Chapter Nine: Connor and Lily

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A/N: Thank-you OtherGayShitTM for the headcanon!

The next day, Evan woke up to two messages on his phone.

Connie ❤: hey tree boy

Connie ❤: could i come over

Evan: Sure! When?

Connie ❤: as soon as possible

Evan: You can come over now, if you want.

Connie ❤: thank-you so much

Evan: You don't need to thank me. You're always welcome.

Evan put his phone down and sighed happily.

He slowly got out of bed and picked out a white shirt and blue jeans.

He walked down the stairs, where Heidi sat, holding Lily.

"Good morning, mom," he said, sitting down and giving her a hug.

She kissed him on the head. "Morning, honey."

Evan gave Lily a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning, Lily."

Lily looked at Evan with her beautiful newborn blue-gray eyes.

"Connor's coming over soon, if that's okay," Evan told his mom.

"Of course it's okay! Honey, could you do me a favor?"


"Could you get Lily's formula milk?"

"Of course." Evan stood up and walked to the kitchen, grabbing the tin of powder from the cupboard. He got Lily's bottle (which was pink and had a monkey on it) and scooped two scoops of the formula in it. He filled it up with water and shook it, then placed it in the microwave.

Evan sighed and leaned against the bench, waiting for the microwave to finish.

He then put the lid back on the tin and put it back in its place in the cupboard.

The microwave beeped and he took the bottle out, pouring a bit on his wrist to test if it was warm enough.

It was perfect.

He took the bottle back to his mother to see Connor sitting on the couch, holding Lily and grinning.

"Hey, Connie!" He said. "When did you get here? I didn't even here you come in."

"I only got here about a minute ago," he replied.

"Do you want to feed Lily, Connor?" Heidi asked him.

Connor nodded. "Yes, please."

Evan handed the bottle to Connor.

Lily refused to drink it.

"Come on, Tree Girl," Connor said. "You need to drink it!"

"Tree Girl?" Evan repeated, giggling a bit.

Connor shrugged. "I guess because she's your sister, and she shares a name with a tree. She'd better know all about trees when she's older, or I will be thoroughly disappointed."

Evan laughed. "I will make it my duty to teach her all about trees."

Connor nodded. "Good." He turned his attention back to Lily. "Come on Lily, you need to drink your milk."

Lily began to cry.

"Aw, Tree Girl, it's okay," Connor said softly. "Shh... it's okay."

"You could try singing," Heidi suggested. "That calms her down."

Connor nodded. "Just a warning, I'm not a very good singer, but I'll try."

"He's lying, mom," Evan told her.

"No, I'm not," Connor said. "What should I sing?"

"I don't know, sing anything," Heidi told him.

Connor thought for a moment. He then began to sing softly.

Wise men say
only fools rush in.
But I can't help falling in love with you.
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin,
if I can't help falling in love with you?
Like a river flows
surely to the sea,
darling so it goes,
some things are meant to be.
Take my hand,
take my whole life too.
For I can't help falling in love with you.

Lily had stopped crying and was looking at Connor. She reached a hand up and touched his hair, leaving her hand there.

Evan noticed that a few times during the song, Connor had glanced up at him, smiling.

Connor put the bottle to her mouth and she began to drank it.

"You were lying, Connor," Heidi said. "Thank-you so much for that. She seems to really like you."

Connor smiled at Lily. "You like my singing, Tree Girl? That's a surprise."

"No, it's not," Evan and Heidi said in unison.

A few minutes later, Lily was halfway through the bottle and didn't want anymore.

Heidi took Lily from Connor.

"Thank-you again. I'll go try and put her down for a nap," she said, walking up the stairs with Lily.

Evan sat down next to Connor, where Heidi had been sitting previously.

"Hey, Connie," he said, smiling.

"Hey, Tree Boy."

They sat there for a few seconds before Connor broke the silence.

'Would... would I be able to talk to you about something?" He asked.

Evan nodded. "Of course you can."

"Well..." Connor sighed. "My parents are mad."

"About what?" Evan asked, confused.

"I... I don't know. I got home, and they did even say 'welcome back' or ask me how I've been or even give me one fucking smile. They just seemed really pissed."

"That's strange."

"I know," Connor sighed. "I don't know what to do."

"Do you want to stay here for a while, Connor?" A voice from behind them asked.

They turned around and saw Heidi, clutching a baby monitor.

"Oh! I don't want to trouble you, especially with the new baby," Connor said.

"It's fine, Connor," she said. "You can share a room with Evan, if that's okay with both of you."

Of course it was okay with both of them.

"Thank-you so much, Heidi," Connor said, smiling. "I really appreciate it."

"It's no problem. Make yourself at home."

"I'll drive by home and pick up some of my stuff later," Connor said.

"I'll come with, if you want," Evan said, going to hold Connor's hand.

Connor squeezed Evan's hand. "Thank-you."

A/N: I'm sorry if half of this sucks, I'm really tired, we just had opening night for the musical.

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