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Shawn's show had just started in Portland, I eagerly watched on the sidelines with Andrew, both of us watching him strumming his guitar at the front of the stage. "What's up guys" he spoke into the mike as thousands of people began to scream. The beginning of There's nothing holdin' me back began to play and his voice chimed into the mic.

Shawn jogged towards me as he was going to the B stage, he kissed my cheek when he had hauled in his tracks and then continued running away. I peered over to Andrew as he looked at me and half-heartedly smiled, "that boy really loves you" he walked over to me as I nodded, "he's something special" I lightly chuckled as he glanced over to me "I'm sorry for everything" he looked down to his hands as he played with his fingers, "why?" I questioned as I turned my full attention to him, "I haven't been fair on you- I-I" he stammered "I just haven't been there for you as much as a good manager should be" I placed my hand onto his shoulder as he looked up to me, a solemn look wiped across his face.

Andrew was right- he hadn't really been there for me, but, he didn't have to be- I had Shawn there by my side. Andrew had continued to apologize to me- it was kind of getting boring. Luckily, Shawn has finished his set and came to sit down next to me, he wrapped his arms over my shoulders as I looked up to his face and nestled my head into his neck. I felt a pang of remorse that Shawn still didn't know the full story of how I got here- he still didn't know about my name change; I wanted to tell him desperately. It had been a continuous battle of emotions, contemplating back and forth whether I should come clean and tell him. It could go one of two ways- no in between. He could either accept that the past is the past- or the other side of the spectrum- hate me and never talk to me again. I had discussed with Andrew and he had advised me against doing it- but who is he to tell me I can't do it.

"Shawn" I whispered as he glanced over to me up from his phone. We were sitting in his dressing room on the black leather couch in the corner next to a black cabinet. "Rein" he smiled as he put his phone down on the little coffee table in front of our knees. "I've got something to tell you" I sighed as his face dropped, "wha- what- are you leaving?- have you cheated on me?- oh my god" he mumbled to himself as I lightly laughed, shaking my head "it's not that serious, Shawn" I peered down to my fingers, noticing the engagement ring which was shining in the light of the room, "basically" I paused as I grabbed his hand and shuffled over to him. I looked into his chocolate brown eyes as my face softened as a mixture of confusion wiped Shawn's face, it's best to put him out of his misery now. "Well, I haven't been completely honest with you" he opened his mouth to say something, but then cut himself off and closed his eyes for a split second, "my name isn't really Rein" my eyes darted towards my hands again to avoid his eye contact.

Shawn took it... alright. The news was obviously a shock for him- it would shock me too if he had emulated the same news to me. It had been twenty minutes since Shawn had decided to ignore me as I had "lied to him". "Shawn" I poked his cheek as he turned his head away from me- I had been doing this for the past five minutes and I was still getting the same response. "Shawn, I'm just going to leave you now, think what you want to think and talk to me when you're not being a child" I stood up picking up my black denim jacket, "alright bye" I walked towards the door pushing the metal door handle down and strutting out.

I had taken a taxi back to the hotel room and I was snuggled up in my bed, the white linen was barely visible through the darkness of the room. I closed my eyes as regret began to partially set in about what I had said to Shawn- was it a bit too harsh?- I thought to myself as a sigh escaped my lips. My mind began to gently drift off into darkness as I was absorbed into a deep sleep with many questions playing on my mind.

"Andrew" I was woken up by Shawn's voice in the next room, "Why would you do that? Make her lie to me?" His tone boomed into my room as I reached over for my phone, checking the time- 2:56am- I read as I sat up, grabbing a bottle of water that was next to me and taking a few sips, eagerly listening into the conversation that was occurring next door. "It was for her protection, Shawn." Andrew's stern tone seeped into his voice, "why do you care, anyway, it's not like I totally didn't find you the love of your life" his sarcastic voice rang through my ears as Shawn sighed, "whatever, Andrew I'm going to bed, night" A door was opened and some fumbling was heard from the outside of my door, I quickly put the water down in my hand and pretended to be asleep.

After moments of silence and knocking around in the bathroom, Shawn pulled back the covers to see me, 'sound asleep' as he would say. He gently pulled at my waist and placed my next to him as he whispered a little 'sorry' and fell asleep as I was left wondering why he reacted the way he did for the remainder of the solemn night.

REMEMBER TO READ MY NEW BOOK ITS FLOPPING AND IM PROUD OF IT!! wow that was aggressive sorry ily all <3

Arranged Marriage - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now