18: Fear

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Slowly, the bombs had stopped and yet no one made a move until the sun had sunk low below the horizon. I had watched the sky with the planes dropping the bombs towards us and closed my eyes whenever I heard the bombs too close for comfort.

Once the moon had taken his place over the land, I slowly lifted my head to look outside of the foxhole. I looked around and then Kipling popped up out of his hole, looking like a gopher. His face was dust covered and I was quite certain that my face was a spitting image.

"Are you okay?" Kipling asked and I nodded as I tried to pull myself up out of the foxhole. My body felt weak from laying in the foxhole for hours but I had to check on Bernadette. I walked towards the foxhole that I put Bernadette in.

"Bernadette," I said as I knelt down. She looked up at me and my heart broke. There were two clean lines on her face where her tears had rolled down. "Come here." She crawled up the side and I hugged her as she started crying into my shoulder.

"I thought we were going to die, Alaric," she whispered and then started speaking in French. I rocked her as the other guys got out of their foxholes and tried to figure things out in the dark. I closed my eyes as I remembered what Adalwolf and I use to do.

Whenever it got dark at night, our parents required us to be under our blankets and we hated the dark so much that we use to scream get the nerves out of our system. Our neighbours and parents hated us for it but it actually helped us relax enough to sleep.

I stood up and Bernadette looked at me like I was crazy. But I needed to relieve all the stored up nerves that the bombings gave me. I screamed into the forest and they all stared at me like I was crazed.

"What are you doing?" Bernadette asked, delicately. I looked at her.

"Relaxing," I told her and she walked over to hold my hand as I screamed.

Alia Zimmerman

I screamed as I hit another wall in finding Adal. I was suppose to be able to call the station and ask for him and yet they had no record of him.

"Alia, come to bed, please," Wolf said as he touched my shoulder. I touched his hand and sighed as I hung the phone up.

"Adal is not going to be okay. He's sixteen and who know what they are going to him?" I asked.

"Adal is smart. Beyond smart. It's confounding how smart he is," he told me and I looked at him, "Adal is going to survive without us stepping in. But I swear to you, my love, that I will not stop looking for him."

"I guess you're right," I said and he cupped my cheek.

"Of course I'm right. Now come to bed," he said and I gladly followed him.

Adalwolf Zimmerman

I followed a group of Aryan guys that were all shaven as well. I looked at my arm and traced the tattoo that they gave me. A-28417.

"First night here?" one of the guys next to me asked, softly. I looked over and nodded.

"Yes," I whispered, keeping an eye on the guard walking nearby.

"Erick Zabinski," he whispered as we entered a building.

"Adalwolf Zimmerman," I told him as I took in the building. There was no beds, only what looked like shelves. I tugged my sleeve down and Erick pushed me forward.

"Come on. You can stay between me and my friend. As long as you aren't one of those people who dislike Jews," he said as he headed towards the end.

"I don't," I said with a hoarse voice.

"New?" another boy asked. Erick nodded as he sat on a part of the shelves.

"Adalwolf Zimmerman meet Zach Kornfeld," Erick said. An older man leaned over from a shelf above us.

"Do you happen to be related to Alaric Zimmerman?" the man asked. I nodded.

"Yes sir. He's my older brother," I said and he looked at Zach.

"Take care of him," the man said as he leaned back on the shelf.

"Come on. Lay here and stay quiet," Zach whispered as he crawled into the shelf. I followed and Erick got pretty close to me and I pressed against Zach.

"So why are you guys in here?" I asked, softly, trying to find solace that I was the only gay person here.

"Protecting Jews," Erick said.

"Being a Jew," Zach said. I nodded, feeling uncomfortable. The only thing I could compare being stuck between two guys like that was when Heiko was drunk and shoved me against a wall - uncomfortable but surprisingly kinda aroused. Which is not what I was suppose to be feeling.

"How about you?" Erick asked.

"I take it saying I'm considered undesirable is not an answer?" I asked as I shifted. They laughed.

"No," Zach said and I felt my face warm up.

"I'm homosexual..." I muttered.

"...oh," Erick said. I stared at the top of the box that was a bed for about forty of us.

"Maybe you can survive using that to your advantage. The SS officers like uh... you know," Zach said softly. I shuttered and looked around. I felt a tear roll down my face as I closed my eyes.

I had never hated life more than that moment.


"Wake up," someone said as they shook me. My eyes flew open and Luka was looking over me. I realised everyone was still asleep but Luka pulled me out.

"Where are you going with him?" the man from earlier asked. Luka and I looked up and the man sat up.

"The Doctor's. He wants to see him," Luka said and the man laid down. Luka pushed me out of the door.

"Who is the Doctor?" I asked after we had been walking for a few minutes.

"No one important right now. Right now it is important that you eat. When is the last time you ate?" he asked as he pulled me into a room.

"Uh... yesterday morning," I whispered as I saw other people in the room.

"Do t worry about them. They won't tell anyone," Luka said as he sat me on a bed. He handed me a bowl of soup. "Eat," he whispered and I ate a lot of it in a matter of minutes.

"Luka..." I whispered as the other guys left the room. Luka just put another bowl of soup in my hands.

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