Chapter Six: The Hospital Debacle

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A/N: I just wanted to say thank-you so much for all your positive comments! I really appreciate it.

Jeremy rushed down the stairs. "We need to go. Heidi went into labour a few hours ago," he announced at the bottom of the stairs.

"I can stay here with Evan," Alana volunteered.

Evan shook his head. "No. I want to go see mom."

"You need to rest, Evan," Alana said kindly.

Evan pushed the blanket off him and slowly stood.


"No. I'm going," he said, and the rest knew that there was no changing his mind.

"I'll go get Connor," Jeremy said, going back up the stairs. He knocked on the bathroom door.
"Connor? We have to go to the hospital," he called.

The door opened and Connor appeared, holding his clothes and towel, his hair in a bun.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, growing frantic. "Is Evan okay?"

"Evan's... fine, I guess," Jeremy said. "It's Heidi. She went into labour."

Connor's eyes widened. "Let's go!" He said. Jeremy took the clothes from his arms and put them in the laundry hamper before going down the stairs, where everyone stood waiting.

"Evan, are you sure you're alright to go?" Connor asked.

Evan nodded.

They took Jeremy and Zoe's cars.

Jeremy would drive Michael, Jared and Isabel, whilst Zoe would drive Evan, Connor and Alana.

Jeremy got into the driver's seat and Jared and Isabel sat in the back, with Michael in the passenger side.

He turned the keys in ignition and followed Zoe, who had already started driving.

The whole drive up was quiet. Not even the radio played.

They pulled up to the hospital and rushed out, waiting patiently for Connor to help a concussed Evan out of the car, before filing into the entrance to the maternity ward.

"We're here to see Heidi Hansen-Heere," Jeremy told the receptionist.

The receptionist looked up. "Family only," they said.

"I-I'm her son," Evan told them.

"And I'm her stepson," Jeremy said.

The receptionist looked at Evan and Jeremy. "You too can wait outside the room. The rest of you will have to wait out here. She's in room Four B."

They all nodded and Jeremy and Evan headed towards room 4B, everyone else sitting in the waiting area.

The two boys walked slowly in a comfortable silence.

Then Evan collapsed.

Jeremy caught him before he hit the ground. "Ev? Are you okay?" Jeremy picked him up and saw that his eyes were closed.

He rushed back to the receptionist and explained what had just happened. They nodded and called for someone in another ward to prepare a room for him.

Their friends rushed over.

"What happened?" Connor asked.

"I-I don't know. He just collapsed," Jeremy explained.

"It's the concussion," Alana said. "He should've rested. It also probably wasn't a good idea for him to go on the plane."

A nurse came through a set of doors with a stretcher. He took Evan from Jeremy and lay him down and wheeled him back through the doors.

"I'll go with Evan," Connor said, beginning to walk in the direction of the nurse. "Jeremy, you go to Heidi. The rest of you can alternate, I guess." With that, Connor was gone.

Everyone stood there, speechless.

"What just happened?" Michael asked.

"It appears that Evan just fainted," Jared responded.

"It was rhetorical," Michael told him.

"So, how's this going to work?" Jeremy asked.

"How about Alana, Isabel and I go with Evan for, say, half an hour," Zoe suggested. "Then we'll come back and Michael and Jared can go for half an hour. We'll alternate. Jeremy will stay here and Connor will stay with Evan."

Everyone nodded. "Sounds good," Alana agreed.

"Okay, I'll go see Heidi now," Jeremy said. "Bye, guys."

He rushed down the hall to sit in front of Heidi's room.

He stared at the wall and let time slip away.

About an hour later, Paul came out of the room.

"Jeremy! You're here," he said, smiling, but still seemingly panicked.

Jeremy nodded. "Is everything okay?"

Paul nodded. "I can't stay out for long. Where's Evan?"

"He had a bad concussion. He fainted on the way over, so he's in his own hospital room."

"Oh. Is he going to be okay?" Paul asked, seeming worried.

Jeremy nodded. "Yeah, he'll be fine."

Paul smiled. "That's good. Well, I have to head back inside now. I'll come back if there's any news."

"Thanks, dad."

Half an hour later, Michael walked down the hall.

"Hey, Jer," he said.

"Michael!" Jeremy smiled. "You're not supposed to be here."

"I know, but I wanted to give you an update on Evan."

"How is he?" Jeremy asked.

"He's okay. He's not allowed any visitors yet, other than family, which Connor is upset about since he's basically family. But other than that, he'll be fine," Michael smiled. "How's Heidi?"

"Good, I think," Jeremy said. "No news yet."

Michael nodded. "Okay, well I should head back now, before I get caught." He gave Jeremy a quick kiss. "Bye Jer," he said, walking away.

Jeremy pulled out his phone and swiped the home screen mindlessly back and forth.

An hour passed and Paul came out of the room, walking up to Jeremy.

"It's a girl."

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