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I had woken up with a notification from a verified user on Instagram, it had been blowing my mentions up and I wanted to find the source. I refreshed and saw yet another comment, tagging me. I clicked the post. It was from ArianaGrande. Unsurprisingly, I had freaked out but not only because she had tagged me, but because she had sang my song 'Dangerous Woman' and had made me flip out even more.

Shawn had entered when I had my hand over my mouth in awe, "what's up?" He questioned as I threw my phone in his direction, he flipped the phone the right way round before clicking play on the video. His jaw immediately dropped and he looked like a stunned deer in the headlights of a car. "Ariana freaking Grande did a cover of your song" he gushed as I giggled, "I'm so happy" he repeatedly kissed my face over and over again, whispering words such as "proud" and "love" against my skin.

"You're too sexy, beautiful and everybody wants a taste" I sing to randomly around the hotel room, hairbrush in hand,  straighteners in the other, "I still get jealous" I hum along to Nick's song, but, suddenly the song is changed to 'Numb' and I automatically send a death glare towards Shawn, "now you've got some substitute for me" Shawn belts the lyrics making me hysterically laugh,

"please stop" I beg as he shakes his head, just as Angel's part comes on, ready to rap my heart out, Shawn takes out his phone and begins to record, "I got dropped off in a black box, lived on a matchbox in your rage" I rap along as Shawn's jaw dropped for the second time today, for a megastar, this boy does get surprised easily. I'm surprised he hasn't heard me rap along to Nicki Minaj, that happens very frequently.

Zurich is certainly beautiful whether it's Lake Zurich or its incredible architecture of Grissomünster, it holds natural history and is one hell of a place to visit. I smile as the breeze of the fresh air pushes against my hair, Shawn and I had decided to see the sights, seeing as neither of us had been here before. We had seen about two sights, and we had decided to go on a muffin break because Shawn was hungry and I needed a drink.

We're currently sat at a quaint little cafe, it was quiet and the majority of people here were studying and/or listening to music. I look around. It has a rustic feel, the sofas are brown and leather, there are old music posters on the wall and there are flowers and plants dotted around everywhere.

I sip on my orange juice as Shawn eats his chocolate muffin smearing it around his mouth in the process. I giggle as he looks up and sees me watching him stuff his face, "you got a little something" I wipe his chin, "there" he immediately sticks his tongue out, licking my hand making me whip it away and make a gross face towards him, "that's so gross Shawn" I scrunch my nose up at him as he laughs, "it's basically like kissing" he wiggles his eyebrows making me roll my eyes, "that's way more sanitary than that" I raise my eyebrow towards him as he puts a cocky smirk on,

"I'm sure exchanging spit is more unsanitary"

Shawn and I hold hands as I'm walking on a wall and he's walking steadying me, an old man approaches us, his hair is grey and he has a bald spot on top of his head, he's small and is wearing a button up shirt and some jeans, he's dressed quite smart, I must say. A camera is draped around his neck. "Do you guys think I could take some pictures of you?" He questioned as I looked down to Shawn, "sure why not" Shawn shrugged as the man walked a distance in front of us, snapping a few pictures and returning to us, "thank you guys so much, now I'll finally have a source of income" he smiled as I hopped down off the wall, "these clothes are just for show, me and my family are getting evicted, we have no where to go" a tear falls onto his cheek, my eyes begin to well up,

"sir, we would like to help you"

Shawn and I directed the man- who we had later discovered was called Albert- towards the hotel we are staying at, we had taken him to see Andrew, to hopefully become a photographer for our next show so we can give him money. We had introduced them and they had seemed to be getting along quite nicely, he had shown Andrew the pictures he had taken of Shawn and I- which, by the way, was the best pictures of us that had been taken so far- and Andrew seemed impressed, considering he doesn't get impressed easily, it made this better.

"Guys, we have a new photographer on tour" Andrew smiled to us as Albert clasped his hand over his mouth, "thank you so so so much" he hugged me and Shawn, making us smile, "my family will be happy again thank you both so much" he shook both of our hands,

"It was our pleasure"

It turns out, Alberts daughters were very fond of Shawn, and were fans of his, so, we gave them free backstage passes to see Shawn and I, one of them being our age and the other was fifteen, it wouldn't be hard for Shawn and I to speak to them- from our point of view at least- and hopefully I make a new friend out of this.

Shawn smiles to me as he rests his head on top of mine, we're sat on stage supposed to be rehearsing and checking the mic's work but Andrew was gone and we had already tested them so this gave us some alone time with one another, "thanks for this opportunity, Mendes, thanks for being my friend and my first proper boyfriend" I mumble into his chest as he lifts his head off mine,

"I know you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with"

Arranged Marriage - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now