Embarrassing Stories

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To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: Rebecca_Dolenz @gmail.com
Subject: Embarrassing Stories
Hi George, you're the best Beatle [and everyone knows it]. Could you tell me some embarrassing stories about John, Paul, and Ringo please? It'd be funny and I won't tell them.
P.S I love you.

To: Rebecca_Dolenz @gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: Embarrassing Stories
I'm glad I have so many admirers! It used to be Paul, you know.
I like this one! I would be happy to tell you embarrassing stories about the other three. Let's start with Paul's number one humiliation. One time he was in the bathroom, but didn't lock the door and I walked in on him waxing his eyebrows! He made me promise not to tell anyone, but I couldn't help myself anymore. 😏
Hmm. Let me think about John for a moment. Ah! I've got one. As you probably know, he wouldn't wear his glasses because they weren't cool. One time we went shopping together and there was a blond mannequin wearing a mini-skirt in the store. John thought it was an actual bird, so he went over there and started flirting with her. After about five minutes of silence (and me laughing hysterically at him), he realized it wasn't a real girl. That was a good one.
Now, Ringo's done a lot of embarrassing things, but the one that stands out to me is this one time when he got a drum stick lodged up his nose. He had to go to the emergency room, and the nurses and doctor were all laughing at him! Of course, John, Paul, and I were also laughing, which didn't make him feel any better.
I probably wasn't supposed to share these stories with you, but it's not going to kill them if I tell one person, right? I've enjoyed all these emails, but Paul is really starting to get his underwear in a bunch because no one has emailed him. Anyway, this was fun!

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