Chapter 18

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A month passed and Raph began to think about proposing to Lea while they were on vacation. So while Lea was at one of her photo shoots, he was at April and Casey's house.

"Dude!! Totally do it!!!" Casey said excited for his best friend.

"Aw!!! Yeah do it!!! You two were meant for each other!!" April said excitedly.

Raph smiled at the two, "okay, okay, but were are we going?"

April and Casey looked to one another then back at Raph, "we were thinking Hawaii." April said smiling, "if that's okay with you and Lea of course."

"Oh trust me...Lea's always wanted to go to Hawaii."

"Awesome!" Casey said.

"Think about it. Walking along the beach and then bowing down on one knee. Aw!!" April awed.

Raph smile grew, "I can see it to."

The three talked for a while till Raph had to leave and pick Lea up.

As Lea got into the car she sighed, exhausted.

"What a day. Very long."

Raph smiled over at her and using his free hand, he grabbed her hand and then turned his attention to the road as he drove off.

Lea smiled and held his hand.

When they got home they made dinner and then talked for a bit before they'd head to bed. Raph had work tomorrow, so he told her he'd be sleeping in tomorrow, but he'd take her to her photo shoot and bring her back home.

"Cool. Well you need the rest especially since you work at night."

"Yep. Hey I want to tell ya something."

"What is it?"

"April and Casey have decided where they want to go for the vacation."





"Yay!!!! I've always wanted to go to Hawaii!!"

Raph smirked and smiled when Lea hugged him tightly and then kissed him.

"Yay!! We're going to Hawaii!!" Lea yelled happily.

Raph smiled, "yeah. Now calm down we're going to bed."

Lea smiled and ran up the stairs to Raph's room, she changed and got into bed. Raph laughed and followed after her, taking everything off except his boxers and then slid under the covers to fall asleep. The two spooned and soon fell asleep.

As the weeks flew by Lea had decided she was going to stay at her place on the weekdays and stay with Raph on the weekends. It saved less gas and she was closer to work than she would be if she stayed with Raph.

She truly missed having him beside her but she was excited for the vacation her, Raph, Casey and April were going on. Hawaii....she was ready. They were leaving Saturday and they'd stay a whole week.

"Only one more day! Then I'll come home and pack then meet everyone at the airport in the morning." She said to herself, excited.

She took a shower, changed and then went to work.

When she walked into the building she jumped, surprised to see Leo waiting.

"Oh...Leo you scared me!" She said breathing deeply.

Leo stared at her, "its been almost two months now and so I want to ask you a question."

Lea looked at Leo curiously, "what is it?"

"Now don't get mad but....are you willing to model for lingerie now?"

Lea thought for a moment then sighed, "I guess."

"Are you sure?" Leo asked her questioningly.


"Great, well there's an outfit in your changing room. Just change and then we'll be out here waiting to take photos." Leo said smiling at her and walked over to the photographer.

Lea sighed and walked to her changing room. She looked over at the lingerie and sighed, "well...just put it on and get it over with. I hope Raph won't be mad at me."

She then decided to call Raph, "hey Raphie sorry to call you but um..." she paused.

"It's okay and what were you gonna say?"

"Well....Leo asked me if I was finally willing to model for lingerie. And I wanted to ask you if you would be mad at me." She said and sighed sadly.

"Why would I be mad at you? It's your job." Raph said smiling.

"Okay thanks! I wasn't really sure. Sorry again."

"Your good. See ya babe."

"Bye Raphie!" She then hung up and put the lingerie on and walked out of her room and soon found herself in front of the camera.

Leo turned and looked at Lea, "woah."

The other models in the room even turned to look at her either jealous or impressed.

Lea blushed, "ugh...can you stop staring please." She said, looking down embarrassed.

Leo blinked and blushed, he then turned to the others, "carry on."

Lea watched as the others walked away and continued to do their own things.

As Lea drove home she thought over her day. She then smirked to herself. She dialed Raph's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey babe."

"Hey Raphie! How've you been? Did I wake you?"

"No I've been up for a while. And I'm doing good! What about you?"

"Oh just had a busy day as usual, but I have something special for you."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah." Lea said smirking, she quickly sent him a couple photos of her in lingerie.

When Raph got the photos, he stopped what he was doing, "I gotta go. Call ya in a bit."

Lea laughed and hung up and she finished her drive to her apartment.

She walked into the building, got on the elevator and went up to the top floor. She then walked over to her room, unlocked the door and once inside she walked to her bedroom and began to pack. As she was packing she got a call from Raph, "hey Raph."

"Hey babe. Ya getting packed already?"

"Yep! I'm so excited!!!"

Raph smiled, "I bet. I'm so ready!"

"Aww!!! I can't wait to see your face again.."

"Me too. Well finish getting ready and then go to bed. I'll see ya in the morning."

"Okay! You get ready too and try and get some sleep."

"Okay. Bye babe."

"Bye Raph."

They hung up. Lea finished packing, took a shower and soon was in bed.

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