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The lights streamed in through the see-through curtains as my eyes were blinded by the brightness the room had been absorbed by. I looked to my left and right realizing Shawn had disappeared. I pulled the covers off my chest and reached my hand over to the side table, grabbing my phone. After scrolling through Instagram I received a text from Andrew telling me to look on Shawn's Instagram. I forgot to reply back to him and went straight to the Instagram app on the top right corner of my home screen. Swiftly typing in Shawn's name into the search bar, his name appeared with a notification saying 'one new post'. I clicked to see a picture of me sleeping presumably from this morning, I clicked on the post and realized he had made it a double slide, so I swiped across to see a long paragraph. My eyes read over what it had said;

'Words can't describe how much I love this girl, she may hate me for posting this but she deserves the recognition. She really is one of my favourite people and I'm so happy to say she's mine forever. As many of you may know, Rein and I are engaged and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her, she truly is an inspiration with her questionable laugh (snorting isn't your best thing but it had to be added); her beautiful smile and her blossoming personality that I get to see develop every day I'm with her. I woke up next to her today thinking about how lucky I am to not only be near her but to call her mine- and I'll always be amazed to why she even likes me. I never thought that I'd find someone so ethereal and have the same personality and humour as I do. Thank you for being by my side and being the biggest goof ever. I love you Rein (soon-to-be Mendes) <3'

A slight tear formed in my eye as I stared down at my phone- I was overwhelmed; angry at the fact he had posted a picture of me sleeping, but more overjoyed that he had posted such a sweet and meaningful thing about me. I scrolled down to the comments on the post, thousands of people were congratulating us. People were saying that it's too soon for us to get married and that we're too young, but to be quite honest, he's the man that I want to spend the rest of my life with and I couldn't imagine anybody else to share this hectic journey with.

I wiped away the tears that had fallen down my face quickly as Shawn knocked on the door lightly and the proceeded to push it open, holding a bag of muffins in his right hand. He walked over towards where I was and sat on the bed, "sorry for everything yesterday, I didn't know how to react I'm sorry" he apologised as I gave him a slight smile, "its alright, I was getting worried that you might hate me" I chuckled slightly as he passed me the brown paper bag, "here's a muffin for me being mean to you" he looked at me as I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my nose against his "thank you" I kissed him lightly and pulled away, digging into the blueberry muffin he had brought for me. 

"So, Florence" he grinned as I rolled my eyes, "you don't understand how unusual it is to hear that, I don't like it" I scrunched up my nose making a disgusted face as he poked my nose, "I think Florence suits you" he smiled as he gave me a hug "well, its not my name anymore so you can't call me it" I mumbled as he looked down to me, placing his finger under my chin and tilting my head up towards him, "I'll call you what I want, princess" his smirk had arisen on his face as I smirked back "so, its only fair that I can call you what I want" his face went blank as he shook his head, "no, that's not allowed", I raised one of my eyebrows up,

"are you sure, daddy?"

Shawn was not best pleased with what I had said to him and he continued to annoy me and pester me throughout the day; questioning why I had said what I did, to which my constant replies were 'I said what I said, period' quoting Nene Leaks and making a slight dig to him as Shawn had decided 'period' is his new favourite word and continues to over-use it (when in fact, to all of my prior knowledge of the English language, 'period' means to bleed once a month).

Shawn and I were walking down a cobbled street in Vancouver, we both had sunglasses on and beanies to hopefully make sure people didn't recognize us. Shawn reached for my hand as our fingers laced into one another, "I love you" he smiled down to me as I looked up to him, "I love you t-" I was interrupted by Shawn removing his hand from mine and hugging a tall blonde girl with a petite figure. They stood back from the hug (that seemed to last forever) and looked at each other for a few seconds before Shawn opened his mouth "Amelia, I haven't seen you in ages, how are you?" He questioned as I looked over to see both of them in front of me as I was standing behind, waiting for her to leave.

After the encounter with 'Amelia' I didn't really listen to what was going on- jealousy was absorbing every inch of my body as I had seen the way she was with Shawn. Her hands would touch his arm as she would giggle and make flirty and suggestive comments to him; and much to my confusion; Shawn was completely oblivious to the fact that he was getting hit on by what seemed to be one of his 'friends'.

Arranged Marriage - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now