chapter two

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"Take this necklace and cherish it, Adonia." Circe clipped the dainty chain, and Adonia reached up to touch the small rose charm. The necklace was gorgeous, and she hugged her mom tightly. Circe was shocked at the sudden touching, but she patted her daughter's shoulder, and the young blonde backed away, her hand going back up to touch the charm again.

She turned on her heel, following after Jay who trudged down toward the extremely fancy car they were to ride in. She looked up at her mother, who stood next to Maleficent, and she looked at Maleficent when she spoke loudly, "The future of the free world rests on your shoulders, don't blow it."

It all happened so fast, Mal was pushing Adonia toward the fancy car, their parents calling out, and Adonia kept her eyes on her mother. Circe looked down, before she caught her daughter's eye again, mouthing out something Adonia hadn't heard in a very long time; I love you.

Adonia was situated between Evie and Mal, and Evie leaned over Adonia to try and apply some blush to Mal's pale complexion, claiming she looked "washed out" only for Mal to push Evie's hand away, telling the blue haired girl that she was plotting.

Evie sent a pout toward Adonia, and the blonde rolled her eyes, before motioning toward her face. Evie squealed in delight, applying the blush in short upward strokes, "Much better!"

"Thanks, I feel prettier already." The sarcasm went over Evie's head completely as she smiled and nodded, turning back to her purse to drop the blush and brush into it. Jay and Carlos were too busy to care about what the three girls were doing, talking about the candy they were munching on, and Adonia looked forward.

Her whole stomach dropped as they neared the water, and she felt her nails dig into the leather seats, "Hey! There isn't a road there!"

"Look!" Evie pointed, everyone looking at where they were going. Mal grabbed a small black remote, as Carlos yelled about this being a trap, and just as Mal pressed the button, a beautiful golden bridge appeared, and Adonia felt her mouth open in awe, as she took in the beautiful sight.

"What just happened?" Carlos let out a breath of relieve, and Evie answered his question, saying it had to be magic, though Mal thought otherwise, and she turned around to ask the driver about the black remote she had.

"No, this one opens the magic barrier," the driver answered sharply, showing the kids the true remote, "that one opens my garage, and this button..."

The driver's voice trailed off as he pressed a button on the roof of the car, and slowly the small window was covered, hiding the driver from view. Mal turned around with a huff, looking over at Adonia as she crossed her arms, "Okay, nasty..."

"Completely unprofessional," Adonia added, and the two smirked at each other as they spoke in sync, "I like that guy."


        The drive to Auradon was short, but still long enough for Jay to swipe some expensive looking items, however, when Carlos tried to grab a red piece of cloth, Jay decided he wanted it too. They didn't even know the car had stopped, and they rolled out of the car, fighting by the feet of the three girls.

        Adonia was too busy watching the two roll on the ground to look at anything else, but when Mal hissed something about there being an audience, her head snapped up. Her eyes locked on the boy in front of her. She'd be lying if she said he wasn't gorgeous. However they were snapped from their littler trance when a lady dressed in blue cleared her throat.

        "Leave it like you found it!" The woman, whom Adonia believed to be Fairy Godmother spoke in a sing-song voice, before her tone went flat, "And by that, I mean just leave it."

        Jay threw everything back into the fancy car, and before Carlos could do the same with the red fabric, Jay ripped it from his grasp and tossed it in along with the other stuff. He brushed it off, going to talk to the girl dressed in pink, a smirk on his face as he introduced himself.

        Fairy Godmother didn't let him get too close as she leaned in front of the girl, smiling widely at the boy, "Welcome to Auradon Prep! I'm Fairy Godmother, Headmistress."

        Adonia caught Mal from the corner of her eye, the purple haired girl smirking ever so slightly as she crossed her arms over her chest, "Fairy Godmother, as in, 'bibbidi-bobbidi-boo'?"

        "Bibbidi-bobbid-you know it!" Adonia scrunched her face up at the woman's words, not liking how she worded it, but she tilted her head as Mal began to tell the perky woman how she wondered what it was like for Cinderella.

        "That was a long time ago." Fairy Godmother waved off, a smile on her face, "And as I always say, 'don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future'."

        Adonia raised a brow, and slowly crossed her arms, jutting out her hip, "Have you ever heard the saying; 'history repeats itself '?"

        Fairy Godmother didn't say anything at the blonde girl's words, however she did get a reaction out of the brunette, as the girl in pink's face scrunched up in confusion, like she had never heard that before.

        "It's so good to finally meet you all," the handsome boy spoke, his eyes looking at all the villain kids, before stopping on Adonia, "I'm Ben-"

        "Prince Benjamin, soon to be king!" The brunette cut in, latching herself on Ben's arm. Adonia scrunched her eyebrows again, looking at the brunette skeptically.

        Evie came forward, a large smile on her face as she told the two about her mother being a queen and all, and how she was technically a princess. The brunette looked at her in disgust, and quickly shot down Evie's words, saying she had no royal status here in Auradon.

        Evie looked devastated and Adonia put a comforting arm around the blue haired girl, Evie leaning into her friend's embrace as Adonia looked at the brunette in anger, "And you are?"

        The brunette hid slightly behind Ben, and Evie's hand tightened around the fabric of Adonia's clothing as her eyes flashed purple. Ben simply smiled, amused by this as he motioned to the girl clinging on him, "This is Audrey."

        "Princess Audrey, his girlfriend," Audrey spoke, leaning on Ben's arm, smiling up at him which he didn't return, until she gripped his arm tighter, "right, Bennyboo?"

        "Ben and Audrey are going to show you all around, and I'll see you tomorrow," the Fairy Godmother explained, clasping her hands together before she spread them out like wings, "the doors of wisdom are never shut, but the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00, and as you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews."

        Ben came closer, going to shake Jay's hand, only for Jay to punch him, and he paused his words, before going down the row of villain kids. He stopped his speech to point at Carlos' face, asking if that was chocolate, before continuing. Finally he stopped at Adonia, and he delicately shook her hand.

        He was smiling, his smile only widening when Adonia smiled back, one laced with sarcasm and wit, and she tilted her head to the right, "So Bennyboo, think you could show us the bathrooms?"

        Prince Ben laughed at Adonia's words, and the blonde felt something stir deep within her, and when she looked over at Mal, the green-eyed girl was giving her a weird look, what just happened?


{i do not own disney descendants, but i do own adonia, so please do not steal her, thank you!}

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