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I crashed into a deep slumber after the phone call with Andrew- I was confused and hurt to first of all why she called him 'babe' and then why he hadn't rang me or said anything since, even when Andrew insisted. The light switched on in the room as my eyes shot open and saw a figure standing in the doorway. I squinted at them as my eyes adjusted to seeing them, it was Manny. I smiled as he gave me a sympathetic smile, "I heard you crying in your sleep" I reached up to my cheek as a tear rolled down my cheek, I closed my eyes for a split second as he came and sat next to me, wrapping me into a comforting hug. "I have something to tell you" I glanced up to Manny as he gave me a questionable look, but then nodding and telling me to proceed, "My name isn't actually Rein" he scrunched his eyebrows up as he gave me a confused look and help my shoulders in his hands, "it's Florence" he opens his mouth to say something but nothing echoes through.

I spent two hours explaining to him why everything had happened- I told him about my mum; dad; brother; running away; everything that had happened to lead me up to this point. He sat quietly and listened. "So yeah" I looked down to my fingers as he grabbed my hand, embracing me into a hug, "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner" he gave me a pitiful smile as he shook his head, "I understand why you didn't" he mumbled into the hug as a figure coughed from the doorway. We pulled away as they stood with their arm on the door way. They walked in and Shawn's face came into the light. "What are you doing here" I questioned as he came over to Manny and I, "I'm here to apologize" he mumbled as he glanced at Manny. Shawn sat next to me as Manny scurried out of the room and shut the brown wooden door quietly.

"Can I have a hug?" Shawn questioned as I shook my head, "no" I mumbled as I turned my knees away from him and stared at the wardrobe in front of me. "Why- what- why not?" He stammered as his voice trembled as if he was going to cry. "Why don't you go get a hug off" I paused for a second and turned to him "Amelia" I spat as his lip trembled, "please don't be like this" he wiped a tear that had fallen from his eye. "I don't see why I should even marry you if you're going to ignore me for her and- and-" I glared at him as he fixed his stare in my eyes, "call each other babe!" I exclaimed as he put his head into his hands, "it's not like that" he murmured as I rolled my eyes, "sure it's not, Shawn" I stood up and began walking towards the door, but Shawn stopped me and grabbed my wrist, pulling me into him.

"Please don't go" he kept a hold of me as I stood in front of him, a mixture of confusion and hurt surfacing on my face. He pulled me closer into him as he wrapped me into a bear hug. My arms were at the side of my body as he hugged me. He pulled back after a few seconds and looked at me in my eyes, he leaned in and planted a kiss on my cheek which I attempted to dodge, but to much prevail, it didn't happen. "Please Florence" he mumbled as I shook my head, "you basically cheated on me Shawn, and that's not my name anymore" I closed my eyes as a single tear rolled down my cheek, "please, I'm begging you, nothing happened, give me a chance please" he grabbed my hand as I nodded slightly, "if it happens again, that's it" he gasped as he kissed my face dozens of times, then lastly planting his lips on my own.

Shawn had told me that he had came to apologize and needed to go back in the morning, and he had also said that Andrew was expecting me to be back with him. I cuddled into Shawn's chest but I couldn't help but think that Amelia had been here, in his arms and he was no longer mine. Although Shawn has reassured me that it was not a thing and she meant nothing to him, I still had doubts in my head that she wasn't there just to be friendly. I groaned gently as I rolled so my back was facing Shawn, he rolled me back over in the bed as he snuggled back into me. We were going to sleep in his old room and his bed was very comfy. I just felt unsettled and I couldn't shake the feeling for the rest of the night.

I woke up and saw my bag packed with a little ribbon on it, attached was a note in Shawn's writing. It read 'I packed your bags so you could sleep in x' I smiled gently as I yawned and walked down the stairs towards the dining room. I heard voices coming from other side of the glass door. As I approached closer and closer, I realized it was Shawn, Karen and Manny. I tip-toed up closer to the door ensuring they wouldn't see me or hear me. I perched near as their voices became clearer and it was evident that Shawn was having a stern talking to. "Don't you dare treat her like that, Shawn. She doesn't deserve it" Manny snarled as Karen chimed in, "if you want her to marry you, you have to buck up your ideas" her tone was stern, she paused before adding "just because you're 'Shawn mendes great pop star' doesn't mean you can neglect her for another girl who is irrelevant" Karen spoke as I gasped lightly making me fall from my perched position and fall straight over into the dining room, earning stares from all three of them. 

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