Chapter 4: Something about Sundays.

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Ah, Sunday's.

It's my favourite day.

Why, you ask?

There's just something about Sunday's.

Maybe it's the way the world seems  to revolve at a slower pace, or the fact that duvet always seems to be that little bit extra warm in the morning. There's just a cozy atmosphere surrounding this 7th day of the week.

Usually, I spend my Sunday's cuddled up in bed, full to the brim with junk food while watching past seasons of 'Drag Race' on Netflix. But not today Satan, not today.

On this autumnal Sunday, I'm being forced to go shopping with my friends in town.

Yes, it is indeed as painful as it sounds.

"Jess that jumper was such a steal." Sian gushes as walk out of a Primark.

"I know! I hope it fits me though..." Jess replies.

"We told you to try it on..." Sian reminds her.

"Yeah but since when do I listen to you two? I mean, it must fit... right?"

"Sis, you're tiny - the jumper is gonna fucking fit. I could literally steal an outfit from Build a Bear and it would fit you." I say.

She punches my arm jokingly as we walk further down the street.

We're about to walk past a Costa when Sian grabs onto our arms and stops us from walking any further.

"Guys, can I buy us all a Costa - my treat...?" She smiles.

Jess and I exchange a confused, comedic look.

"Why...?" Jess asks suspiciously, with one eyebrow cocked and a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

Sian genuinely looks offended for a second.

"Why... what? Can't I buy my friends a coffee and a toasty once in a while?" She says, putting her bag filled hands on her hips.

"And a toasty?" I question.

"Yes... and a toasty. And anyway, I just got paid... Now, come on!" She pushes us through the door.

We all get inside, pick out what toasties we want and join the queue. The shop is typical coffee shop style, with wood as far as the eyes can see and the smell of coffee flowing through the air. All around, people sit and catch up while slowly sipping away on their mug of coffee. It's absolutely cosy... and absolutely packed.

"Shit, it's busy in here." Jess mutters.

"Well I suppose it will be if it's new..." I say. "Can I go downstairs and grab a seat before they all go?"

"Yeah, that's probably a good shout. What drink do you want?" Sian responds.

"Just a small Americano please, Baby Cakes." I mock as I take the bags from the girls.

"Try and get us the table in corner, Dan!" Jess shouts after me as I weave my way through the tables.

I get downstairs and find it's basically deserted.

I sit down at the table and get my phone out my pocket. I waste away minutes by checking my Twitter - enjoying the silence that there is to be found down here. I suppose not many people know there actually is a downstairs to this place.

After a few minutes, my friends come down the stairs and reach the table.

"Dan, you're never gonna guess who works here." Jess says, sliding my coffee over to me.

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