Chapter Thirteen: Wedding Planning

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A/N: Thank-you MyBrainHasGivenUp for the idea for this chapter!

The next day, Connor sat on the couch.

Except for Lily (who was upstairs, napping) and Heidi (who was probably also upstairs, napping), he was by himself.

Evan was helping Jeremy and Michael with wedding planning, and Paul was at work.

So he sat, watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine, keeping the volume down as to not wake Lily and Heidi.

Then his phone buzzed.

1 new message from Zoe.

Zoe: Hey, do you want to talk now?

The previous day when Connor had returned to Zoe's apartment (after numerous messages to Evan about how he was okay and he'd be back soon), he had told Zoe that he needed to talk to her about something. He hadn't specified, but it was about Cynthia and Larry.

Connor: sure

Connor: meet me at the park

Zoe: I'll be there in ten.

Connor put his phone in his pocket and turned Brooklyn Nine-Nine off. He grabbed his keys from the wooden key rack the family had next to the door and walked over to his car on the curb, putting the keys into the ignition, plugging his phone into the AUX cord and putting his music on shuffle.

First the mic then a half cigarette, singing Cathy's Clown. That's the man that she's married to now, that's the girl that he takes around town.

Connor hummed along with the song and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat.

I'm so glad that my memories remote, 'cause I'm doing just fine hour to hour, note to note.

A few minutes later, Connor pulled up to the park. Zoe wasn't there yet.

He walked up to a bench and sat, waiting for his sister. He pulled up his phone and swiped between pages to pass the time.

After five minutes, he saw Zoe sit down next to him out of the corner of his eye.

"Hey, Connor," she said, smiling.

Connor put his phone on the bench and smiled back. "Hi, Zo. Thanks for coming."

"It's no problem," she said. "What's up?"

He took a deep breath, preparing himself to tell her.

Sure, she didn't really like Larry and Cynthia, but would she still be upset at the possibility of a divorce between them?

"Look, Zoe..." He sighed. "I was talking to Cynthia yesterday, as you already know."

Zoe nodded.

"She apologised. For everything," he explained.

"So?" She exclaimed. "She can't just waltz back into our lives with a stupid apology! She hurt us, Connor! She made us feel like shit."

"I know," Connor said. "She explained everything. It wasn't her fault."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

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