Chapter 16

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After breakfast, Mikey left and Lea and Raph got ready to leave as well.

"Man!! I'm so excited!! I don't know what to wear!" Lea said running around the house, like a child high on sugar.

Raph laughed at Lea, "will ya calm down. Common let's go upstairs and I'll pick your outfit out."

Lea smiled brightly and ran up the stairs.

Raph began to rummage through Lea's bag and picked out a dress for her along with heels.

"Thanks!" She began to change and soon was putting on her heels. Raph watched her and then quickly changed into something decent himself.

They were out the door and on their way to the city in minutes.

A couple hours later they made it to the agency, they walked into the building and were greeted by the worlds famous model agent. He was also a turtle like Raph and Lea.

Lea smiled brightly at him, "hello Mr-"

"Please just call me Leonardo."

Raph looked at Leonardo curiously, "wait...Leonardo Hamato?"

Leonardo looked over at Raph curiously, "wait...are you Raphael Hernandez?"

"Yeah. Are you Leonardo Hamato?"


Lea looked between the two curiously, "what's happening?"

Raph turned to Lea, "Leonardo here, use to be my best bud in high school before we separated our way before collage."

Leonardo smiled at Raph and Lea, "yep! He would always try and get me in trouble."

Raph retaliated, " I was trying to get you to have fun."


The two men laughed.

"Well then." Lea turned away awkwardly and looked around the room they were in.

Leonardo smiled, "it's been a long time Raph."

"I know. We'll have to go out and do something."

"Sounds good." Leonardo turned back to Lea, "so Lea...I saw the magazine you were in and well instead of an want to tell me when you'd like to begin modeling?"

Lea turned and looked at Leonardo, "so I have the job?!" She asked excited.

Leonardo smiled at her, "yep!"

"Yay!!" She ran over to Leonardo and gave him a huge and a kiss on the cheek, "thank you!! Thank you!!"

Leonardo hugged her back, then pulled away and turned back to Raph, "so are you and Lea dating then?"

"Yep." Raph said smirking.

"Nice. Well why don't we go out for dinner tonight? At eight?" Leonardo asked the two.

"Yeah!" The two said simultaneously.

Leonardo smiled, "awesome. Well I'll meet you at Antonio's then." He smiled.

"Cool." Raph said and wrapped his arm around Lea's waist. They walked out of the building and got into the car.

"Wow! I can't believe you and Leonardo use to be friends." Lea said surprised.

"Yep...he was the opposite of what I was. The perfect student, teachers pet." He smirked and laughed.

Lea laughed with him.

They decided to drive to Lea's apartment and take a nap before they had dinner with Leonardo. That way Raph could rest.

They lied in bed and cuddled each other. Lea lied on top of Raph, Raph wrapped his arms around her waist.

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