Chapter 11

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Perrie yelled as she walk towards Eleanor, she has her arms tangled around Zayn's arm.


Perrie is wearing that beautiful red dress that we both wanted and argued about last few days back at the mall.

It was beautiful. It fits her well. I bet Zayn cant take his eyes off of her for the rest of the night.


Zayn of course is wearing his black suit and tie, looking hot as ever effortlessly.

I have never seen him dressed like this before, well yeah except on tv and their some tv awards occasion.

"Pez! I've been waiting for the both of you." Eleanor said, then she hugged the blonde looking doll. I can sense Eleanor is fond of her too. A lot.

"I'm sorry, We're a bit late!" She said as she pulled back at the hug, then she gave Harry and Louis a nod.

Zayn gave Harry and Louis a handshake and a hug, typical guys do when they met their guy friends.

He didn't even look at me again.


I looked at Kathryn, whose obviously looking around, and studying Eleanor and Louis gigantic house. It looks like a mansion actually. Their house is like my ultimate dreamhouse. Wow just wow.

I broke off my thoughts as soon as I felt Harry's arm snaked around my waist. I tense up a bit.

Why is he doing this?

I glanced at him, and gave me a smirked.

Hate it when he does that.

"We were late because Zayn here doesn't want to wake up." Perrie giggled, as she playfully hit Zayn's arm.

Hehe very funny. (Sarcasm Intended)

The lads and Eleanor just chuckled along. Well I just pretended to giggle too.

I'm so good in faking, didn't I?

Zayn finally notice my presence, he looked at me from head to toe as if he is examining me. Then his eyes stopped at the place where Harry is holding my waist.

I saw Zayn gave Harry a look, but then he looked away when Perrie spoke.

"And do you know guys how I managed to wake him up?" Perrie asked, then she take a look at all of us.

Zayn snaked her waist around Perrie, then looked at me.

Revenging huh?

"I dont think you should tell 'em babe." Zayn said as she looked at Perrie smiling like he's totally inlove. I mean yeah he is really inlove with her, ovbs.

"Yeah Perrie crack it out!" Louis said mischievously like a three year old kid who wants to know a secret or joke.

I saw Zayn gave Louis a 'shut the hell up' look. Then Louis shrugged.

Perrie chuckled as she looked at Zayn, "I managed to wake him up by kissing him and telling him I want shower sex with him." Then she looked at me.

Ouch. She fucking tell that on purpose didn't she?


Zayn reddened and stiffened. I think he didn't saw it coming.

"Seriously Malik? Sex fanatic." Louis said laughing.

"Oh come on look who's talking? You're like that too." Eleanor said then all of us giggled.

Fake giggled.

"Okay guys, enough with the sex talk." A voice interrupted us, and it was Liam together with her girlfriend.. I think?

Thank God! I cant bear to hear Perrie talk about her and Zayn sexcapades.

Good thing Liam here to the rescue.

Liam introduced us her new girlfriend, she's a hollywood actress and a musician too. I know they will click together. She's just about my height, she's blonde but she has a shorter hair and a slim body. She is beautiful too. Of course.

After Liam introduced us, It was time for us to eat dinner. And still I cant take my eyes off of Zayn.

He is sitting across me and Harry. He is so damn attractive, that I cant even eat properly in front of him. I just hope Perrie doesn't notice that I am looking at her fiancee.

And there goes Zayn ignoring me big time.


Harry on the other hand keeps on putting foods on my plate, trying to be the gentleman or should I say the boyfriend material type.

The dinner went on and on and random topics were discussed. I find it very funny when Louis and Eleanor argue. It was funny because they were both sass.

"Honey, why don't you tell them now?" Louis said, changing the topic.

"Tell us what?" Perrie gushed, obvs she is so excited about it.

Eleanor is smiling, I could tell that what she is about to tell is a good thing.

Eleanor was about to tell, when Niall barge in.

"Yeah, what is the big announcement all about?" Niall said, he was late. He was alone though. He sat beside Kathryn and on his left was another empty chair. I thought he's gonna bring a date.

I saw Harry gave him a confused look probably because he thought that Niall has a date too.

Our focus went back to Eleanor, who is ready to tell us what's the party for.

"Okay tell them now hun." Louis said again, excitement was obvious in his voice.

I am not so used to Louis with the "hun/honey" thing.

Eleanor and Louis exchange looks and hold hands, then they looked at us.

"We're having a baby Tomlinson." They both happily said in unison.


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