Just a Question

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To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Subject: Just a Question
George, can you answer a question for me?

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: Just a Question
This isn't about my shoe size again, is it? Because those shoes you bought me for Christmas were way too big.

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Just a Question
No, this isn't about shoes. I was just wondering . . . what is the best way to describe how you smell?

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: Just a Question

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Just a Question
Was that a question? You just put a period after it.

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: Just a Question
That's just my way of saying, "Are you bloody kidding me?!?"

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Just a Question
I'm not "kidding you," George. Give me an answer.

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: Just a Question
What is this about, anyway? Why do you want to know how I smell?

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Just a Question
Well . . . I was thinking about making you star in one of my books.

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: Just a Question
You mean you're planning on writing a fanfiction story about me. I wouldn't call that a book. This is going to be a soppy romance between me and who else? Paul? You?

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Just a Question
You and Ringo.

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: Just a Question
I am disturbed, John. I'm so very disturbed.

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Just a Question
Just tell me what cologne you used to wear.

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: Just a Question
I'm finished speaking to you. I'm not answering any questions about how I smell. You are disgusting.

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Subject: Ringo, Answer the Question!
Ringo, I was just wondering how George smelled in the year 1965.

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ringo, Answer the Question!
In '65? Well, I'm pretty sure he was wearing Tabac cologne at that time, but later, probably 1968-69, he started smelling suspiciously like sandalwood.

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ringo, Answer the Question!
Wow. How did you know that?

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ringo, Answer the Question!
I went shopping with him one time and he bought about five bottles of Tabac. Then after we came back from India, he was basically dumping bottles of sandalwood oil over his head. He wanted to make sure he smelled like that stuff everywhere.

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ringo, Answer the Question!
Thank you, Rings.

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ringo, Answer the Question!
Why'd you want to know that, John?

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ringo, Answer the Question!
Oh, I was just curious. MWAHAHAHA!!!

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ringo, Answer the Question!
Why are you laughing evilly?

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ringo, Answer the Question!
Oh, was I laughing evilly? Sorry, I didn't mean to put that down. Anyway, thanks again.

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ringo, Answer the Question!
Um . . . you're welcome.

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