Chapter 2

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Well....I hope ya like it!

She walked down the streets and glared at the homeless men who tried to grab out at her. She sighed as she soon was at her apartment. She stopped and was about to enter the building when she felt as though someone was standing right behind her. She quickly turned around and punched them in the face. That's when she realized that the person she had just punched in the face was non other than Raphael.

"Raph! What are you doing!? You know better than to follow me!" She growled at him.

"Ow! And I just wanted to bunk with you for the night." Raph said rubbing his face.

"Raph...I was really looking forward to the peace and quiet of my home tonight."

Raph sighed and was about to turn away when Lea stopped him. "Fine you can stay..but you get the couch."

Raph smirked, "thanks."

Lea sighed and smiled at Raph, "no problem."

Raph and Lea entered the very fancy building and walked to the elevator. Raph growled to himself when he saw the receptionist at the front desk stare at Lea as she walked by and towards the elevator.

" coming or what?" Lea asked as she now stood in the elevator. Raph nodded and walked into the elevator beside Lea. She sighed and pushed the button that would take them to the top floor. Raph loved how Lea was at the very top of the building, it meant that she has the best service and that she has one of the best rooms. They finally made it to the top floor and walked over to Lea's room. She slipped the key card and then opened the door. Raph followed behind her and marveled at her room.

"Wow!! It just looks better and better every time I come over."

Lea smiled and set her things on the table and soon made her way up to her room. Raph watched as she left.

He sighed and went and sat in the couch. He turned in the tv and watched a football game u till Lea finished in the bathroom. She came out with a robe on and was drying her hair with her towel.

"Bathrooms yours." She said and walked into her room to change.

Raph nodded in her direction and then turned back to the tv. He decided he'd finish the game first and then go take a shower. There was only like ten minuets left anyways.

After the game ended Raph went and took a shower. Fifteen minutes later he was walking out of the bathroom in just boxers.

"Wow Raph can't you be a little decent?" Lea said as she turned around on the couch and watched as Raph walked up to her and sat down beside her.

Raph looked her up and down, "have ya looked at yourself in the mirror lately."

Lea looked down at herself, "so? Shorts and a bra. What's so bad about that?" She asked a bit irritated.

Raph smirked at her, "it's a fuckin turn on."

Lea rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "'s my apartment."

Raph smirked and went to kiss her on the neck when he was meet with a pillow to the face.


"What?" Lea asked playfully and innocently.

Raph glared at her, "ya know what?"

"What?" Lea said getting up.

"I think I should teach ya a lesson for doin that."

"Well I think you should grab a pillow and blanket."

"Nah..I'd rather teach ya a lesson." Raph said and smirked as he got up to.

Lea rolled her eyes, "Raph its 6 in the morning. I'd like to get to bed now." She turned around and headed for her room but stopped when Raph forced her to turn around. He grabbed a hold of her arm so she couldn't go anywhere.

"Raph! Stop! I'm going to bed!" She said angrily and struggled to get out of his grip.

Raph smirked at her and held her arm tighter, "I see what your doin."

"Oh and what exactly am I doing." She glared at Raph.

Raph smirked at her again, "your playing hard to get."

Lea glared at him, "I am not!! I've been working and my job is tiring! Meeting up to people's expectations and having fucking sex!! You don't understand what it's like to sell your body to some strange!!"

Raph growled at her and held her arm tighter, "oh really..well who's fault was it to sell herself like a slut."

Lea gasped...her breathing quickened and tears threatens to spill, "take that back!"

"No! You don't understand how hard it is to do what I do! You have to work your butt off! Make sure you get make a certain amount of money everyday!" Raph growled and his grip tightened the angrier he got.

Lea hissed in pain and struggled to get free as tears streamed down her face.

When Raph finally saw the sadness and pain in less eyes he realized what he had said and saw that he had caused her pain. He quickly let go of her. Lea rubbed at her wrist and didn't look up at Raph.

"You don't know what it's like to kill someone." After Lea had said that she ran to her room and locked the door.

Raph watched as she ran to her room. He sighed and sat on the couch.

"Why..why'd I have to be so stupid!! Why'd I let my anger out!" He sighed and put his head in his hands. He got up and grabbed a pillow and blanket and lied down in the couch. Tears threatened to spill and so he let them. That night the two of them cried themselves to sleep.

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