want."

       "You don't know what I want!" Mal yelled, fear filling her veins as she looked from her mother to her boyfriend, "Mom, have you ever once asked me what I want? I'm not you!"

       "Tsk tsk," Maleficent tutted, and she turned slowly, "Circe, what do you think?"

       Mal's mother gulped, her eyes widening as she had to physically look up. Circe was incased in purple mist, her once blue eyes now a dangerous purple. One knee was slightly bent as she levitated, her arms held out, "I think you should stop talking."

        Adonia looked over at her friends, only being able to form one word as she looked at her powerful mother, "Run!"


{i do not own disney descendants, but i do own adonia, so please do not steal her, thank you!}

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