Chapter Fifteen: The Struggles of Parenting

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A/N: This is based off suggestions from caffeinecoffeetea and OtherGayShitTM

A few nights later, Jared was sitting upstairs in his bedroom, bored out of his mind.

He lay back on his bed and put his hands behind his head, looking up at the plain ceiling.

He was about to fall asleep when he heard a sound at his window.

Jared shot up, adjusting his glasses as he shifted to look out the window.

He heard the sound again, and jumped when he saw a pebble flying at the window.

The window slightly cracked.

Jared opened it and saw Isaac standing there, pebbles around him, his face red from cracking the window.

"I am so sorry, Jared!" He called out.

Jared laughed a bit. "It's fine, don't worry about it!"

"I can't help it! I feel bad."

"Stop feeling bad! Anyways, why are you here? Not that I'm complaining or anything."

"Could you come down here?" Isaac asked.

"Sure." Jared slid out the window and hung from the pane, closing it with one hand. He kicked his legs around, trying to find somewhere to put his feet so he could climb down.

He couldn't find anything.

"I didn't think this through, did I?" Jared called out to Isaac.

"No, you didn't," Isaac laughed. "Why didn't you just go downstairs like a normal person?"

"See, I could've done that. But I didn't," Jared said. "Also, I'm not a normal person."

Isaac moved closer to Jared, his arms outstretched. "Let go. I'll catch you."

"Are you sure?" Jared asked. "This is like a crazy trust exercise."

"It is," the other boy called back. "Don't you trust me?"

Jared sighed. "I do." He let go of the window pane and fell into his boyfriend's arms.

Isaac, however, lost balance and fell backwards.

"Ow..." Isaac groaned when his head hit the ground. "I hate you."

Jared was lying on his chest and had not been impacted by the fall. "You love me."

Isaac sighed and smiled at Jared. "You're right." He gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"So, why did you ask me to risk my life to come down here?" Jared asked, standing and stretching out a hand to help Isaac up.

"I didn't ask you to jump out a window," Isaac said, brushing himself off. "I just came to say that I love you."

Jared's eyes widened. "I... I jumped out a window... for you to te-"

"Relax, that's not it," Isaac laughed, punching the smaller boy's shoulder. "Well, I mean, I do love you, but...I came to take you on a date."

Jared smiled, his heart melting. "Isaac... that's really sweet."

Jared then looked down at his clothes, remembering they were covered in dust. "Wait..."

"It's fine," Isaac said, gesturing to his own dirt covered clothes. "Let's go."

Hand in hand, the two boys walked to Isaac's car.


Isaac pulled up in front of his house. He looked over at his boyfriend, who seemed confused.

"I figured we could just chill and watch movies. Maybe eat some popcorn and chips, too," Isaac said.

Jared smiled, kissing him on the cheek. "Sounds perfect."

The two boys walked inside and sat on the couch.

"I picked out a few movies," Isaac said, remembering that Jared's favourites were from last century. He flicked through the DVDs. "I have Beetlejuice... Girl, Interrupted... Edward Scissorhands... and Heathers."

Jared looked at the choices. "They're all Winona Ryder movies," he pointed out.

Isaac looked at the movies and laughed. "They are, too."

"Do you want to watch Beetlejuice?" Jared asked.



Heidi sat on the couch, trying to get Lily to sleep. Paul was making up a bottle for Lily.

She sang softly to her daughter, singing the same song Connor had sung to calm her down.

Paul returned to the living room with the bottle. "Could I feed her?" He asked.

Heidi nodded and passed Lily to her husband, continuing to sing.

Lily began to drank the bottle without a big fuss.

She closed her eyes as she drank and listened to her mother sing.

Half a bottle later, Lily decided she didn't want anymore. Paul passed her back to Heidi, who was still singing the same song.

Lily closed her eyes and put a hand on Heidi's face, and she stopped singing.

Lily put her hand back down and soon fell asleep.

'She's asleep,' Heidi mouthed to Paul.

He nodded as Heidi stood up to go upstairs and put Lily in her bassinet.

She softly put Lily down and tucked her in, kissing her head.

"Goodnight, Lil," she said softly, grabbing the baby monitor before walking out.

Heidi walked down the stairs and collapsed on the couch next to Paul, who put an arm around her shoulders, holding her close. Heidi sighed and put her head on Paul's shoulder.

"I forgot how hard parenting was," she said.

Paul nodded in agreement.

The two sat, enjoying the rare silence.

Paul looked over at Heidi to see that she was fast asleep.

He smiled and brushed some of her blonde hair out of her face, leaning down to kiss her head.

"Goodnight, Heidi. I love you."

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