37: Pin Up Girls

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Alaric Zimmerman

(April 1944)

I walked with Booya and the guys followed behind us. We realised that we retreated but Bernadette wasn't with us. We all went out of respect for her but I think we all were getting tired having to protect her since she didn't want to learn how to fire gun.

"Gen, I swear teach her weapons and don't let her get lost again," Patch said as we hiked through the thick forest.

"She's not my responsibility. If I remember correctly, Mr Thomas gave Tiny responsibility of her," Gen said.

"And if I remember correctly, you are the one that slept with her while she was dating me," I stated and Gen huffed as I kept my focus forward.

"Maybe if you weren't a sensitive little b*tch all the time-," Gen started and I swung around to pin him against the tree.

"You b*stard! You are the one that is the one slept with another man's girl," I growled and he shoved me off of him.

"We all know you are probably gay," he said and I punched him in the face. Butch and Booya grabbed me and yet I didn't continue fighting.

"Tiny, the hell," Butch said as I watched as he tried to stop the bleeding from his nose.

"Try me again, Gen," I said and he spat on the floor.

"You are an ass, Zimmerman," Gen said.

"I never denied that I was," I said and he flipped me off. I smirked and he tried to come towards me but Engel stopped him with a solid jab to the face.

"Tiny is usually right so that makes you usually wrong, Gen," Engel said and Gen tried to regain his balance but Butch shoved him back down.

"Guys stop," Booya said above all of us and I looked at him. He looked serious and we all were breathing hard. "The last thing that we need is to be separated over a girl that isn't even German. I am pretty sure she is the reason that French forces keep finding us." We all looked at each other.

"I know she has been but she can't know that we know," Gen said and we looked at him. "I'm not as stupid as you guys like to think I am."

"What do we do once we find her?" Kipling asked. Booya took a deep breath.

"What the government tells us to do if we find a spy," Booya said.

"I have my hand gun for short range," Lemon said and we looked at Booya who nodded.

"She broke the trust we had in her," Booya said, "We have to make sure that nine of us get home. We are a frontgemeinschaft and she can't stop that."

"One simple shot and it's done," Engel said and we all nodded.

"Let's go," Gen said.


"Thank God. I thought I wouldn't find you guys again," Bernadette said as she ran towards us. We all didn't say anything. She looked between us. "What is wrong?"

"Did you think that we wouldn't figure it out?" Booya asked. I watched as Bernadette turned paler than we were.

"Boys," I said and Engel and Butch walked forward to grab her arms.

"Kneel," Engel ordered as Lemon cocked his gun. She started crying and I just watched.

"Wait. Please," she cried and I nodded to Lemon to walk up to her with the gun. Butch and Engel forced her to kneel and Lemon put the barrel of the gun to her head.

"You should have thought about that before you told France where we were," Booya said, "The irony. They will think that the French killed you." Booya nodded and Lemon fired one shot. We all watched as she fell limp on the ground. "Move out boys." I followed Booya and I knew the other guys were following.

I felt dead inside.


(May 1944)

"Dear Alaric, I think that it is very sweet that you are going to hold my picture in your pocket while you are-" Boom read as he ran around with my letter from Alia.

"Give it back!" I yelled at him. He was laughing along with everyone else and I was beyond pissed.

"-on the front lines. I think that you owe me a picture to keep with me as I stay in Berlin," he continued and I was finally able to get the letter back.

"You are a b*stard," I said as I folded the letter up and put it in the envelope. He patted me on the back and I turned away from him.

"You clearly have something to hide," he said as I peeked at the letter.

"I asked her a private question and I am trying to see if she responded," I said as I read the letter in the letter. I saw the answer and smiled.

"I take it the answer is what you wanted?" Booya asked. I nodded and punched the sky.

"What the hell did you ask her?" Booya asked. I gave him the letter and he read through it before patting me on back. "Tiny is getting married you guys."

"Congratulations," Butch said as I took the letter back and put it my pocket next to my picture of Alia.

"I want to see this girl though," Gen said. I pulled the picture of Alia out of my pocket and looked at it. She told me that she went to a photography place to get the picture for me and it was beautiful. She was wearing a dress that showed off her arms and her hair was done. I loved the photo and the guys looked at it over my shoulder.

"Boys, meet the future Alia Zimmerman," I said and they all looked at her. Boom whistled and I smacked him. "She is mine, Boom."

"I know but look at her. I think we all need her as a pin up girl," Boom said and I laughed.

"No, you need a pin up girl that isn't one of our girls, Boom," Booya said and Boom gave Booya a look.

"I think you need a pin up girl," Boom said and Booya just looked away.

"You should shut up Boom," Booya said as he walked away from us.

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