chapter three

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        The air was tense when Audrey said everything that had happened between Mal and her parents was "water under the bridge", but it got even thicker when Audrey, daughter of Sleeping Beauty, turned toward Adonia.

        "And you, your mother cursed King Adam," Adonia looked taken aback at the brunette's words, why in the world above would Audrey bring that up? It was pointless.

        Adonia held her hand up, stopping Audrey from talking anymore, "Listen, everyone knows the tale, you're just wasting your breath."

        Audrey looked over at Ben nervously, her eyes flickering from her boyfriend back to Adonia, and when the blonde stepped forward, stretching her arms, the brunette flinched. Ben clapped his hands together, clearing his throat out awkwardly, "Okay! So, how about a tour, yeah?"

          The five villain kids followed after Ben, and despite the boring topic, Adonia was hanging onto every word. She... she didn't know why she liked to hear Ben talk so much, and she rolled her eyes when Evie sent her a suggestive smirk. They stood in front of a statue of King Adam, though it morphed into a beast, scaring Carlos straight into Jay's arms.

        "Carlos, it's okay," Ben soothed, as Jay dropped Carlos, only for the white haired boy to scramble to his feet, and brush himself off as Ben continued, "my father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible."

        "Does he shed much?" Mal sarcastically asked, and Ben looked over at Mal with a grin, clearly finding her words funny.

        "Yeah, mom won't let him on the couch." Adonia rolled her eyes at Ben's words, and she stepped closer to the prince, who looked at the blue-eyed girl quickly.

        "So, Auradon is pretty magically, yeah? Like... with wands and such?" Adonia trailed off at the end, watching as Audrey rolled her eyes in disgust.

        "Of course you would ask something like that-"

        "Yeah, it exists of course, but It's pretty much retired." Ben cut Audrey off, giving her a sharp look before turning back toward the villain kids, smiling at them, "Most of us here are just ordinary mortals."

        "Who happen to be kings and queens." Mal pointed out, and Audrey's face lit up as she boasted about the heritages that went back hundreds of years. Adonia sucked in a breath in annoyance, she was beginning to hate the sound of Audrey's voice.

        "Okay, we get it, Audrey." Adonia's eye twitched in annoyance and Audrey swallowed deeply, stepping behind Ben ever so sightly, her eyes staying locked on Adonia's, her blue eyes swirling with a vibrant purple.

        Ben cleared his throat awkwardly, before he looked up, locking eyes with some other boy, and he smiled at his friend.

        "Doug, come down, this is Doug." Ben introduced the new boy, Doug, and he held his head up a little as he spoke to the villain kids, his eyes wandering over to Adonia again, "He's going to help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms. I'll see you later, okay? And If there is anything you need, feel free to-"

        "Ask Doug!" Audrey cut in, pulling Ben away from the villains. He looks over his shoulder as Audrey pulled him away, and Adonia mockingly waved;

        "See you later, Bennyboo!"

        "Hi, guys, I'm Dopey's son." Doug introduced himself, before he began listing all the seven dwarfs, counting on his fingers, "As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and... Heigh-ho."

        Evie smirked at Doug, walking toward him confidently, and she held her hand out delicately, "Evie, Evil Queen's daughter."

        Doug visibly swallowed, and he nodded his head, taking in Evie's beauty. He shook his head, riding him of any thoughts he had prior, and he cleared his throat.

        "Okay, so about your classes, I, uh, put in the requirements already." Doug looked deep in thought, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, "History of Woodsmen and Pirates, Safety Rules for the Internet, and, uh, Remedial Goodness 101."

        "Remedial Goodness 101? What kind of class is that?" Adonia asked, as if Doug was some how making that up. That already sounded like a completely boring class, and she looked over at Mal with wide eyes, both confused and angry.

        "A new class," Mal's eyes flashed angrily, and she rolled her eyes when Doug swallowed again, "come on guys, let's go find our dorms."

        Adonia's and Mal's steps were in sync as the two girls darted up the stairs, they were nearly at the top when Doug called out to them, directing them to their dorms, turns out they were the opposite way. Adonia pushed Jay as she trudged down the stairs, grumbling to Doug as she walked by him, "Yeah, I knew that."

        Doug began listing his uncles off again, using his fingers to count, and Carlos gave him a weird look as he came up behind him, "Sneezy?"


        The girls dorm was sickly pink, and Adonia's face scrunched up at the horrible color, "There is so much pink."

        "I know!" Evie practically squealed, taking in the room with wonder, "it's so amazing-"

        "Gross." Mal cut Evie off, and Evie immediately stuttered out her agreement, though Adonia raised a brow as Evie looked away, opening her mouth to let out a silent yell. Evie clearly loved the room, and honestly, if it wasn't so pink, Adonia would have enjoyed the room as well.

        Mal wasn't quiet about her protest of the room, going over to shut the curtains, Evie doing the same. Adonia launched herself onto the closest bed, immediately liking how plush it was. It was nothing like on the island, and she snuggled into the duvet, "I'm never leaving this bed."

        Evie and Mal smirked at each other before they ran over to Adonia's bed, and they jumped on the same side, launching the blonde off the opposite side of the bed. The blue-eyed girl landed with a groan, and she sat up, glaring playfully at her two best friends.

        "Oh, is that how you guys are going to play?" Adonia grabbed one of the pillows from the bed, and she held it above her head, and she smacked Evie's shoulder, the blue haired girl squealing in protest.

        It didn't take long for the three to be in a full out war, feathers flying everywhere and their laughter contagious. They've never done this before, and it was much more fun that playfully sparring each other. It was still like fighting, but it didn't hurt as much!

          "Okay, okay!" Adonia raised her hands in protest as Mal and Evie continuously hit her with their pillows, and laughter bubbled from her lips, "okay, enough!"

        Adonia couldn't help but chuckle as she pulled a feather from her hair, and the other two doubled over in laughter. For once in their lives, they didn't think about how their mothers would most definitely be angry at them. Instead of trying to find the wand, they were doing something they never have experienced before, they were having fun.


{i do not own disney descendants, but i do own adonia, so please do not steal her, thank you!}

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