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Grayson's POV
Kate had been gone for a long time. Ethan kept telling me not to worry but I couldn't help it. "What if she doesn't come back" I said. "She will" replied Ethan. "We need to get medical shit so  your wound can be changed" I said. "I'm sure Kate will bring some back" said Ethan.

Kate's POV
I couldn't just leave Indie here. If I took her she might have a shot at a decent future. I took Indie in my arms and walked out of the house and straight onto a main road. Grayson taught me how to Hotwire a car. I saw a truck and headed straight for it. There was no baby seat for Indie so I had to hold her. The truck started and I drove towards Indie's house. I left her in the car as I packed the back of the truck with all the baby supplies in her nursery including her cot, high chair and toys. There were stacks of diapers and even a changing table. This family was determined to keep their baby girl alive. I left basically nothing left in the nursery. As I left I noticed I didn't even look in the garage. I opened it and found a baby seat and a whole medical supply. "Holy shit" I murmured to myself. I left nothing behind. I made my way back to the shed and pulled up out the front. The shed was massive, it was big enough to fit three whole cars. I beeped the horn and Grayson opened up the large doors. I backed the truck into the shed and hopped out. Grayson ran to me and hugged me so tight I could barely breath. "I'm so glad your ok" he whispered in my ear. "find anything interesting?" Asked Ethan. "Umm well" I stuttered. Grayson walked over to open the back of the truck. "Wait!" I shouted. "What's wrong?" Asked Grayson. I didn't know how to tell him that I found Indie. He continues to open the back of the truck and I held my breath. I was so nervous that he would hate me. He opened it and didn't say anything. He just stared. "Gray what it is?" Asked Ethan. Grayson walked over to me and held my hand. "Kate" he said. "Yes Grayson" I answered. "Are you pregnant?" He asked. I couldn't help but laugh. "No Grayson I'm not pregnant" I said. "Then why did you get all that stuff?" He asked.   I walked over to the passenger seat of the car and picked up Indie. I walked over to Grayson. "Oh my god" he said. "It's a baby!" Shouted Ethan. "Shhh Ethan she's asleep" I said. "Why the hell do you have a baby" asked Grayson. "She was alone, I couldn't just leave her" I stated. I wasn't sure how Grayson would react. "What's her name?" He asked. "Indie" I answered. He smiled a little. "She is beautiful" he said. "Here, hold her" I said. I gently put Indie into Grayson's arms. I was kinda turned on at the sight of him holding a baby. Indie began to wake up and started to cry. Grayson gave her back to me because I think he got a little scared. I took Indie over to Ethan. "Here you go Ethan, you can pet her" I said. "That not funny" he said. I think Ethan liked having a baby around. Grayson and I unloaded the truck. "Where did you find all these medical supplies?" Asked Grayson. "At the house where I found Indie. I watched as Grayson rebuilt the cot, he was already unwilling beginning to treat Indie and if she was his own child. Indie started to cry and Ethan was freaking out. "Uh Kate help" yelled Ethan. "Come here" I yelled back to him. He slowly got up and walked o we to me. "Put her in the high chair" I said. He looked at me dumbfounded. "How?" He said. "Omg just put her in" I said. Ethan put her in but struggled with the straps. I laughed at him until he got it. "Here you go" I said passing Ethan baby food and a spoon. "You want me to feed her?" He asked. "Are you scared?" I asked. "No I just don't know how" he said. "Feed her just like you would feed yourself, just be more gentle" I said. He opened the tin and scooped the spoon into it. "Open up little baby" he said in a high pitch voice. The more he fed her the more comfortable he got. Soon enough the was treating the spoon like an aeroplane. I saw Grayson sitting by himself so I went over to him. "Are you ok?" I asked as I sat down next to him. "Yeah I just" he paused. "You just what?" I asked. "I just know that I'm gonna have to treat Indie like my own and so are you" he said. "Why?" I asked. "Because she needs parents" he said. Grayson heart was so full of love it made me love him even more. "Look at uncle Ethan over there, he is doing fine" he said. "Indie's parents are gone, we are all she has left" I said. "Yeah, so am I like a dad now?" Asked Grayson. "You have always been a dad" I said winking at him. "Oh my gosh" said Grayson as he laughed and put his arms around me. "Just wanna let you know Ethan and I don't really know what we are doing when it comes to baby's" said Grayson. "We will figure it out" I said. Just as Grayson was about to kiss me Ethan yelled out my name. "Kate!" Yelled Ethan. "Coming!" I yelled back. Grayson and I walked over to Ethan. "I think she is full" said Ethan. "I think we need lessons on how to look after a baby" said Grayson. "Lesson 1, don't yell near the baby, you'll scare the shit out of her" I said. "Ok no yelling" Ethan repeated. Grayson picked up Indie and took her over to his bed. He laid there talking to Indie. I thought it was pretty cute actually. "Ok Ethan let's change that wound" I said. Ethan and I sat in the truck and I changed his wound. "So how do you feel about all this?" I asked. "Well I'm an uncle now so I'm pretty happy" he said. I walked over to Grayson and noticed he was asleep with Indie.

 I walked over to Grayson and noticed he was asleep with Indie

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I slowly took Indie out of his arms and put her into the cot. I settled her and laid down next to Grayson, he put his arms around me and I cuddled into him. About 20 minutes later Indie began to cry. "And so it begins" said Grayson.

Credits to whoever did that artwork of Grayson and the baby. I just found it on google. I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and I might post another one today because I didn't post yesterday. Love y'all lovelies❤️

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