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Aaliyah and I prowl the weaving stoned streets of Milan, the sun is hot and the people are briskly walking around us, "why do you think my mom doesn't like you?" Aaliyah sips on her Starbucks I had recently purchased for her, "I mean I'm not a hatable person I guess she just doesn't like me" I shrug, "maybe she thinks I'm taking away Shawn from her, but I would never do that to her" I push my sunglasses up my nose,

"I've been through people taking away things from me, I know how it feels"

Shawn kisses my cheek as I enter the hotel room, "here's my beautiful girl" he takes the bags out of my hand, placing them at the other side of the room, "what did you and Aaliyah do?" He questions as I sit down on a couch, "I bought her some clothes and we got food" He walks over to me, sitting down, "I found out from my dad why my mom doesn't like you very much" he wraps a piece of my hair around his finger, fiddling with it,

"he told me that she doesn't want me to get caught up on someone that isn't worth my time, which is preposterous because I'd waste my whole life on you-" I cut him off by placing my lips on his, "shut up"

"Mom, I want to marry this girl, and you go treating her like she's some dirt" Shawn shouts in the neighbouring room, "Shawn, honey-" her voice becomes softer as Shawn groans, "no, mom, you don't understand-" his voice is lower but still quite loud, "I do understand-" she raises her voice, "Karen, I don't think you understand" Manny's voice joins the argument, "if the boys in love, let him. You can't stop him from loving someone" Manny's voice echoed through my head. You can't stop him from loving someone.

"Mom, if your mom told you that you couldn't love dad, would you be upset about it?" Shawn questions, "well, yes-" her voice becomes quieter, "so, it's the same for me, I love Rein and there's nothing you can do about that" he slams the door and enters through to the same room as me, "thank you, Shawn"

"You don't have to be ordinary, make your best mistakes" Shawn's voice echoes backstage making my eyes well up, how am I marrying such a beautiful human? I really don't deserve him one bit, but in some odd way, deep down inside of me, I feel like he has a piece of my heart and I'll never be alone.

"Baby girl what's your name? Let me talk to you, let me buy you a drink" I point to Shawn, laughing along with Aaliyah and Manny, "come to big papa" Shawn picks me up spinning me around, "you guys are so cute" Aaliyah coos, videoing us, "have to agree with her there, Shawn" Manny chuckles as the door slams shut, Karen walking in.

"Can I speak to Rein for a second outside?"

"I'm sorry I treated you badly, it's just I don't want to see Shawn hurt and everything" she explains to me as I nod, "I completely understand and I'll accept your apology" I smile as she brings me into a hug, "thank god because it would weigh on my shoulders forever if Shawn married you and we had a grudge on each other" she chuckles, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Stop being so cute" Aaliyah squeals as me and Shawn cuddle up to each other on the double bed, I'm sat between his legs and my head is on his chest. "You look sleepy" Shawn kisses my cheek, laying me in the other side of the bed, "goodnight I love you, Shawn" I mumble,

"I love you too"

I wake up to flashes in my eyes, opening them, I see Manny, Karen and Aaliyah all taking pictures of me and Shawn snuggled up together, "leave us alone, guys" Shawn grumbled next to me, pulling me closer to his bare chest, "no, get up" Andrew's voice sounded, making my ears prick up,

"Andrew" I jump up running to him, embracing him in a hug, "nice to see you again, Rein" he chuckles, patting my back, "I haven't seen you in like, forever" I gasp as he shakes his head, "it's been a day, Rein" I walk back over to Shawn, cuddling back into him, "I wish I got that much love" he grumbled,

"you get plenty, Mr. Mendes"

I scrunch my nose up at the outfits Aaliyah was holding up to me, "how about the cream cardigan with those light blue ripped jeans, and that white shirt" I shrug as she gasps, "you're a genius" I gasp back at her, "really?" I sarcastically comment back as she chuckles, "no, but seriously I can't wait for you to be my sister-in-law"

"Hello Milan, you're all looking gorgeous tonight" I walk out onto the stage, guitar poised in hand and sweating profusely.

"So, as I promised you guys on twitter, there is a new song in the mix" I say as everyone begins to scream, "this is 'One And Only'" I begin to strum on my guitar,

"you've been on my mind"
"I grow fonder everyday"

"I wrote that song on the plane over here, as you guys can guess, it's about Shawn" I blush and giggle as I look to my left and see Shawn giving me a thumbs up, "this is Dangerous Woman"

I squish myself up against Shawn's shirt, "you're going to do great, Shawnie" he places his arms around my neck, "did you really write that song for me?" He mumbles, "who else am I going to write it about?" I giggle as he kisses the top of my head a couple of times, "Shawn, you're on in three" Andrew taps his pen against his clipboard, "good luck, Mendes, I love you" I reach up on my tiptoes, kissing his cheek,

"that does not satisfy my needs" he looked down to me, leaning in and gently kissing my lips.

Arranged Marriage - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now