5-Day Beatles Challenge

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To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Subject: 5-Day Beatles Challenge
John, I was surfing the net and this thing called the "5-Day Beatles Challenge" is floating around and I decided to do it.

To: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: 5-Day Beatles Challenge
Trying to keep up with the kiddos, aye?
And how do you do this challenge?

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Subject: 5-Day Beatles Challenge
Each day you're supposed to answer a thing involving the Beatles. Here.

(By the way, my favorite Beatle is Paul)

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(By the way, my favorite Beatle is Paul).

To: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: 5-Day Beatles Challenge
Ha! I would have assumed your favorite Beatle was yourself!
My favorite is Paul, too.

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Subject: 5-Day Beatles Challenge

To: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: 5-Day Beatles Challenge

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Subject: 5-Day Beatles Challenge
I'm speechless.

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Subject: 5-Day Beatles Challenge
All right, 5-day challenge, here I come!
Favorite Beatle: John.

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: 5-Day Beatles Challenge
Your favorite is John?!?
I didn't see that coming!
My favorite would have to be George.

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: 5-Day Beatles Challenge
Aw, thanks, Richie!

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Subject: 5-Day Beatles Challenge
Day two: favorite song.
Definitely "Yesterday."

To: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: 5-Day Beatles Challenge
Mine is "For No One."

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Subject: 5-Day Beatles Challenge
You're making me feel bad, John! 😡

To: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: 5-Day Beatles Challenge
What? What did I do?

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Subject: 5-Day Beatles Challenge
You're picking all the "me" stuff and I'm not picking any of your stuff!

thebeatles@gmail.comWhere stories live. Discover now