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From: Magiuneration
Subject: Fooooooodddddd
Georgieeee, hello, my dear!! The question is, If you could be a food, what food do you want to be? And what food do you think your friends would be??? Yes, it's a stranger question... I LOVE YOU JOJ!!! ❤️❤️❤️

To: Magiuneration
Re Subject: Fooooooodddddd
Oh, wow. Um, thank you for all the hearts. If I could be a food I would want to be a sandwich! I love sandwiches! And by my friends, do you mean John, Paul, and Ringo? If John was a food he'd want to be curry or jelly, because those are his fave rave foods. Paul would want to be a carrot, for some reason. Don't ask me why, that's just what he said. And Ringo said he would want to be ice cream. Thank you for emailing me! I was surprised that already two people picked me over the other three! I see I'm a favorite. 😏

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