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Nights get colder, days get longer, we get slower. Trying to maintain energy is hard. Finding food and water is an issue. There are many things that can kill us before starvation though. Survives get fewer and feeders multiply by the second. Soon the human race will be completely wiped out. We have all lost to much. Indie, Taylor, our parents and everyone we ever cared about. All gone... but never forgotten. It's been a few days without food or water and we are exhausted. I wake up early one morning to find Grayson using a feeder hung in a tree as target practice. "Morning Gray" I said. He ignored me. "Grayson?" I continued. "What's wrong?" I asked. "It's nothing really" he said.

Grayson's POV
I hate this! Ethan knows I like Kate but I guess it's my fault for lying to her about saving her. What the hell was I thinking. I just wanna grab onto her and never let go. "Let's move" I said. "I don't understand" Said kate. "We can't stay out here forever, we have to find somewhere to stay, go wake up Ethan" I said. I watched as kate got into the house to wake up Ethan.

Kate's POV
I walked back into the house to wake up Ethan. "Ethan" I whispered. Ethan rolled over and looked at me. "Morning" he said. "Get up we're leaving" I said. "What! Why?" Said Ethan in confusion. "We have to find some place safe" I continued. Ethan got out of bed and put his clothes on.
We left the house pretty fast and before we knew it were were walking down the middle of another high way. Cars everywhere and not a single person in sight. As we walked we checked all the cars for supplies, killed a few feeders that were trapped inside the cars and are heaps of apples. The house we were at had an apple tree by the way. Ethan occasionally held my hand as we walked. I just want all this bullshit to be fucking over. "What's that" I said pointing to a sign. We walked over to have a look and the sign read:

Civilisation in 20 min by foot

"What's it mean?" Asked Grayson. "I guess we will find out in 20 min" replied Ethan. We kept walking when suddenly I felt so dizzy, everything is spinning.

Ethan's POV
We walked and walked and walked but then Kate started to slow down. "Are you ok?" I asked. Suddenly she just dropped, I caught her before she hit the ground. "Kate are you alright" I panicked. Grayson came rushing over. "What happened?" He asked. "I don't know she just fell" I replied." Let's get her into the shade". I picked her up and took her over to a shady tree and laid her down on my lap. I poured water on her head and it ran down the sides of her face.

Kate's POV
I woke up to Ethan looking down at me. "Kate what happened?" He asked. He kissed my forehead. "I don't know, you tell me" I replied. "You just fell" he said. Ethan gave me some water and we sat in the shade until I was ready to walk again. Ethan helped me up and we hit the road again. We walked for another 15 min when we saw another sign. It read:

Civilisation it just around the corner

Is this some sort of game. What the hell. We walked around the corner and saw something amazing, something incredible, something life saving. "No way" said Grayson. "We could be safe here" said Ethan. "That if whoever lives her let's us in" I replied. This place, it had massive walls of steel and nothing was getting in. We walked up to the gates slowly and Ethan grabbed my hand. As we got closer to the gate it started to open. "Woah step back" said Grayson. A man and a woman walked out pointing guns at us. We all raises our hands. "We don't mean any harm" said Ethan. The man got really close to Ethan and looked him right in the eyes. He lowered his gun and continued to stare. "Come in" He Said. We followed the man through the gates and they were closed behind us and locked up with chains and heavy duty pad locks. It seems like they have put fencing around a whole housing estate. There were people even children coming out to see the new arrivals. The man took us into a house which I am assuming was his because it's the biggest. We walked into a small office and he sat behind his desk. He gestured for us to sit down. We all sat down. "Coffee?" Asked the man? "No thank you" we all said at the same time. "What are you names?" He asked taking a sip of his drink. "I'm Kate and this is Ethan and Grayson" I said. "Where did you come from?" He asked. "New Jersey is out Home town" I replied. "Welcome to the patch" he said. "The patch?" I asked. "That's what we call this place, it's our home" he said. "And who are you?" I asked. "My name is Jackson but they all call me jack around here" he said. "What do you want?" He continued. "We saw your signs" said Grayson. "You want to stay here?" Said jack. "We were hoping so" said Ethan. "And why should we let you stay?" Asked jack. "Because were just like you, fighting to survive. We are young and fit so we would have no issue helping out" said Ethan. "I'm sorry we can't let you stay here" replied jack. He stood up and lead us towards the gate. A child ran past dropping her teddy right in front of my feet. I picked it up and she ran over to me. I crouched down and handed it to her, she hesitated to take it for a second but then she took it. She reminded me of Indie. "Stay strong kiddo" I said with a small smile. She jumped into me and hugged me tight, it was completely out of no where. I stood up and kept walking. "Wait!" Yelled jack. We turned around to see him running up to us. "You guys can stay here, but we have rules and conditions" he said. "Thank you so much you won't regret this" I Said.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Will the future get brighter or darker for Kate and the twins. Love y'all lovelies❤️

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