Virus and death?

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I woke up in the back of a truck. I didn't remember much. I could smell fire so I sat up and looked out the window. It was night time and the fire was small. I saw two guys sitting on the ground by the fire, it looked like they were having a conversation. I slowly opened the door and began to walk in the opposite direction and of course I stood on a stick making a noice. I jumped back in the truck and pretended to be asleep. The door opened and there was silence. "I know your awake" he had a husky voice. I slowly sat up. "There she is" he said. "Who the hell are you? And why the hell did you bring me here?" I said demanding answers. "Ok just chill, I'll explain everything. Just come and sit by the fire so you can get warm" he said. I didn't want to go but his voice Sounded to sweet and trustworthy. He grabbed my hand and I flinched away. "I'm not going to hurt you" he said. I got out of the car myself and followed him over to the fire. He sat down and looked up at me. "Sit" he demanded. I sat down and everything got brighter because of the light from the fire. He looked at me and I studied him. I'm not gonna lie but he was perfect, a bit scruffy but still perfect. The other guy came into focus and he was perfect to. Wait, they looked exactly the same. "I'm going crazy" i whispered to myself. "No your not, I'm Grayson and this is my twin brother Ethan" he said. "Why did you bring me here?" I asked. "Because it's the safest place we could find at the moment" answered Ethan. "Wait there was a guy, he saved my life. Where is he?" I asked. Grayson looked at me and said "that was me" he smiled a little. "Oh thanks for that" I said. For some reason I felt like I could trust these boys. They were nice and I needed that now that my parents are gone. There was a rustle in the bushes and all our heads shot towards that direction, eyes wide. A few human figures started coming our way. "We have to leave" said Grayson jumping to his feet along with Ethan. He put out his hand and helped my up. We all ran to the car and Grayson got in the back with me. Ethan started driving through the woods and soon coming out onto a main road. My phone didn't work and neither did the radio in the car. We had been driving for half an hour and it was getting cold. I wrapped the blanked around myself and snuggled into it. I felt a tear trail down the side of my cheek. Grayson moved closer and put his arms around me wiping away my tear. "Your going to be ok, I'll protect you" he said with a smirk. I found myself unwillingly snuggle up to him talking in all his warmth. Ethan pulled over behind a large brick building. He got out of the car and opened the boot and pulled back the back seat so it was like one big bed in the back of the truck. Grayson moved and laid me down. Ethan got in the car and they sat up and talked for about 10 minutes. I tried not to listen in but I managed to pick up something about a virus and death. They both laid down but Grayson put his arms around me. We all fell asleep.

Hope y'all enjoying so far😁😘

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