Chapter 20

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Kathryn's POV

"So what do you think about the movie?" Niall asked as we go out of the cinema. He's been annoying me since the movie ended, and now we're walking out the movie house.

"I didn't expect that kind of ending, it's kinda touching." Harry answered for me instead, while he snakes his arm around Julia's waist. The four of us went out again, it's been occurring twice already and I swear to God I still feel uncomfortable with Niall.

"Sure you do, because you were the only one who was crying at the end of the movie." Julia teased as he touch Harry's chin. Oh the love birds..

Harry shove Julia's hand and kissed it instead, Niall looked at me and gave me a 'how-sweet-they-are.' look, but then I avoided his gaze.

Earlier at the cinema, he tangles his arm around my shoulder which I find it very awkward, 'coz we both know that we're not okay yet. Althought, yeah we hang out but we haven't discussed what happened to us before.

"Where are we eating? Im hungry already." Niall said while he rubs his stomach. I saw Julia rolled her eyes playfully at him, then Harry and I laughed in unison.

I looked at Niall and said, "Of course, you're hungry all the time." I teased as we continue walking at the mall, but he just playfully tickle my side causing me to almost stumble and trip.

Not really funny Leprechaun.

Julia and Harry are walking behind us, they have been cozy together since we got to the cinema up until the movie ended. Which I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing because Niall mentioned to me about Harry being jealous with Zayn, due to the fact that Julia and Zayn are being close again. I just really hope Julia can finally decided

who she really wants. I know Zayn is already engaged with Perrie, but I believe that if that's really the case.. then Julia and Zayn must have a closure first.

Ugh. Whatever.

I stopped walking when I felt that I needed to go to the restroom. I need to pee, it was so cold at the cinema awhile ago.

Good thing there are no people who knew Niall and Harry. There were no fans. We're like just a common people shopping, which is cool right? No paps and fans.

"Uhm guys, why don't you go ahead.. I'd just go to the rest room." I said, which Julia responded immediately,"Do you want me to go with you?" She said, and look at Harry to excuse herself, I guess.

I shook my head, "No, no, it's fine. I can go by myself." I said, then Julia gave me a 'are-you-really-sure?' Look. I nodded at her, and about to go when Niall said, "I'd accompany you." I furrowed my eyebrows at him. What is he thinking?

He looked at me,"What? You might get lost.." He shrugged, as he playfully smirked at me. Really Niall? I'm not a kid anymore, why would I get lost in a mall. I thought to myself but then I didn't complain anymore and just started to walk.

When we are finally away at Julia and Harry. Niall spoke, "So how is it going between you and Daniel?" He asked looking straight at my eyes, I was astound and shocked at the same time the moment he asked that. We both stopped walking.

Why is he suddenly asking about Daniel?

I looked at him confused, I was about to answer him when he broke up his gaze at me and told me. "Isn't that Perrie?" He points at the blonde who is having a lunch at a fancy restaurant. Looks like she's waiting for someone.

"Yeah it is Perrie, Zayn's fiancè." I said as we still stare at her from outside of the restau. "Maybe Zayn and her went out on a date too." I added.

Niall looked away at her and looked at me instead,"So we're on a date, huh?" He teased and playfully wink at me. But I nudged him, "Shut up." I said, Niall just chuckle, "Let's go to them." He said then he grabs my hand.

We were already inside the restau when Niall stopped in trance, "What now?" I asked impatiently, looking to where he was looking. "Woah, who is that guy?" I asked surprised to know that it wasn't Zayn.

Niall didn't respond to me, probably he's trying to sink in the scenario in his head. Knowing that Perrie's with another guy, not Zayn.

"Now, I knew it." He finally spoke, I don't know what he is talking about. Then he finally drag me out of the restau. "Knew what?" I asked as I get rid of his hands, he's been holding it too tight.

"I knew already why Zayn haven't gone out for the past weeks. Zayn is always at the house, stressed all the time." Niall said as we continue walking out.

"Now I know why." He added once we are out of the restau. "Perrie's cheating." He added.

No way. Zayn doesnt deserve to be cheated on, he's a good guy.

"Hey, don't jump to conclusions maybe he's just a friend." Wishing what I said could be possible.

He looked at me, "A friend?" He asked then laughed bitterly, I looked at him with confused look.

"Kathryn, she cant be friends to his fiancè's mortal enemy." He said, Niall sounds mad already.

He took his iPhone out and started tapping it, "Who is it that guy anyway?" I asked.

He stopped and looked at me, "It's Max of The Wanted, our band's worst enemy."


Louis' POV

Eleanor and I are laying in bed spending the rest of the afternoon in bed. It was quite boring because we cant make love because we all know she's pregnant. Lol, but It's fine I can wait until our baby Tommo finally came out of mummy El's tummy. Yay.

I'm watching her peacefully sleep when my phone buzzed, it was Niall.

"What mate?" I whispered while I slowly get out our bed, not wanting Eleanor to wake up. I'm already out of the room when Nialler said, "Perrie's cheating on Zayn." He said.

"WHAAAAAT? Are you kidding me? This is not a good joke Niall! I swear to God if this is a joke I will kill you Niall." I said all in one breath, I am hysterical already.

"Ssssh, Listen to me.. I am with Kathryn when we saw Perrie with a guy." He said.

Still I don't believe what he's saying.

"How will I believe you?"

"Because I am your mate. And do you think I would waste time joking you when I am on a date right now." He said in a duh tone, then I heard Kathryn said 'this isn't a date'.

Ok he has a point though.

"Do you think Zayn knows about this?" I asked.

"Obviously No, 'coz if he knew about this he would tell us and he'll beat Max to death." Niall said.

"She is such a bitch, what is she thinking? She's already engaged." I said disappointed and angry at Perrie at the same time.

"What should we do?" Niall asked. I rubbed my temples suddenly stressed about the scenario. I knew what would Zayn do if he knew about Perrie cheating on him.

"Lou, should we tell Zayn?" Niall asked.

I honestly don't know what to do either, "Hmm, I'd call Liam. Does Harry know already?" I asked.

"No, not yet." He said.

"Okay don't tell him yet. Keep it to yourself and Kathryn. Tell Kath not to tell Julia too." I said, "and I'm the one who's going to tell Liam. He knows better." I added.

"Okay mate, I really feel bad for Zayn." Niall said, I can feel the worry in his voice.

"Me either." I said, I was about to end the call when I suddenly ask him,"Do you know who's the guy? Max what?"

"You don't want to know, Louis." He said.

"Oh c'mon tell me. I need to know." I said, Now I'm walking back and forth problematic as hell.

"It's Max.. Max of The Wanted.."

Oh fuck, this really means war.. I'm willing to kill that guy for my mate..

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