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"My mama don't like you and she likes everyone" I pluck my guitar getting ready for the show tonight, I picked three songs to cover which one of them happened to be 'love yourself' by Justin. I also decided to sing two originals, one being 'lightweight' and the other being 'dangerous woman'. Written about my overly-ambitious crush to a high school jock, Chance Leroy, that had shortly disappeared after I found him doing someone in the drama studio. Things I can never un-see.

But for the current situation I'm in, I'm saying it's about the kind Canadian sat next to me singing random songs as I pluck my guitar. "Yo that was good" Shawn shouts picking up his note pad, "I know what you did last summer" he sings as I pluck again, "look me in the eyes my lover" I sing as he nods, writing it down, "tell me where you've been" we sing together.

"Now this song is the reason we're getting married, my friend" Shawn gives me a high five as I giggle, "I'm the brains of this operation, you're the braun" I tap my head, nodding and smirking towards Shawn, "so you're calling me dumb but hot?" He quirks his eyebrow at me, smirking, I return the smirk as he stares at me, "never said that you were du-" his face keeps it's smirk "hot" I jump off the bed and run for my life.

Shawn catches up to me, scooping me up by my waist and holding me by my ankles upside down, "put me down" I scream laughing "not until you say I'm hot" his smirk is evident in his voice, "my father told me never to tell a lie" he huffs and begins walking towards the door, "where are you going?" I question, still hanging upside down, "to tell Andrew you're being mean to me" he opens the door leading to Andrew's room, "what do you need Shaw- what the heck have you done Mendes?" Andrew sees me hanging upside down, and Shawn's hands around my ankles, "she's being mean to me" he pouted as I fight back, "was not" i huff as he nods his head,

"she was"
"stop lying, Shawn"
"I'm not lying, Rein"
"yes you are"
"am not"
"stupid maple syrup giant"
"stupid tea and crumpets midget"

"Stop the bickering children" Andrew grabs my arms, pulling me to the ground, this time the correct way up. "What did you do?" He asks as I shrug, "nothing" he looks at me with the 'I know you're lying face' as I laugh, "Shawn thought he was clever because I said that I was the brains and he was the braun and then he said and I quote "so I'm dumb but hot" and he tried to make me say that he was hot" I finish as Shawn had a cocky smirk wiped across his face, "say I'm hot, Rein" Andrew smacks him with a book on his back, "I told you, I don't lie" I smirk back at him, "just say it, Rein" Andrew sighs, "if you guys act like this when you're married, I don't know how you'll last a year" he puts his hand on his forehead, sighing. "It's not my fault" I raise my hands in defence, "well it is, say I'm hot" Shawn imitates me, "I'm hot, there, issue solved, we're done here, bye" I walk out the room.

Shawn follows me out the door "say it" he sings as I nod my head, "if you don't ask me again, I will say it" I say as he shrugs, "sure" his eyes become dark, "Shawn, you're hot" I say as he begins to laugh, "I got that on film"

After a while of trying to get Shawn's phone off him and realizing that I wasn't because let's face it- I'm five foot six and he's over six foot. He's the living re-incarnation of a giant. Currently Shawn and I are rehearsing 'I know what you did last summer' to see if we would perform it tonight.

"Ok we got it right" Shawn high fives me as I smile, "one more time?" I question as he nods, "yes".

I came off stage with a round of applause from the audience, they apparently loved 'dangerous woman' and now I'm waiting backstage for Shawn to say my name and bring me out onto the stage again.

"Rein Cerny" he sings my name as I run out onto the stage with my guitar clutched in my hand, "hello everyone, I'm back" I smile towards everyone on the front row, "so me and Rein decided to write a song earlier today, and you guys are the first ones hearing it" he says as everyone in the arena screams, "it's called 'I know what you did last summer' he picks up his guitar as we both begin to strum the chords, "he knows dirty secrets that I keep" I sing, "does he know it's killing me he knows"

Everyone is standing up clapping and cheering, "record that as soon as you can" a girl shouts at the front, "we will" I smile towards her as she nearly cries.

"You guys never told me about a new song?" Andrew questions as we both look to each other and shrug, "we need to get that recorded as soon as possible" he says as we nod. My first real song, "and Rein, your new songs that you've been writing need to be recorded to make an EP or and album if you have enough already" he says as I nod, an album, wow.

"You haven't taken that bracelet off since you got it three days ago, who's it from?" Hannah asks as I look up to her, "it's from Shawn" her eyes beam with happiness, "that's so cute, it has his initials on it as well" she examines it as she smiles, "he used the guitar pic you got for him today, and the one he always uses is an old one with his initials on" she winks at me as I shrug, "I guess I've taken a liking to him"

Arranged Marriage - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now