Chapter 7

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Lea woke up again to the smell of food. She smiled and got up, grabbing her robe and putting it on. She'd change out her bed sheets later.

She sighed happily as she walked out of her room and into the kitchen. She smiled as she watched Raph plate the food.

"Good morning babe." Raph said smiling as he turned around and saw Lea at the entrance of the kitchen.

Lea smiled happily and walked over to the table and sat down, "good morning Raph. Did you sleep good?"

"Yep...especially with you right beside me." He said and kissed Lea before placing the plate of food in front of her with a glass of orange juice.

Lea smiled down at her food, "thanks Raph."

Raph smiled at her and began to eat with her. They talked about what they were going to do today before they had to go to work.

"I might just clean up the place and maybe go for a walk in the park before I go to work." Lea said and took a bite of her food.

Raph smiled at her, "well I gotta catch up on some stuff for work tonight and well Casey and April wanted to talk to me about something."

Lea smiled, "their such a cute couple." She said and thought about the wedding.

Raph smiled at Lea then thought of something, "hey...why don't I help ya clean up this place and then I can take you with me. We'll walk to my house and we can take my car to their house." Raph offered.

"Oh..I couldn't. And plus they wanted to talk to you not me." Lea said and smiled at Raph.

Raph stared at Lea, "common.."

Lea smiled, "no its fine. Maybe next time." Lea said still smiling at Raph.

Raph felt a bit upset that Lea wouldn't go, "please?!"

"Raph..they want to talk with you not me." She sighed and stared at Raph, seeing the sadness in his eyes, "Raph...please. I promise you I'll go next time." She got out of her chair and walked over to Raph and hugged him.

"Ya promise?"

"I promise." She said and kissed him. Raph smiled up at her.

Later that day, Raph left leaving Lea to clean up around the place. Yeah she could have people come and clean but she'd rather clean up her own way.

After she cleaned she took a small nap. Refreshing her self and getting a couple more hours of sleep.

"Hey Casey, hey April. What'd ya wanna talk about?" Raph sat in a recliner beside the couch that April and Casey sat on.

April smiled widely, "well me and Casey will be leaving soon for our honeymoon and after that, a couple months down the road we were going to go on vacation somewhere. And we were wondering if you wanted to tag along with us." She smiled brightly then turned to Casey.

Casey smiled down at April then looked back at Raph, "and well maybe ya could bring along Lea."

Raph smiled widely, "are ya guys serious?"

"Yep!!" April said cheerfully.

"And ya want Lea to tag along?"


"Well alright! I'll talk to Lea later tonight. Thanks guys! I owe ya guys one!" Raph said, and got up.

April and Casey got up and they gave a hug to Raph before he left to go get ready for work.

April looked up at Casey, "their together!"

Casey smirked, "I bet."

Lea woke up and stretched before getting ready and then going to the park for a run. She rolled her eyes as she saw men staring at her, calling out to her and whistling.

Lea sighed as she finished her run. She wiped the sweat off her body and walked back to her apartment.

She changed and was soon on her way to work.

She walked into the building and all the guys attention turned towards her. She walked past them and to the back. She walked to her office and threw her bag onto her desk. She then walked out of her office making sure to lock it. She walked towards her bosses office.

When she walked in she saw Michelangelo and Donatello surrounded by girls. When she looked over at Raphael, he was busy at work with NO girls surrounding him. Lea smiled to herself. She stopped and stood in front of Mikey and Donnie.

Before speaking Donnie and Mikey sent the girls out of the room and back onto the floor.

"So what is it? Am I on the floor again?" Lea asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"No you won't be working on the floor." Mikey said.

"So ya found a job?" Lea asked curiously.

Donnie nodded and handed Lea a file.

"His name is Oroku Saki."

Lea looked through the file, "well...I'll try my best." She then saw a plane ticket in the folder. She pulled it out and stared down at it.

"LA!!! Your sending me to LA!!!" Lea yelled out.

Raph's eyes widened and he stood up and looked over at Lea, Donnie and Mikey.

"What!! We never agreed about sending her off somewhere!" Raph yelled out.

"But Raph...this dude is paying millions to get Saki eliminated." Mikey explained.

"But why would he pay millions?!" Raph said angrily.

Donnie looked between Raph and Lea curiously.

"The dude is quiet difficult to get alone...and he kills people. But that's not the only thing he does."

Raph growled angrily. Lea sighed.

"For how long?" Raph growled out.

"Until she finishes the job. She's to call us as soon as she finishes. We'll send her money to buy a ticket back here." Donnie explained. He had already figured out why Raph was acting like this.

Lea sighed, "fine...I'll meet one of you outside my apartment to pick me up and take me to the airport in the morning." Lea said and walked out of the room.

Raph growled at Donnie and Mikey, and followed after Lea.

Lea stood in her office and was staring down at the ticket she held in her hands. Raph walked up to her and sighed.

"He kills people, he's a drug dealer, he sells weapons." She sighed, "and what if I can't get anywhere near him? The file says he has body guards surrounding him twenty four seven."

Raph sighed and hugged Lea from behind resting his head on top of hers, "I know you'll be able to lure him in." Raph said and kissed her neck.

Lea sighed and relaxed in his arms, "if you say so." Lea sighed, "will you take me to the airport in the morning then?" Lea asked, turning around and wrapping her arms around Raph's neck.

"Yeah." He leaned down and kissed her.


They stood for a few minutes hugging each other tightly.

"Go and get packed then rest before your flight tomorrow."

Lea smiled up at Raph and kissed him once more. She sighed, got her things and left.

Raph watched as she left and then walked back to his shared office.

He sighed and sat back down at his desk, "I'm taking her in the morning."

Donnie and Mikey nodded towards him.

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