Chapter 14

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Raph looked over at Donnie, "what?"

"Your done killing people."

Lea sat frozen in her chair. She stared at Donnie, "are you serious?"

Donnie nodded. He then turned to Mikey and nodded at him. Mikey understood and got up. He grabbed a briefcase that sat on his desk and walked back over to Lea handing it to her.

She looked up at him quizzically, "what's in it?"

"Just open it."

Lea nodded and opened the case, gasping.

Raph raised a non existent eyebrow and got up, walking up behind her, gasping as he saw what was in it.

Donnie smirked, "a million dollars all for you. And know that there will be a couple more cases coming your way in the future with the same amount in each of them."

Lea stared down in shock. She then closed the briefcase and got up walking over to Donnie. Donnie stood up as well. Lea wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a hug. He wrapped his arms around her waist and returned the hug.

"Thank you!" She said crying.

Donnie laughed, "don't cry."

Lea smiled and buried her face into his neck.

They hugged for a minute then pulled away. She cleared her face and stood in front of Donnie, Raph right beside her.

"Well you know you can stay and work on the floor...or you can do what your meant to be."

Lea looked at him curiously, "and what's that?"

"Model." He smiled at her and held up a magazine with her face on it. She gasped and blushed.

Mikey grabbed the magazine and looked through it, "wow..." Mikey then looked over at Lea, "your hot."

Lea's blush darkened, "uh..thanks."

Raph smirked and grabbed the magazine from Mikey and looked over it, "woah he's right." Then he turned back to Mikey, "these are just dresses...Imagine lingerie."

Mikey's eyes widened and he ran out of the room.

Raph laughed, and turned back to Lea and Donnie.

"Will you guys stop please." Raph smirked and walked up to Lea, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I knew it."

Raph and Lea looked over at Donnie startled.


"Your good. Don't mind me."

Lea smiled at Donnie.

"So I assume your going to leave and go do what you were meant to be then?" Donnie asked.

Lea smiled, "yep."

Raph pulled away and walked over to his desk, going through a drawer and grabbing a paper. He closed the drawer and walked back over to Lea and handed her the paper, "here ya go babe. Do whatever you want with it."

Lea smiled and looked down at it. It was the paper she sighed when she first started working for Donnie, Mikey and Raph. She was out on her own then and had to find a job, one that payed well to. She was only sixteen when she started working for them. Now she was twenty one and leaving for good.

"Do you have a paper shredder?"

Donnie nodded and pointed over to it.

She walked over and put it through the shredder.

She then walked over to Raph and hugged him. She looked over at the door seeing Mikey walking in.

"Sorry guys...I had to do something real quick."

Lea giggled. Then turned and looked at Donnie still hugged Raph resting her head on his chest.

"Well..." Donnie walked over to her and Raph, Lea moved away from Raph giving Donnie all her attention, "it was nice working with you." He extended his hand and Lea took it, shaking it.

They separated and Donnie turned to Raph, "take care of her brother." Raph nodded and smiled at his brother.

Mikey then walked over to them and hugged Lea, "well I'll see ya around Lea." He smiled at her as he pulled away and stood beside Donnie.

Lea smiled at the two of them.

Donnie looked at Raph, "you can have the night off but I expect to see you back here tomorrow."

Raph smirked, "got it." He then wrapped an arm around Lea's waist.

"Aww!!! You two are so cute together!!" Mikey awed.

Lea giggled while Raph growled at his brother.

Soon they were driving back to Raph's house, but first Lea went to the bank and put half of the money into a savings account and the other half into her bank account.

She yawned as they walked out of the bank and back to the car. Raph smirked looking down at her, "looks like someone's tired."

Lea smiled up at Raph nodding and yawned again, rubbing her eyes.

Raph sighed and picked her up bridal style. She rested her head on Raph's shoulder.

Raph smiled down at her and saw she was fast asleep, "how? We barely made it to the car." He laughed to himself and opened the passenger side door and set Lea down into the seat, putting her seatbelt on. He then closed the door and walked over to the drivers side of the car, got in and started driving back to his house.

Once he got home he got out of the car and walked over to the passenger side, getting Lea out and locking the car. He walked inside and shut the front door, making sure to lock it. He walked up the stairs and to his bedroom. He lied Lea down on the bed, started taking her clothes off, and re-wrapped her bandages. He picked her up again and tucked her in under the blankets. He smiled down at her and kissed her head. He pulled away and watched as she smiled in her sleep.

Raph then changed and crawled into bed beside her, quickly falling asleep.

They both woke up in the morning, and both decided to go out and eat for breakfast. And so they changed, left the house, got into the car and drove into the city. They looked around for a decent restaurant and finally found one. They walked inside and were seated. Raph asked for a seat away from everyone but was denied.

He growled as he saw men stare over at Lea.

Lea sighed and grabbed a hold of one of Raph's hands that were clenched in a fist, "Raphie...calm down babe. You knew from the beginning that they stare at me."

"I's just fucking irritating that I can't be the only one to look at you in public."

Lea sighed, "well for the rest of my life you'll be the only one who gets to see me under all my clothing." She then looked at the menu.

Raph blushed then smirked, "that's for sure."

Lea smiled up at him.

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