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I woke up and Ethan was still asleep. He woke up just as I attempted to get out of bed without waking him. "Come back" He Said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him. I giggled as he kissed me. "How's your leg?" I asked. "It hurts" He Said. "I'm gonna go see if Grayson is up" I went downstairs and saw Grayson making breakfast. "Smells good Gray, what you cooking?" I asked. "Pancakes" replied Grayson. "You still okay to go today?" I Said. "Yeah" he replied. It was really early and the sun wasn't up yet. I went back upstairs and changed my clothes. Ethan just watches me get dressed, I don't know why he does that so I decided to ask. "Why do you do that?" I asked. "Do what?" Asked Ethan acting dumb. "Watch me get dressed" I Said. "Ohhhh I do that because I think your sexy and I love your body" he replied. "Well I think our the sexiest guy I have ever seen" I Said. I planted a kiss on Ethan's cheek. "Grays making pancakes" I Said. "Okay I'm coming down" Said Ethan. He grabbed his crutches and went downstairs, nothing was stopping that man from getting pancakes. We all sat down and ate breakfast which was amazing. "This is really good gray" I Said with a mouthful of food. "Thanks" replied Grayson. "Grayson can you please eat with your mouth closed, you know I hate loud chewing" Said Ethan. "Well I'm sorry" replied Grayson with attitude.

Half an hour later it was time to leave. Ethan pulled me away to talk to me. "Please be careful" he said. "I'll be fine" I Said. "I'm serious, I can't loose you" Said Ethan. "Hey I'm coming back babe" I Said. "I love you" Said Ethan. "I love you more" I replied. Ethan grabbed my waist and pulled me closer and whispered in my ear "I'll see you later" My heart skipped a beat. He cupped my face and kissed me like it was the last kiss. But I knew it wasn't. "Ready to go" Said Grayson as he came around the corner. Ethan and Grayson hugged. "Love you bro, be careful" Said Ethan. "Love you to man" replied Grayson. Grayson and I left the house. "Bye" Shouted Ethan. I waved at him as we walked away. We met up with the others at the front gate. "We all ready?" Asked Matt. We all nodded and the gates were open. "Let's go!" Said Matt. We began to jog out the gates and down the road.

We came around a corner and saw the store. Grayson and I went around to the back of the store to see it it had been breached. But it was all clear. Matt broke the gloss with the end of his gun. We heard the crunching sound of the glass and we walked on it. It was dark and quiet, to quiet. We got out the torches so we could see a little. I ran the light across the floor and noticed something strange. There were bodies everywhere. "Uh guys" I whispered. "Look down" when everyone noticed the bodies they backed up. I looked over at Grayson who was walking backwards. Here's the thing, when feeders have been in the dark for a long period of time the sorta go to sleep and they are awoken by noise and light. "GRAYSON STOP!" I screamed. The feeder grabbed onto Grayson's leg and bit into it. "GRAYSON!" He fell to the floor. The feeder crawled on top of Grayson, it's teeth were so close to his face. I ran over and plunged my knife straight into the back of its head. It collapsed on top of Grayson. He pushed it off him and stood up. "I'm sorry" He Said. I looked at his leg and it doesn't look good at all. "We have to leave right now" i said. We all ran out of the store but when I looked back Grayson wasn't with us. "Where the fuck is Grayson? I said. I ran back and Grayson had collapsed. "Grayson!" I ran up to him and kneeled next to him. "Come in gray get up" I Said starting to cry. "Come on! What about Ethan" I said. I helped Grayson get to his feet and fuck he was heavy but I powered on. "Can you hear that?" I Said. We turned around and there were a whole bunch of feeders sprinting towards Grayson and I. "You have to leave me" Said Grayson. "NO I WONT!" I Said. "You have to!" Said Grayson. "We gotta run come on" I Said. I was helping Grayson to walk faster when suddenly he was pulled back, right out of my arms. "GRAYSON!" I screamed. My heart started racing. There were to many feeders. Grayson screamed as the feeders jumped on him. I was trying to get to him. Stabbing each feeder furiously. "GRAYSON!! NO" blood sprayed all over me as I began to cry. But I didn't stop. The feeders were ripping into him and there was nothing I could do. I kept on going, killing each feeder. Then there were none left. Silence fell throughout the store, I pulled them out of the way and found Grayson. I grabbed him but the arms and dragged him into the closest room with a door. I closed it and pushed the cupboard in front of it. "Grayson...gray...grayson!" I said as I tapped his face. Grayson coughed and spat out blood. "I'm so glad I met you" he whispered . "Gray" I Said. "Don't let me turn" He Said. I knew what he wanted me to do. "I don't wanna be one of those things, I could hurt you" He Said. "I can't" I said, tears rolling down my face endlessly. "Please" He Said. "Okay" I replied. "Tell Ethan...tell Ethan that I love him and Give him this" Said Grayson, he took out his wing earing and put it in my hand. "Give that to him for me" He Said. I cried even more. "And I love you" He Said. "" I stuttered. "I want you to have this" He Said as he took off his ring, he put it on my finger. "I will always be there for you no matter what" he said. I cried even more. "Thank you" I whispered. "Now do it, I'm running out of time" He Said. "Grayson" I said. "Don't let me turn" He Said. "Once I'm dead you'll have 30 seconds" . "Your not dead yet" I Said. "Stay safe" He Said. "I'm gonna miss you" I Said. "I'm gonna miss you more" he replied. "Goodbye" Said Grayson, he grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes. I kissed his forehead. "Goodbye Grayson Dolan" I whispered. He slowly shut his eyes. I felt for a pulse but he was gone. I held the knife on the surface of his forehead And I shut my eyes. "Goodbye Grayson Dolan" I Said with tears streaming down my face. I pushed the knife down and it was over. He won't turn into a feeder now and he can rest. I collapsed onto him and cried my eyes out, I couldn't stop. About 10 minuets passed and I was still with him. In the corner of my eye I saw a light. I turned around And it was getting closer to me. It started to take shape. Is was a person. I wiped the tears from my eyes to see clear. It got closer to me.

It was the ghost of Grayson Dolan

He came into focus and he cupped my face. "Take care of him for me" Said Grayson. "I will, I promise to never stop loving him" I replied. He smiled and kissed my forehead, I could feel him. I opened my eyes and he was gone. Tears just fell out of my eyes. I cried for so long. I looked at Grayson's body. I can't leave him here. I dragged him out of the store and grabbed a cart from outside. I put him in it. I cried as I walked and I couldn't stop.

Ethan's POV
It's been ages and they aren't back yet. I'm starting to get worried. I miss her and Grayson. And I can walk on my leg now so I can't wait for them to get back and we can go for a walk around the patch or something.

Kate's POV
I arrived back at the patch and they opened the gates. Jack came out. "Is he?" Said jack. "Yeah" I Said. "He won't hurt anyone" I continued. "Okay" He Said. "Can you get someone to clean him up and change his clothes" I Said. "But he's dead" Said jack. "I don't wanna have to repeat myself" I Said. "Ok sure we can organise that" he said. "I wanna burry him properly. I said. The crying stopped for now. I walked back to the house, covered in blood, Grayson's blood. I opened the door and walked into the kitchen where I saw Ethan "Your back" Said Ethan. I started to cry again and Ethan got up. "What's wrong...where's Gray?" Asked Ethan looking worried. I just shook my head. "Kate where is Grayson!?" Shouted Ethan. I cried even more. "I'm sorry" I Said "I tried to save him". "NO" said Ethan. Ethan raged and flipped the table over. "NO UGHHHHH!" He screamed. Ethan started throwing stuff around the room. "ETHAN!" I screamed. I ran to him and grabbed him, he stopped and looked at me with tears streaming down his face. His breathing slowed down. "What happened?" Said Ethan calmly. "I tried to save him but there were to many...Ethan I tried, but I couldn't save him, Ethan I'm so sorry" I blubbered. "It's ok" Said Ethan. He pulled me in and hugged me tight. We both cried and cried. "He told me to give you this" I grabbed his earring from my pocket and handed it to Ethan. "His tampon earring" Ethan managed to crack a smile. "And he gave me his ring" I Said. "Ethan I saw him after he died, I saw his spirit" I Said. "He said he loves you" I continued. "I'm glad I got to say goodbye" Said Ethan. "Me too" I replied. "Did you leave him?" He asked. "No of course not" I Said. "I wanna see him" Said Ethan. "Are you sure?" I asked. Than nodded and we walked to the patch hospital. We walked into a room where we saw Grayson dressed in a suit and he was all clean. Ethan walked up to him and grabbed his hand. I put my arm around Ethan and we looked at Grayson lifeless body. "You'll see him again" I Said. "I hope so, you better visit me ass clown" said Ethan with a chuckle.

Well writing this made me cry heaps so I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Love y'all lovelies❤️

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