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I was laughing with Jin again as we discussed our favourite foods, Jungkook joining in our conversation mid-way, confused to what we were laughing about. We were about half way in making the backing track to the song and we decided to have a break. Jin thought it would be a good idea to have a haircut today, so enlisted me into trimming his hair. "Welcome to my salon" I combed my hand through his hair as he laughed, I slowly began to cut away at his hair as we were filmed for a behind the scenes video, "Jin is too poor to afford a hairdresser" I spoke in Korean as all of the boys whipped their heads around to me- "wait you can speak Korean?" Namjoon asked in English, "yeah, not well but I know a little bit" I smiled as he shook his head in disbelief, "it's like you're an actual Korean person wow" he smiled to me as Jimin nodded in agreement.

I finished trimming Jin's hair when Hobi suggested that Jin cuts my hair, I thought it would be funny to see how it turns out, especially as the blue in my hair had faded a long time ago and my hair was not in good shape as it is. "Fringe?" Jin questioned as I shrugged my shoulders, "you're in control" he smirked as Yoongi looked concerned in the corner of the room. Jin began to cut away at my hair as I watched cringing lightly, hoping it wouldn't look hideous.

Taehyung ran over to see the final product- my hair now was inches shorter and I also possessed a fringe. He gasped as he gave me a thumbs up and returning to the booth. I opened my front camera on my phone as I checked myself out in it- to be honest, I suited the bangs, and I quite liked them to be honest. I high-fived Jin as we did a little handshake. We decided to make a handshake up, which consisted of a fist pump, high-five and many other combinations.

We eventually got back to work after our break and completed the backing and had had pretty much everyone's vocals other than mines done. I grabbed the headphones in the booth as all the boys crowded around watching me from behind the glass. They all smiled at me and exchanged smiles with one another as I nodded for the track to be played. I sang the vocals as I watched all of their reactions- Yoongi looked slightly more impressed than usual- which I'm holding as one of my best achievements to date. I grabbed the water bottle off the floor that I had brought in and gulped on it vigorously. The vocals on the song were sounding really good so far, and I was really enjoying the song.

I eventually got out and we put all of the song together- and by we I mean Hobi and Yoongi. I received a phone call off 'Shawn' I rolled my eyes as Jin noticed and gave me a small smile as I motioned to them that I was going to step out for a few minutes. I answered the phone, rather annoyed as I could be helping with the song instead of wasting my time on him. "What?" I questioned as I heard him sigh from the other end "I miss you" I rolled my eyes in frustration, "I'm in the middle of recording, can this wait until it's over? I'll call you back then" I hung up on him as I let out an exasperated sigh and walked back into the room, "are you ok?" Jimin questioned as I nodded lightly, Jungkook gave me a small hug- he must have seen the small crystal tears forming in my eyes. I sniffed as all of the boys stopped and absorbed me into a group hug which made me feel one hundred times better than before.

We listened to the whole song and made a few amendments and then sent it to bts's company for them to check and finalize and then for them to organize the music video production and other things that needed to be done. The boys wanted to celebrate with Steve and I so they decided to get food with us- by this time it was 9PM, so I was getting pretty tired but I was hungry too and wanted to get to know everyone more. We found a relaxed upper-classy restaurant that had no dress code (because most of us were in sweatpants) but apparently had really good food according to Steve. Bts's camera crew followed us and filmed us chatting about life and other topics. I felt like they were all of my brothers and, yes, I may have been a fan before I knew them, but my respect for them as artists had grown immensely. Their dedication and kindness made me reconsider my outlook on life- I should be more thankful for things that have happened even if I believed that the time that they were 'detrimental'.

I was thankful that the actual song had been completed because now the real fun is to come in a couple of weeks. The music video is always the most interesting to do because of all of the different concepts, as well as it being my first music video it was also with bts which made the experience a whole lot better. I thanked everyone who was at the meal, including the camera crew as we got up to leave the restaurant. I said my goodbyes to the boys as Jin poked me in my side and gave me a short hug and reminded me to text him.

I texted Nick to tell him I was coming home as he texted back telling me to come to his room as he had something to tell me. By this time I had completely forgot to call Shawn, and to be honest I had no intention of doing so.

Arranged Marriage - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now