Holy Jiminy Christmas!!!

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To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Subject: Biscuits!!!!!!!!!!!!!
John, your wife stole my biscuits.

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Biscuits!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm afraid I don't know what you mean.

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: Biscuits!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't play stupid. You know she did. Have her give them back this minute.

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Biscuits!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We live too far away for her to give them back "this minute," George. It might be more like, "this year."

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: Biscuits!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MAKE HER GIVE THEM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Biscuits!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry, George.

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Subject: A Famous Plan
Ringo, I need help.

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: A Famous Plan
Are you watching Help!? Everything about that email suggested so.

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: A Famous Plan
Yes, I'm watching Help! Anyway, I need you to help me with a plan.

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: A Famous Plan
What is it this time? Are you wanting to hold some Subway workers at gunpoint so they make you one hundred sandwiches for free? Because you wanted to do that once before.

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: A Famous Plan
No, but thanks for the reminder. I need to do that yet. Yoko stole my stash of biscuits and John won't make her give them back.

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: A Famous Plan
She's probably already eaten them, George. You can just buy some more, you know.

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: A Famous Plan
Don't you dare say that, Richard! She's probably hoarding them somewhere in that house. She knows it's going to drive me mad just keeping them and not eating them. That's why she's doing it. THAT'S WHY SHE'S DOING IT, RINGO!!!

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: A Famous Plan
You're sounding crazy, George. You're scaring me.

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: A Famous Plan
Just help me with this plan, Ringo.

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: A Famous Plan
Oh, all right.

To: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Subject: Holy Jiminy Christmas!!!
Paul . . .

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Re Subject: Holy Jiminy Christmas!!!
What, John?

To: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Holy Jiminy Christmas!!!
I think George is into a serial killer.

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