Chapter Five: Find My Friends (Part Two)

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Connor winced a bit as Zoe hugged him due to the new bruises on his back.

But he was still ecstatic to see his younger sister again.

They stood in the basement.

"I've missed you so much," he whispered in her ear.

"I've missed you too," she said, in tears. She pulled away reluctantly. "How are you feeling?"

"Good," Connor lied.

"Connor..." Zoe said, obviously not believing him.

"I said I'm fine!" Connor snapped.

Zoe's face fell.

He mentally slapped himself. "Zoe... I'm so sorry," he said. "I... I'm not okay, to be honest, and I took it out on you. I am so sorry."

Zoe shook her head. "It's fine. I can't even imagine what you must've been through."

From the corner of his eye, Connor saw Jeremy picking up an unconscious Evan, cradling him in his arms.

Connor turned so that he was half-facing his sister and half-facing Evan.

He nearly started crying when he saw the large bruise on the side of his face.

Isabel, Alana, Jared, Jeremy and Michael were assessing Evan so Connor and Zoe could have some alone time, but Connor wanted to rush over to Evan and hug him, telling himself that everything would be okay.

Evan would be okay.



"... and I'm pregnant," he heard Zoe say.

He immediately turned his attention to his sister.

"What the fuck?"

"I was just seeing if you were listening," she said. "I'm not pregnant, just to clarify."

"Oh, thank god."

"What?" Zoe's face fell, but Connor could tell she was only teasing. "Are you saying you wouldn't be happy if I was pregnant?"

"No, no, no, that's not what I'm saying at all," Connor said. "It would just be... slightly worrying, considering you are very gay and dating Alana, and even if you had a donor, I... we're not having this conversation now."

Zoe laughed. "God, I've missed you. I feel like I can't say that enough."

"I've really missed you, too."

Zoe paused, smiling at Connor. "Your hair looks stupid," she said after a moment.

"You ruined it."

"Evan!" Connor heard Jeremy exclaim.

He immediately turned and saw Evan's eyes slowly opening.

"W-what?" He mumbled. "What's g-going on?"

Connor and Zoe walked towards Evan (Connor walking with great difficulty and pain due to his back).

"My h-head hurts," he mumbled. "What happened?"

"He punched you," Connor said.

"Who d-did?"

"The guy who kidnapped us. He left as soon as everyone got here. We don't know where he is, but as soon as we find him, I swear to god, I'll make sure he never sees the sun again."

"How do you feel?" Alana asked.

"I-I have a headache," he replied. "I f-feel numb, d-dizzy and tired. R-really tired," he said, yawning.

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