Chapter 3

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Well here's Chapter 3, hope ya enjoy!

In the morning Lea got up to the smell of breakfast. She sat up and stretched and got out of bed. She walked out of her room and into the kitchen to find Raphael at the stove making breakfast. She walked up beside him and looked down at what he was making.

"Pancakes, eggs and bacon." She said and looked up at Raph. He saw her bloodshot eyes and she saw his. Raph sighed and turn the stove off. He served everything on to a plate for the both of them. Then once he placed everything on the table he turned to Lea who looked at him with surprise as she saw the setting of the table.

"Lea..I'm so sorry." Raph sighed and stared right at her, "I don't know what came over me. I guess my anger is getting out of hand. I just thought that my life was stressful and I never consider what you do. You have the most stressful job in this business of ours."

Lea smiled and rested her hand on his cheek, "in glad now that you understand."

Raph smiled sadly back but then smiled when he saw Lea lean in and give him a kiss.

"Now let's eat! I'm hungry!" Lea said excitedly.

Raph laughed. The two sat down at the table and enjoyed their breakfast with each other.

After breakfast, Lea washed the dishes and looked at the time. She smiled to herself and walked out into the living room and saw Raph sitting on the couch and watching tv. She walked over and sat down beside him.

"'s only ten. What else did you have planned for today?" She smiled at him.

Raph thought for a moment, "well I have a party to go to. And the invitation said to bring a guest."

" who did you invite?" Lea asked. She had already assumed Raph had asked one of the girls at work to join him as his plus one.

"Well...I was actually hoping you would go with me." Raph said.

"Oh...well what kind of party?" Lea asked curiously.

"Well..I should say it's more of a wedding then a party. My best bud is getting married. And well I'm his best man." Raph said proudly.

Lea giggled and smiled up at him, "of course I'll go with you."

"Awesome!!" Raph yelled out excited, "well the weddings at 2 so we have to be there at eleven. I gotta help with decorations and getting everything ready."

"Cool! Well I can help and I can just take my change of clothes."

"That's so nice of you. I bet they'd love that!"

Lea smiled up at Raph and got up, "well I'm going to find something nice to wear." She walked to her room.

Raph smiled and got changed into his normal clothes. He'd also change once everything was ready for the wedding.

30 minute later Lea came out of her room with shorts on and a tank top on.

"I'm ready to go!" She said as she walked to the door, holding a bag and grabbed her keys.

Raph smiled and followed after her with his own bag in hand. They took the elevator all the way down to the garage and then Lea walked over to her car. Raph marveled at the car.

"Woah! It's so beautiful! An Audi R8!! How?!"

Lea giggled and got in starting the engine. Raph marveled at the car a minute longer then got in too.

Lea drive out of the garage and onto the streets.

"So where's this wedding taking place?"

"Ugh...between 8th and Lavender Lane."

"Oh...awesome! It's close by." Lea smiled and continued driving.

Fifteen minutes later they arrived at a big building. Lea parked and then saw a man standing outside in the front. She turned to Raph, "is that your friend or someone else?"

"Thats my man Casey Jones!" He said and got out of the car. He walked up to Casey and gave him a hug and fist bump.

"My best man! Thanks on comin early. The other guys fuckin bailed on us so it's just gonna be the two of us getting this wedding ready. Fuck we have to work are butts off." Casey cursed out.

Lea had gotten out of the car and locked it. She was now walking up to Raph and Casey.

"It's okay dude. We got this."

Casey looked back up at Raph and smirked, but then his eyes caught someone walking up to them. He looked the girl up and down and that when Raph finally realized Casey had spotted Lea.

"Woah dude! Who's that?"

Lea smiled and made her way up to Casey, "hello. You must be Casey." She said smiling.

Casey stared at Lea.

Raph got a bit annoyed that Casey was staring at Lea.


"Oh uh sorry." Casey said nervously, "yeah I'm Casey Jones...and you are?" Casey asked extending his hand towards her.

Leo took his hand and shook it, "I'm Leona." Lea said smiling.

"Nice to meet you Leona." Casey said, still shaking Lea's hand as he just stared into her sapphire eyes.

"Uh...just call me Lea." Lea said, finding their very long hand shake awkward. She tried pulling away but Casey didn't budge. Lea turned to Raph for help.

Raph rolled his eyes and helped Lea. And Raph's way of helping was by slapping case across the face.

"Ow!! What the fuck Raph!"

Raph smirked and pushed Casey inside to get started on the decorations.

Through out the decoration process Raph caught Casey staring at Lea. So when they were almost done Raph set Lea up to do another task while he dragged Casey aside and talked to him.

"Casey! I see you eyeing Lea! You need to stop! Your getting married soon!"

"I know! I know! I'm sorry." Casey sighed.

"What's up?"


"Whatever. Just stop starin at her. Okay?"


Another hour rolled around and finally the three were finished. And hour later guest would be arriving.

Lea sighed, "wow that was a work out."

Raph laughed, "ya think."

Lea smiled and then turned to Casey, " well I'd hug you and tell you congratulations right now but I'm all sweaty and your all sweat and no thanks. But I will give you a hug later and officially tell you congratulations." She said smiling.

Casey smiled and her, "well then why don't you go freshen up."

Lea smiled and walked away to get ready.

Raph smiled and watched her go, he then turned to Casey.

"Dude you should be getting ready too."

"Oh yeah! Thanks! Well I'll be goin!" Casey said and smiled one last time at Raph before walking out of the room and going and getting ready for his wedding. Raph sighed and went to go get ready himself.

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