What in Krishna's Name?!?!?!?!?

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AshleyMaycury gave me this wonderful idea! Credit goes to her!

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Subject: Candy
Ringo, can we talk about that movie you did in 1969 that was really bad?

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: Candy
I didn't think it was that bad.

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Candy
Ringo, accept it. It was bad. You play a Hispanic gardener with a really bad accent.

To: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: Candy
I thought my accent was pretty good, thank you very much.

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: walrusgumboot@gmail.com
Re Subject: Candy
Whatever makes you feel better, Richard.

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Subject: What in Krishna's Name?!?!?!?!?
John just told me to watch that movie you were in and it is B-A-D, bad. I can't believe you were in such a graphic movie.

To: sammichesforever@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: What in Krishna's Name?!?!?!?!?
It was based on a book, believe it or not.

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: sammichesforever@gmail.com
Re Subject: What in Krishna's Name?!?!?!?!?
I don't know who would read it, if it was as bad as the movie. God, I'm still trying to get it out of my head.

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Subject: Ooh, Richard!!!
I just watched Candy, and I have to say, I didn't hate it.

To: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ooh, Richard!!!
George and John didn't have anything nice to say about it, so thank you, Paul.

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ooh, Richard!!!
Yeah . . . I don't hate it . . .
I despise it.

To: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ooh, Richard!!!

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ooh, Richard!!!
I don't know why you're so offended! I was just being honest! It's not like it's a really good movie.

To: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ooh, Richard!!!
I am offended because I was trying my best for that bloody movie and you three don't appreciate it.

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ooh, Richard!!!
That was your best acting?

To: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
From: richiesnare@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ooh, Richard!!!

To: richiesnare@gmail.com
From: maccaisbacca@gmail.com
Re Subject: Ooh, Richard!!!

comRe Subject: Ooh, Richard!!!

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