Chapter Seventeen: Divorce

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A/N: Thank-you caffeinecoffeetea for this suggestion!
This'll be an emotional roller-coaster, so buckle up.

Connor: im here

Cynthia: Larry's here already, I'll try and see if I can sneak you in.

Connor: its okay

Connor: i have my ways

Connor shoved his phone in his pocket and looked towards the tree.

He was at Cynthia's house, where she planned to divorce her dick of a husband. Connor had volunteered to hide somewhere in case things got out of hand.

Connor walked towards the tree, putting a hand on the first branch.

He thought back to over a year ago, when Evan had climbed the same tree to apologise and win Connor back.

It was hard enough to climb, how had Evan done it with a broken arm as well?

Slowly and carefully, Connor climbed the tree. It had been a while since the last time he climbed that tree.

He walked swiftly across the branch and sat once he got to the window, opening it.

He climbed through and landed gracefully on the floor.

Connor looked around his old bedroom.

Some things were gone, now in Evan's room.

He slowly crept out of his old room and stood at the top of the stairs, listening to Cynthia and Larry's conversation.


"Larry, we need to talk," Cynthia said when Larry sat on the couch, turning on the TV.

He sighed in annoyance. "Can it wait? The big game is on," he said, gesturing to the baseball match on the TV.

Cynthia sat on the other side of the couch, as far away from Larry as possible. "No, it can't."

"Whatever," Larry said. "It can wait. Can't be too important, it is coming from you, after all."

Cynthia blinked and scoffed. "Excuse me? What the actual fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing you say ever has any importance," he replied simply. "It's all 'Connor this' and 'Connor that'. He doesn't need treatment, Cynthia. It's a waste of money. He's a waste of money."

"I want a divorce!" Cynthia yelled.

Larry grew quiet, turning to Cynthia slowly. "What did you say?"

"I want a divorce," she said confidently.

Larry took a deep breath. "You have no right to demand such things."

"Why not?"

"You're only a woman."

She scoffed. "Why didn't I divorce you years ago?"

Larry stood up, turning to Cynthia. "You're going to regret that."

"Larry, back the fuck off." Cynthia turned to see Connor standing at the entrance of the living room.

"Connor? Why the Hell are you here? Get out!" Larry yelled.

"You get out! You have no right to treat mom that way!"

"I'm her husband! I can do what I want!" He exclaimed, walking over to Connor, boiling in rage.

Connor stood his ground as Larry towered over him, remaining confident.

He raised a hand to slap Connor.

"Larry! Get away from him!" Cynthia exclaimed, rushing over to Larry.

Larry whirled on Cynthia. "You can't tell me what to do."

Cynthia rushed over to Connor, throwing both arms around her son protectively. "Get out!" She screamed.

Larry shook his head. "This isn't over." With that, they heard the door slam.

He was gone. For now.

Connor hugged Cynthia back as she began to cry into Connor's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Connor."

"Hey, it's okay," he said in a soothing voice. "It's not your fault." Tears began to well in his eyes and a few streamed down his face.

The two stood there, clutching each other and crying, temporarily rid of the monster that was Larry Murphy.


Isaac: I'm outside :)

Jared: I'm on my way!

Isaac: Please don't jump out your window this time.

Jared: I won't ;)

Jared shoved his phone down his pocket as he practically ran down the stairs.

He was dressed in a dark green dress shirt, black pants, his hair neatly combed to one side.

Isaac had called earlier asking him on a date, requesting he dress formally.

Jared didn't have a whole lot of formal clothes, so he had to borrow the dress shirt from Evan.

Fortunately, it fit.

He walked out the house to see Isaac leaning against his car.

He was dressed in a black suit with a matching tie.

"Damn," Jared whistled. "I feel underdressed."

"Kinky," Isaac winked.

Jared laughed. "You're learning so much from me." He put his arms around Isaac's neck and kissed him softly.

"Where are we going?" Jared asked once pulled away.

"You'll see," Isaac smirked. "Let's go."

The two boys sat in the car.

Once Isaac turned the keys in ignition, Jared plugged his phone into the AUX, playing Fight For Me from Heathers.

Jared practically screamed the first few lines whilst Isaac laughed.


After the exclamation of profanity, the two boys sang along to the song as they drove down the road.

They sounded great together.

Whilst they sang, Jared glanced at his boyfriend, smiling.

What had he done to deserve this perfect boy?

The two sat there happily, singing along to musicals.

But the moment seemed to good to be true.

Jared heard a loud crash of metal on metal, a loud scream, ringing, and then nothing at all.

A/N: Whoops.

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