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To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Subject: Oh, Ma Gawd
John, look what I found.

comSubject: Oh, Ma GawdJohn, look what I found

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What is this?!?

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Oh, Ma Gawd
No comment.

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: Oh, Ma Gawd
You don't have anything to say? Really?

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Oh, Ma Gawd

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: Oh, Ma Gawd
Do you have anything to say about this?

comRe Subject: Oh, Ma GawdDo you have anything to say about this?

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To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Oh, Ma Gawd
Very creative.
Ooh, look I found another one.

Ooh, look I found another one

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To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: Oh, Ma Gawd
That is hilarious! Since we're doing you and George now, here's something else I found.

comRe Subject: Oh, Ma GawdThat is hilarious! Since we're doing you and George now, here's something else I found

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To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Oh, Ma Gawd
Heh heh heh.

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: Oh, Ma Gawd
Someone spends a lot of time making these.

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Oh, Ma Gawd
You mean someone doesn't have a life.

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: Oh, Ma Gawd
Yeah, that too.

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Oh, Ma Gawd
Hang on, Ringo, I've got to send something to Paul.

To: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Subject: Ruined It!
Paul, you ruined one of the most iconic album covers of all time.

comSubject: Ruined It!Paul, you ruined one of the most iconic album covers of all time

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To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ruined It!
I think you mean, "Made the most scarring album cover of all time a whole lot better." You know how many kids you must have scarred for life because of your cover?

To: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ruined It!
They were going to see something like that sooner or later.

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ruined It!
Maybe, but I think that my version should be the new official cover.

To: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ruined It!
*gasps dramatically* How dare you!!! I'm finished speaking with you, Paul.

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Subject: WTH
George, what is the meaning of this?

comSubject: WTHGeorge, what is the meaning of this?

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To: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: WTH
I don't know. Looks like someone with really bad editing skills.

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Re Subject: WTH
I know it was you.

To: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: WTH
What makes you think I would make something so bad? I mean, it's just not bad. It's horrible.

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Re Subject: WTH
Fess up.

To: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: WTH
I thought it was pretty funny. The Tug of Joj album by Faul McFartney. I mean, come on! It's funny.

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Re Subject: WTH
No, it's not. Well, okay, if you think that's funny, what about this?

 Well, okay, if you think that's funny, what about this?

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It's the new George Harrison album. It's called Paulwashed.

To: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: WTH
Paulwashed? Oh, Krishna. Okay, we're even.

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Re Subject: WTH
That's what I thought.

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