38: Safe

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Adalwolf Zimmerman

(April 1944)

You don't know how beautiful air is until you are being pulled out of water after being under for nearly five minutes. I took the deep breath and the soldier threw me on the ground. I looked up at him as he smirked and took off his clothing.


(May 1945)

I sat next to Adeline in the dark cellar as we waited for Alaric to come back. The other girl was sitting across from us but she seemed just as comfortable in dark spaces as I was. Adeline on the otherhand was restless.

"Adeline, stop moving," I told her. She looked at me and shook as she tried to get closer to me.

"I don't like the dark," she whispered as she put her face into my shoulder. I exchanged a look with the girl across from us. I forgot that my sister lived a normal life. A pampered life in comparsion to my own. I forgot that all three of us were scared of the dark growing up.

"The dark isn't that bad, once you get use to it," I said as I held her closer to me. She took a deep breath and I looked around the room that was no more than five feet by five feet. How did Alaric think that it was okay to leave us in here with nothing?

"You are Alaric's siblings?" the girl asked and we looked at him. We looked at each other and nodded.

"Yes," Adeline said, "And you are?"

"Carl's fiancée if we are able to leave this place," the girl said, "Erika."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Ericka," Adeline said as I shook my head and looked around.

"They use to drown me everyday," I stated, effectively gaining the women's attention to me. "I thought everyday that they were going to keep under for too long so I died but they never did. The reality of death would have been nicer than that of the reality of the camps." Adeline grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"What camps?" Erika asked and I looked over to her.

"The camp for gays and Jews and other undesirables. I don't think that anyone knew what was happening," I said as I picked at my shoes. We were silent then heard someone yelling in Russian. We were all frozen and silent. We heard an exchange of gun fire and we all tried to move to the back wall away from the door.

We all screamed as the door opened and someone jumped in. looked over and found a blond German soldier standing there. For some reason, I was just as scared as I was when I heard the Russians.

"Carl and Alaric sent me. They are trying to block the street to bring you two out," the guy said and Adeline stood up just to look outside.

"I don't believe you," I said and I pressed up against the wall.

"Tiny! Your brother doesn't trust me!" the soldier yelled and Alaric appeared in the opening.

"Adalwolf, we need to go. Just trust Engel," Alaric said as he looked around outside.

"No," I said and Alaric looked at Adeline. Alaric ran a hand through his hair.

"Then trust me and let's go," he said as he stood up. I walked to the opening and helped push Adeline and Erika out to Alaric. "Just trust me and stop going against my friends, Adal," Alaric whispered and I stared at him.

"Sorry if I am wary of soldiers right now, Alaric. Don't act like you know everything," I told him and he took a deep breath.

"Get to the car, now Adal. We don't have time and we aren't exactly liked by either side," Alaric said as he started pushing us towards a car.

"Why don't they trust you? Doesn't anyone like you?" Adeline asked as Alaric got us into the car.

"Because we don't agree with Germany's rules and let's face it, we aren't Russian," the guy in the driver seat said. Erika got in the passenger seat and grabbed his hand.

"Carl, are we going to be okay?" Erika asked him. He nodded and kissed her hand.

"Of course we are going to be okay," Carl said as two people jumped on to the top of the car. Alaric pushed Adeline's and my head to his lap.

"You two stay down," Alaric said, "Booya, let's go." The guy in the front seat stepped on the gas and the car took off.

"Where are we going?" Adeline asked as Alaric cocked his gun above our heads.

"The old apartment," he said and we looked at him. "It's safe."


(June 1939)

"Mother, Adalwolf keeps taking my doll," Adeline yelled as I held her doll above her head.

"Adalwolf, give Adeline back her doll," Mother said and I laughed as Adeline jumped on me. We fell on Alaric who jumped up.

"The hell? Stop it you two," Alaric said as he leaned up against the wall as we fought over the doll. He reached over and grabbed the doll.

"Alaric!" Adeline yelled as Alaric put it on the top of the fridge and we looked up helplessly.

"Trust me, it is better than you two fighting," he said as Adeline tried jumping up to get her doll.

"Why did you do that?" Adeline asked and I tried to get the doll for her.

"Because I want you two to stop fighting," Alaric said and she sniffled.

"Will she be okay up there?" Adeline asked. Alaric knelt down and moved her hair.

"Don't you trust me?" he asked, "It's safe."

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