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"You're not spanking me, Mr Mendes" I narrow my eyes towards him, "you spank a baby not a grown woman" I fold my arms over my chest as Karen nods, agreeing, "treat your woman with respect" Karen smiles to me as I give him a triumphant smirk,

"sometimes I actually think I'm dating an adolescent"

'Womanizer' by Britney Spears blares out the speaker as I immediately stand up, shouting "this is my song!" I begin to do some warm up stretches, just before 'superstar, where you from? How's it goin' starts, I remember my choreography from when I used to do dance lessons, and attempting my once-good Britney impression.

Singing along and doing little routine, Shawn takes his phone put his pocket, and holds it up, the chorus comes on as I go all out, belting the lyrics and dancing like a maniac.

"I never knew you could dance" Shawn gapes as I laugh, "I can't dance that was my year eight choreo" Shawn scrunches his face up,

"I have an idea"

Andrew nods at Shawn in the distance, what he had said must have been good enough to earn Andrew's approval, they both strut over to me,

"great news, you're dancing in Barcelona"

I nervously wipe my hands down on my ballet dress, this experience is nerve racking to say the least, I'm learning a dance to 'bad reputation' my favourite song that Shawn has ever created in his little brain. Apparently, I'll be dancing on the little stage in the middle, underneath the gigantic moon. A scary thing to be in the middle of arenas, thousands of people watching you while you're a tiny dot on a tiny stage. If you mess up you're a goner, I mean I've heard my fair share of voice cracks from Shawn and messing up the words in treat you better; but he's the star, he can get away with it; I cannot.

Trying to make it anywhere in the music industry is hard- even though I've had my breakthrough with 'Dangerous Woman' it would still be difficult to get to a high standard in being a performer. Also, I hadn't earned my success on my own, Andrew and Shawn had a huge part to play, because let's face it, if Andrew didn't find me in that music shop, I would have probably been living on the streets and not be travelling the world. But, one of the downs of this is that I miss my brother and my dad hugely. They probably think I've died or something.

I grab my phone with no hesitation, searching up my brothers name, 'Tobias Winsley' finding his brown hair and green eyes and clicking follow, soon, I was refreshing his follows and hundreds of people had began to follow him, I then went to my direct messages, yet again refreshing them and then having a message from 'Toby.Winsley'. I opened it. I read what he had said to me, "oh my god thank you so much for following me!!!" I chuckled lightly, he's exactly the same as when I last saw him. I smiled, "I've got a surprise for you" I typed hastily, he quickly responded with a few emojis and 'oh my god'.

"Do you want backstage for Shawn's London show to meet us?"

It was a brilliant plan to finally see my father and my twin again, although people may be suspicious to why we looked a like, and I know for a fact that my dad will know it's me, it's better to tell them and not let them spread it to the media because my career would be over as fast as it started.

I ran to Andrew, a smile on my face, "can I see my brother and my dad again?" I questioned him as his face turned happy and a big cheesy smile became evident on his face,

"of course you can, just make sure your mother doesn't find out"

Shawn fiddled with my hair as I turn and smile to him, "you know, Mendes, I like you a lot" he pulls me further onto his lap, making me cuddle into him, "I like you a lot too" he mumbles into my neck, picking it, then leaving a trail of butterfly kisses up to my lips, gently pressing his against mine, then pulling away, letting the taste of his lips linger on mine, smiling, kissing his cheek, I rest my head onto his chest as he pecked the top of my head,

"I love you so much, you don't even understand"

Shawn cuddles me into his chest as we are sat on a flight to Barcelona for our next show, this was the most nervous I've been for a show as I still had to dance because everyone was expecting it because Shawn had posted the video of me dancing and singing to Britney Spears all over social media, much to my surprise, I had been on the front of the 'New York Times' which had left me dumbfounded, how did such an small thing turn so massive? Apart from the fact it was posted by a global pop star, I was still genuinely confused.

I woke up and looked out of the window, we were close to landing in sunny Barcelona, there wasn't a cloud in the sky, the sky was bright blue and everything looked so happy and welcoming, I nudged Shawn as he grumbled, "come on, baby, the planes landing soon" I kissed his cheek as he opened his brown eyes,

"let me go back to sleep"

I scroll through my feed on Twitter and Instagram, seeing my notifications but also a lot of mentions, but there was one in particular that stood out the most, it was Shawn and I, sleeping, on the plane we had just came off. "Have you saw twitter, Shawn?" I question gulping nervously, "no, what's happened?" He questioned as I hold my phone up to him,

"People took pictures of us sleeping"

Arranged Marriage - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now