21: Talks

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I sat looking at the chalk board as Miss Ziegler erased it and cleaned her hands. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back but I was anxious as she leaned against her desk to talk to me.

"Let's see how much you listen to my class. Who is our leader?" she asked.

"Adolf Hitler," I stared as she put her hands on the desk to stabilise herself against the desk.

"And what organisation does he run?" she asked.

"The National Socialist Party, or NAZI party," I stated. She nodded.

"Where is Hitler from?" she asked. I thought about it but couldn't come up with an answer.

"I would assume Germany," I stated. She shook her head.

"Austria. He isn't Aryan," she said. I was taken aback. I had thought that our leader was some sort of German.

"Then why does he love Aryans so much?" I asked. She took a deep breath.

"There is no doubt that there are benefits to being pure Aryan. We are paler and blonde and taller and stronger than a Jew but you have to learn to respect everyone, regardless of their race," she said. I bit my lip as I thought about what she was saying. "Do you understand?" she asked. I shook my head.

"Why would God make us different if he wanted us to be equals?" I asked. She smiled and nodded.

"That is the million dollar question, isn't it? Think about Bree. Would you like it if you were just like her?" she asked and I shook my head.

"No. It would be like looking in a mirror and we would have the debates that we do which makes it fun to be her friend," I told her.

"God didn't want us to all be the same in fear that we wouldn't have friends. He wanted us all to think differently which is why he allows many different religions in His land. He wanted us all to act differently which is why we all live differently on His land. You have to be able to adapt to the world and God wanted us all to be different," she told me and I nodded.

"Will God save the Jews?" I asked, softly. She leaned over and took my hands.

"He can not save all of them because that is not life, Adeline. But God will watch over them and anyone else that is facing prosecution by the NAZI party," she told me and I nodded as I thought about what she told me. I stood and smoothed my skirt.

"Thank you for your time Miss Ziegler," I said and she nodded.

"Anytime Adeline. Please feel free to ask questions anytime that you wish," she said and I nodded. I started walking out.

"Can you teach me English after school from now on?" I asked. It was common knowledge that Miss Ziegler spoke English and I had a plan formulating in my mind that i would need English for.

"Of course. We will start tomorrow," she said and I nodded as I left the classroom to go home.

Alia Ziegler

I watched as Adeline left the class and I absently mindlessly started packing all my papers to go tutor Adela. Adeline was a unique little girl that I couldn't figure out but she was definitely determined to do what was on her mind.

"Good afternoon, Miss Ziegler," Wolf said as he walked into the classroom. I looked up and he was holding a bouquet of flowers. I smiled and stood up.

"Soldier Engel, how may an innocent school teacher help you today?" I asked. He placed the flowers in my case that had been empty for sometime.

"She can allow me to walk her to her tutoring job," he said and I smiled as I picked up my bag. He took it and draped my sweater over my shoulders.

"How was your day?" I asked. He rubbed my knuckles as he took my hand.

"Will you still love me if I start yelling left, left, left right left in my sleep?" he asked and I laughed as he marched next to me.

"You know I think you are amazing for doing what you do," I said. He sighed.

"But of course, since Thomas is the one fighting he's the good son and I'm the bad one, even though I am the one that wanted to be in the army to fight and he got drafted," he said with a roll of his eyes. I looked at him and shook my head.

"They just don't understand. You came to Berlin and your birthday wasn't called yet. Plus didn't they promise that you would be thrown in soon?" I asked as I smiled at him. He sighed.

"I can never see the front. Apparently, my knee is too damaged from an accident when I was kid for me to be sent to the front lines," he said and I looked up at him with sadness etched into my mind and feelings.

"You are still my hero, Wolf. You really wanted to do something with your life and you are doing something with it. Ada and Heiko are thankful that you are at home to protect us," I said. He looked at me and smiled.

"They thanked me today for taking care of you over the past two years," he said. I felt my smile disappear.

My mother died two years before and I was a mess. Ada and Heiko were taking care of me because I could barely function but going to class to get my teaching degree since I was two classes away from my degree. Wolf had just moved to Berlin and he found me crying in the theatre then he just sat next to me. He tried to make me smile and he did. We started dating and well the rest is history.

"Thank you," I whispered and he kissed my forehead as we stopped in front of the Schmidt house.

"I thought you were beautiful, watching the news reel, all curled up in a ball. And now you are just as beautiful as day one," he said. I smiled and kissed him.

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