Chapter Eleven: Graduation

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"Hey, Aunt Jess," Evan smiled when he walked down the stairs. His mother's sister Jessica stood next to Heidi, who was holding Lily.

"Hi, Evan!" She said, stretching out her arms and enveloping him in a hug.

"Aunt Jess, this is Connor," he said gesturing to his boyfriend. "Connor, this is my Aunt Jess."

"Nice to meet you," Connor said, giving her a small wave.

"So you're the boyfriend," she said, smiling.

Heidi giggled. "I may or may not have told her."

"More like screamed about it to me," Jessica laughed.

Evan giggled and Connor chuckled.

Heidi slightly blushed, then turned to face her younger sister. "Jessie, are you sure you'll be okay with Lily?"

"Of course I'm sure!"

"We'll be gone for a few hours, so if it's going to be too much-"

"Heidi, we'll be fine," Jessica reassured her. "We're going to have fun, aren't we, Lil?" She leaned down to smile at her niece. Lily reached a hand up and put it on Jessica's face.

"That's what I thought!" Jessica giggled.

"Okay, if you're sure," Heidi said, passing Lily to her sister. "Thank-you so much, Jessie."

"You don't need to thank me."

Heidi turned to Evan and Connor. "You boys ready to go?"

They nodded. Both had backpacks on their backs as they were staying the night at Zoe's with her, Alana, Jared, Isabel, Isaac, Jeremy and Michael.

"Jeremy!" Heidi called up the stairs.

Jeremy practically ran down the stairs and halted next to Connor and Evan.

"Michael's meeting us there," Jeremy told them.

They nodded.

"I can't believe this day has come..." Connor smiled happily. "My baby sister is graduating from high school."

"She's only a year younger than you," Evan pointed out.

"She's still my baby sister. And she always will be."


Evan, Connor, Jeremy and Heidi arrived at the school hall.

"Welcome back to Hell..." Connor mumbled.

Alana and Isabel ran up to them, smiling.

"Hey!" Alana greeted.

"Hi, guys," Jeremy smiled. Evan and Connor smiled in greeting.

"Where's Jared and Isaac?" Connor asked.

"And Michael..." Jeremy mumbled.

"Not here yet..." Isabel's face lit up. "Oh, there they are!"

The three boys walked up to them, grinning.

Michael greeted Jeremy with a kiss.

"Gross!" Jared said, fake gagging.

Isaac smiled and pulled him into a kiss. Jared blushed.

"So..." Evan said. "Are we ready to head in now?"

They all nodded and headed inside.

The nine of them sat down in a row in the middle.

"I see Zoe!" Alana exclaimed, pointing to a girl with warm, honey blonde hair. Her back was facing them, but they all knew it was her.

"Are Larry and Cynthia coming?" Evan asked.

Connor shook his head. "I don't think so."

Evan frowned. Sure, they were assholes, but surely they'd come to their daughter's graduation?

Then again, they were Larry and Cynthia.

Evan smiled as Mr Howard, the principal, walked up to the microphone.

"Good evening, everyone!" He greeted. "Before we begin, I would like to say congratulations to the graduating class of Twenty-Seventeen. You have all worked extremely hard, and here you are. It just goes to show that hard work does pay off."

Mr Howard took out a long piece of paper. "When I call your name, please come on stage and collect your diploma," he said, clearing his throat. "Benjamin Aadland."


Mr Howard continued to go through the list. "April Martinez."

A girl with strawberry blonde hair bounced on stage happily. She took her diploma and as she walked off stage, tears began to stream down her face.

"Harper McPherson."

Mr Howard went through a few more names until...

"Zoe Murphy."

Zoe stood up and practically skipped onto the stage, grinning with absolute glee. She giggled a bit as she gratefully took her diploma. Then she returned to her seat.

The whole time, Heidi, Evan, Connor, Jared, Isaac, Isabel, Alana, Jeremy and Michael were applauding loudly, and Connor also cheered.

Zoe turned around to look at them, a huge grin plastered on her face.


"Congratulations, Zoe!" Evan squealed, attacking her with a huge hug, squeezing her tight.

"Thanks, Ev," she laughed.

Connor had to basically pry Evan off of Zoe to get a hug.

"I'm proud of you, Zo," he whispered. "You've been through Hell, especially in the past year. You fucking deserve this."

"Thank-you, Connor," Zoe said, squeezing him tight.

Connor pulled away and Alana kissed Zoe. Zoe smiled, kissing back.

"Are Larry and Cynthia here?" Zoe asked.

Connor shook his head. "Sorry, Zo."

Zoe shook her head. "No, it's fine. I'm kind of relieved, to be honest." She smiled a genuine smile. "So, who's ready for a party at my place? Just the nine of us?"

Connor chuckled. "Just the nine of us?"

"Well, compared to all the seniors..." Zoe replied.



Connor woke up the next morning in Evan's arms on the floor in Zoe's room.

He looked around. His friends were scattered across the room, asleep.

He grabbed his phone, which was lying next to him, and turned it on.

1 New Message from Cynthia.

Cynthia: We need to talk.

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