8: The Guys

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I woke up with Abella next to me. Before you try to do anything to make it sound like we did something unholy, she was sleeping in my shirt and I had my pants on. The most unholy thing that we did was the fact that she was on my chest.

"Abella," I muttered, "Bella." She opened her eyes a little and smiled at me.

"Good morning, Alaric," she said and sat up. I smiled up at her. She moved her hair and smiled at me.

"Good morning Bella," I said as I sat up to stretch. She blushed and looked for her dress.

"I really had a nice evening with you last night," she told me and I held up her dress. She took it from me and blushed a bright red.

"I enjoyed our evening as well. It was fate that brought us together," I whispered as I looked away so she could change. I looked at the sand as I heard her try to zip up her dress.

"Can you help me, Alaric?" she asked. I looked over to see that she was holding her dress close. I crawled over and zipped up her dress for her.

"You are very beautiful, Abella," I whispered. She bit her lip and smiled at me.

"Thank you," she said as I pulled my shirt over my head. We sat silently for a while.

"I need to get back to the camp before the guys start worrying," I said as I shoved my feet into my boots and started tying them up.

"Can I see you tonight?" she asked. I looked at her and nodded.

"Of course. Do you want to come to the camp?" I asked. She smiled and nodded.

"Maybe you can show me how to fire a weapon?" she asked. I smiled.

"Maybe," I said but I already knew that I would. She slipped on her boots and I helped her stand up.

"Well, Mr Zimmerman, thank you for the evening and I will see you this evening," she said.

"I don't know your last name, Bella," I told her. She smiled and made her beautiful brown eyes meet my eyes.

"Thomas. Abella Thomas," she told me.

"Then, Miss Thomas, allow me to walk you home?" I asked. She smiled and nodded.

"Of course. These woods are dank and a lot could happen to a girl in them," she said. I offered my arm to her and she took it lightly.

"Miss Thomas, may I ask how old you are?" I asked. She looked up at me and blushed.

"Seventeen," she whispered and smiled, "How old are you, Mr Zimmerman?"

"Eighteen," I said and she looked at the ground.

"May I just call you Alaric?" she asked. I smiled down at her.

"Of course, you can. May I call you Bella?" I asked. She nodded and fixed her hair as a small cabin came into view.

"You can," she whispered. I smiled as we walked up to the door of the cabin. She looked at me and blushed. "Thank you once again and I will be joining you tonight for that gun lesson."

"Most certainly. We need to make sure that a young woman such as yourself can defend herself," I said as the door opened revealing a man.

"Abella," the man said then he went off in French which Abella answered in French as well. It went back and forth for a minute until she looked at me.

"I will see you tonight, Alaric," she whispered as she slipped into the house and I nodded to the man before turning on my heel to walk away.


"Oh ho ho! Look who is back after day break," Patch said as I walked into the clearing. The guys started to make sounds as I walked to the area I left my stuff in.

"So, how was it?" Barrel asked as I grabbed a new shirt even though the shirt that I was wearing smelled good and like Abella.

"How was what?" I asked as I changed shirts.

"You know..." Patch groaned. I raised an eyebrow and he started thrusting his pelvis with a weird look.

"Gross," I moaned, "We didn't do the deed. We talked." All the guys stared at me as I folded my dirty shirt.

"You talked?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" I asked. They all exchanged a look again.

"You had a beautiful girl here to entertain you and you talked to her all night?" Engel asked. I shrugged as I grabbed my pen and paper.

"Yeah. That entertained me," I said as I sat against a tree.

"You are so weird, Tiny," Booya said as they returned to whatever they were doing.

Dearest Mother,

I met a girl last night and I am going to court her. She is French but she thinks that we are right. I believe. She thought that I was heroic and she didn't seem like she was lying.

She is beautiful. I dare say that she is more beautiful than Isabella. I love the way she makes me feel even though it's only been a day.

I will try to send a picture for you so you know what I see and what she looks like.

You asked me in your last letter what the men in my regiment are like and what they like so;

Booya is our leader and he loves to chew tobacco. I can hear him spitting it out all hours of the day.

Butch is the radio commander and he is always smoking and replacing the cigarette behind his ear. But he uses all the matches since he doesn't have a lighter.

Barrel is a sharp shooter that has no gloves to shoot with. His fingers are always bruised and bloody after he practices. That's all he does as well is practice shooting.

Kipling is a common soldier just like the rest of us but he told me that he was a writer with no outlet at the moment.

Patch has this old radio that we listen to music on and it is actually really fun to listen to it but we don't know if we will have more batteries for it.

Rat is the prankster of the group. He is always pulling a prank on someone. In fact, he hid all the water from us just the other day.

Boom is a quick thrower, hence why he throws bombs in attacks, or so the guys tell me. He was going to be a baseball player before his father made him join the army.

Lemon is a really good chef and I can't imagine why a guy like him is in the army. He needs a restaurant and the works.

Orange is a math genius which is really cool to watch him figure out math problems. He just wants a calculator.

Gen is really into the technology and he has been fixing some of the old guns that we have laying around.

Engel is the only one of us that is concerned with the way that he looks. He is constantly fixing his hair and his clothes so he can look good to all the people that we see everyday.

I hope that is what you wanted, if not I apologise and just tell me what information you wish to have about the men in my group.

I love you and tell Adeline that I love her as well. Tell Father that I am fine.

All my love,


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