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I was confused, to say the least. I fell asleep after Nick had said that last night. He made me feel special but I couldn't shake Shawn out of my head- he has hurt me immensely but he was still toying in the back of my mind. Nick almost caught me when I fell from the grasp of Shawn which was good- don't get me wrong- but I've been left confused to whether it's pity or he does genuinely have a interest in me or even just him being nice to his friend.

I walked into a recording studio where I met with Steve Aoki, he had messaged me on Instagram asking if I would like to collaborate with him as well as a Kpop group- he didn't specify which group but I was extremely excited to see what was in store today. I shook his hand and then we began to make our way up the escalator towards the recording room. "So, who are we collaborating with, you didn't tell me" I questioned as he laughed "I wanted to keep it a secret" he glanced over to me and whispered in my ear "you didn't hear it from me, but" he paused "bts" I gasped as I looked at him shocked, "really?" I questioned in disbelief, "also this was your idea" I looked at him as he lightly giggled "you're right" he showed me to a door with '57' written on it "they're through there, I know you're a fan of them so please don't freak out" he smiled as I pushed the door handle down. I peered into the room and saw all 7 members spring up instantly, all bowing to me as I bowed back, smiling at all of them and waving. Each came over to me and engulfed me one by one into a hug.

We had been working on the new song 'boy with luv' for a while and I had struck up a friendship with Jin. Although I wasn't particularly good at Korean and he wasn't particularly good at English either, we still managed to get on like a house on fire. Although I took Korean as a GCSE when I was sixteen, a lot of it had left my head so it took a while to get used to the dialect. I sat with Namjoon as we talked about potential prospects with the song and future collaborations. I explained to him how I loved their music and everything that had came with them and how it was a dream to work with them. Jin threw himself on the chair next to me as he handed me a burrito in foil, I smiled thanking him as we both tucked in and struck up a conversation about our celebrity crushes.

We finished up for the day- we had got the lyrics down and all we had to do is record our verses and make the backing and the backing vocals as well as think of concepts for the music video and make the actual video- there was a lot left, but I'm not complaining. Jin followed me out the room as he handed me a little bag that had 'for Rein' written on it. I smiled and thanked him as we went out separate ways. I continued walking towards my Uber as I felt a tap on my shoulder "can I get your number" Jin smiled to me as I nodded, "of course" I put my number in his phone and finally got into my Uber.

I opened the front door as I was greeted with a hug and about seventy questions all at once by Nick. "How was it?" "Who are you collaborating with?" "Was it good?" "How much of the song did you do?" "Did you make any friends?" I smiled as I motioned for him to take a breath. "It was great, and it was, drum roll please" Nick slapped his things for a few seconds "bts" He gasped and was confused for a few seconds "as in the bts you love" I nodded as he hugged me again, "I'm so happy for you" he smiled as he pulled away from the hug, pecking my forehead, "are they nice?" He questioned as I nodded again, "all of them are so lovely" I paused as a ding was heard from my pocket I reached down and saw a notification from an unknown number- it was most likely Jin. "Jin and I got on really well, I'm thankful I took Korean for my GCSE" I smiled as I put my purse in the dining room table. I jumped onto the sofa as I noticed Chestnut snuggled up in a ball in her bed, I smiled lightly and began to reply to Jin's text, it read "Hi it's Jinnie" with lots of emojis. I smiled as I replied saying "Hi it's Reinnie".

I pulled my blanket off my legs as I stood up and made my way to Nick's room- he was probably sleeping as it is 2AM, but I needed comfort. My nightmares were coming back and I needed someone to be there for me. I opened up his door lightly as I stood in the doorway waiting for him to wake up. I saw him rustling around as his eyes slowly opened, "what's wrong?" His voice was grumbly as he sat up, "Nightmare" he reached his arms out motioning for me to come over to him. I shuffled my feet over to the bed as I climbed onto the end, I slowly made my way to where he was. He pulled me into a tight hug as he stroked my hair lightly, I tucked myself into his bed as his arm rested under my head and his other arm was over my waist. Our faces were inches apart and his breath was on my face and mine was on his. He pulled me closer to him as my eyes closed gently in his warm embrace and I let the darkness of the night take over my body.

Arranged Marriage - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now