chapter four

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        Adonia watched as Carlos played the video game with such enthusiasm, she barely paid any attention to Jay riding his pockets of anything he had found. However, Adonia averted her attention over to Mal when she began her "taking over the world" speech.

        "Maleficent much?" Adonia rolled her eyes, and Mal sent the blonde a steely look. Adonis crossed her arms over her chest, unamused at Mal's look. Evie nodded in agreement with Adonia's words.

        "She's not wrong," Evie added, though her voice faltered when Mal turned her steely look onto her, "you do sound just like your mom."

        "Thank you." Mal muttered back, and Adonia rolled her eyes. She didn't exactly consider that a compliment, but she kept her mouth shut. She turned back to Carlos as Carlos called Jay over, and Mal was beginning to grow impatient, and she stomped her foot on the ground.

        "Guys!" She yelled, making Adonia look back over at her, completely unamused, "Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?"

        Jay looked away from the game for a second before he began playing, calling to Mal over his shoulder, "Fairy Godmother, blah, blah, blah, magic wand, blah, blah, blah..."

        "What he said." Adonia motioned toward Jay with her head, a smirk twisting upon her face. Mal huffed in annoyance, crossing her arms and jutting out her hip.

        "This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents," Mal's words sent a chill down Adonia's spine as she thought back to her mother's last words, get the wand so I can get my revenge, make me proud Adonia, you can't fail this, Adonia shook her head free of her thoughts as Mal continued, "to prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel, yeah?"

        "Yeah." Adonia and the other three mumbled in agreement, Adonia looking away guiltily, she didn't want to let Mal, or her mother, down.

        At the command of Mal, Evie asked her magic mirror where the wand was, and Adonis stood from the couch, positioning herself between Mal and Evie, pushing her head between theirs to get a better look as the mirror worked its magic, at Evie's command.

        "Can I go back to my game now?" Carlos asked, looking back at the tv and then over at the four that were engrossed in the mirror, "I'm on level three-"

        "Stop!" Adonia yelled, and she read the sign to herself before looking at the descendants, "the wand is in a museum!"

        "Do we know where that is?" Mal asked, and Carlos began to type away at a laptop. A minute barely went by before Carlos turned the computer around, showing the descendants where Fairy Godmother's wand was, the directions to the museum.


        "Look, it's your mother's rose," Evie pointed at the beautiful rose that was encased in glass. Adonia swallowed thickly, it was a fake rose, but it was still beautiful. Adonia could hear her mother practically in her head, and she shook away her thoughts, looking at the old spinning wheel that was positioned next to the beautiful rose.

        "It's your mother's wheel," Adonia mumbled, elbowing Mal in the rib lightly. Jay laughed at Adonia's words and he looked at the wheel like it was a complete joke.

        "That's your mother's spinning wheel?" Jay and Carlos were chuckling to themselves, Carlos voicing his agreement of how lame it was. Mal shot a steely glare their way, and it only deepened when Jay voiced that "the rose is more scary than that wheel".

        "It's magic," Mal hissed, looking over at the security guard who was mulling around the security cameras, not really doing much of anything, "it doesn't have to look scary."

        Mal mumbled a spell to herself, and they watched in anticipation as the security guard simply sat there. The boys snickered again, and Adonia rolled her eyes.

        "Try it again, Mal." Mal nodded at Adonia's words, before she mumbled a different spell, this time the security guard complied, falling asleep. Adonia went to open the door, only to find it was locked.

        "Look out Doni, I got this." Jay cracked his knuckles as he backed up, getting prepared to run toward the locked door.

        Adonia sent a smirk and a wink toward Mal, as she moved her hand in an intricate way, purple swirling around her fingers before swirling around the lock, and Adonia pushed the door open just as Jay went soaring through the air, landing on his butt harshly. 

        "How's that for magic?" Adonia smirked down at Jay, stepping over him as she walked toward the rose. Her fingers brushed the glass, and she turned away from it, when Evie grabbed her shoulder, pushing her toward the door that would lead them to the wand.

        Adonia turned a corner and stopped abruptly, Evie slamming into her shoulder. She opened her mouth and closed it when she saw a wax figure of her mother. Circe stood in the middle of the room, her arms spread wide and her eyes practically glowing purple. This figure made her mom look ten times worse than she truly was, and she bit her lip.

        The other four descendants were too busy staring at their own parents, before Jay tried to get everyone to walk away. Adonia stood next to Mal, staring at their parents, "Crazy, isn't it?"

        "Do you think they're proud of us?" Mal asked Adonia quietly, and the blonde looked at the purple haired girl. She didn't know what to say, and silence filled the air before she nodded.

        "After we get the wand, of course," Adonia added, she placed a hand on Mal's shoulder before going after the other three, leaving Mal alone with their parents.

        Just as Adonia caught up with Evie, she was graced with the gorgeous sight. The wand was even prettier in person, and she just wanted to touch it, but the blue light that surrounded it didn't look too inviting. Mal joined the group, after Evie went to retrieve her, and Adonia smirked at the group, "Well what are we waiting for?"

        Jay smirked back, ducking under the little fence, and Adonia watched as he reached out to touch the blue light, her and Mal called out, "Wait!"

        But it was too late, Mal and Adonia's pleas were unheard as Jay had already touched the force. He was pushed backward, flipping over the fence, and a loud alarm sounded through the air. Adonia looked at Mal, fear filling her bones and she pushed Evie, who was closest to her, toward the exit.

        "Go, run!" The group didn't need to be told twice as they dashed through the museum. Adonia trailing the back to make sure no one got lost. She caught her mother's wax figure in the corner or her eye, but she couldn't think about that now as she pushed herself faster.

        Carlos stopped  to answer the phone, and Adonia scolded him, yelling at him to keep going. He grew defensive, asking for at least a "thank you", but Adonia simply pushed him toward the exist. They trailed after the others, one thought going through Adonia's mind; she was going to have to go to school tomorrow.


{i do not own disney descendants, but i do own adonia, so please do not steal her, thank you!}

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