2: War

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I started to open the door to the house and took in the three rooms that was my family home. Compared to Abe and Isabella, I had nothing but Isabella considered dating me being rebellious. I didn't care that much about what I had and what I didn't have. I much rather enjoy my family and have them support me then go out with someone to rebel against my family.

"Alaric!" my little sister, Adeline, yelled as she ran across the small room and into my arms as she laughed. I hugged her and looked at my parents and younger brother, Adalwolf.

"How are you, Adeline? Did you study hard today?" I asked as I put her down. She put her hands behind her back and looked up at me as I stood my full height.

"I got the heightest reading score today," she said and I smiled at her. I patted her head as I looked Adalwolf.

"And you, Adal?" I asked. He gave me a small smirk.

"I made sure that the Jews in my class learned their place when I got the highest math score," he told me and I nodded.

"How about you Alaric?" Mother asked me. I smiled and looked at her.

"Class is going fine. My teachers say that I will get into medical school with no problem with the scores that I am getting," I told her. My parents exchanged a look of joy. They always wanted me to go to medical school and I wasn't about to disappoint them.

"That is very good. I am certain you are staying away from those Jewish scum. They will poison your mind," Father said. I forced a smile and nodded.

"Of course, I am," I told him and he nodded as my mother rushed to our small kitchen.

"I should get dinner started before we all starve tonight," she said. I touched my pocket and smiled.

"Mother, actually I wanted to take everyone out for dinner tonight. I got a raise at work and I wanted to celebrate," I said. After the ice cream parlour and talking to the Jewish boys, I went to the job I had, which if Father found out that it was ran by a Jewish man would kill me, and the man, Mr Kornfeld, gave me a raise for being so loyal to him and kind to other Jewish people.

"Are you sure? You worked hard for that money," Father said. I nodded and Adeline jumped on to me.

"You better go put on your best dress. We are going to a resturant," I told her and she ran to the bedroom that my parents shared and all our clothes were.

"Alaric, are you certain that this what you want to do with your money?" Father asked. I nodded.

"If not for my raise, how about the fact that German is reclaiming all the land that was ours to begin with," I told him and he laughed at me.

"I knew that my son was a genius," he said and I smiled as Mother walked into the bedroom to help Adeline. I looked to the ground and took a deep breath.


"France and Britian Declare on Germany!" a newsboy yelled on the fourth of September. I was walking to work but I had to stop when I heard. War? The Great War was suppose to end all wars but now we were at war again.

"One paper please," I said as I dropped some money into his hand. He handed me the paper and I stuck it under my arm as I ran to the office of Mr Kornfeld.

"You're late, Alaric. You are rarely late," Mr Kornfeld said as I walked into the back of the office. I put the paper on his desk and he looked at it.

"I had to buy that," I told him. He picked it up and read through it carefully. He put the paper down and put his hands in front of his mouth.

"Draft to start immediately," he said as he looked at me, "For all Aryan boys." I swallowed and he nodded.

"I just turned eighteen," I stated, even though he knew that. He had bought me a new coat that I wore most of the time since I got it.

"You have to be brave because I don't know if I will be here much longer," he said. I looked at him and he kept his eyes trained on his desk.

"Mr Kornfeld, what do you mean?" I asked. He leaned back and shook his head.

"Hilter's final solution is going into effect. We already have to wear the Star of David all the time," he said and I sat down across from him. He was a small man and I couldn't imagine anything else.

"Unless..." I whispered.

"Unless what?" he asked. I walked to the safe and pulled out the fake immigration papers that we had made just to see if we could.

"You and your family leave for Britain," I stated. He nodded.

"That would be for the best and we could still communicate," he said as there was a loud knock on the door. We both looked and I silently grabbed the paper as he moved the bookshelf aside. My hiding spot for when the police came by. They always knocked and I always hid.

"Good luck," I mouthed before closing the door to concel myself. This was going to be interesting.

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